4 Ways to Get Rid of the Habit of Mumbling

4 Ways to Get Rid of the Habit of Mumbling
4 Ways to Get Rid of the Habit of Mumbling

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Muttering is a bad communication habit and sadly, many people still have it. When muttering, one will speak in a very low voice and very faint articulation; as a result, they are often asked to repeat what they are talking to. You have a similar habit? Chances are, you already know how to speak without mumbling (for example, when you have to talk to someone who is very old or has a hearing loss). The problem is, can you train your subconscious to keep doing it even if you're talking to people who don't have hearing problems? Follow the steps below to find the answer!


Method 1 of 4: Correcting Posture

Stop Mumbling and Speak Clearly Step 1
Stop Mumbling and Speak Clearly Step 1

Step 1. Stand up straight

Even if you are not feeling nervous, good posture can improve your confidence, you know! In addition, good posture is also able to open the way for oxygen into your body; as a result, your breathing will strengthen and your speaking skills will improve significantly.

Sit up straight and choose a comfortable position; pull your stomach in and straighten your spine

Method 2 of 4: Resolving the Cause of Muttering

Stop Mumbling and Speak Clearly Step 2
Stop Mumbling and Speak Clearly Step 2

Step 1. Try not to be nervous

Generally, people speak at a very fast tempo because they feel nervous or lack confidence. Try not to be nervous and always speak calmly; surely, the tempo of your speech will slow down by itself.

Stop Mumbling and Speak Clearly Step 3
Stop Mumbling and Speak Clearly Step 3

Step 2. Don't be afraid to be wrong

Remember, everyone must have said something wrong; the only thing to do after that is to fix it. Some people have the ability to correct words without appearing nervous or guilty; don't worry, you can learn that skill easily!

Method 3 of 4: Improving Articulation Clarity

Stop Mumbling and Speak Clearly Step 4
Stop Mumbling and Speak Clearly Step 4

Step 1. Listen to how other people talk

Listen to people who are good at communicating like radio announcers or news presenters. Observe the way they articulate words, the speed at which they speak, etc.

Stop Mumbling and Speak Clearly Step 5
Stop Mumbling and Speak Clearly Step 5

Step 2. Practice

Record your training process and listen to the results regularly. Take this opportunity to understand any communication problems you have.

  • Learn to pronounce words correctly and not in a hurry. If you mumble again, repeat the process from the beginning.
  • Practice pronouncing vowels with your mouth wide open.

Step 3. Every day, practice reading aloud for at least 10 minutes

Stop Mumbling and Speak Clearly Step 6
Stop Mumbling and Speak Clearly Step 6

Step 4. Record some of the sentences you say

Test your articulation by playing a tongue twister (pronouncing words that are difficult to pronounce quickly and correctly, for example 'my toenails are stiff'. Don't forget to record them to make it easier for you to evaluate any pronunciation and pronunciation problems you have. With lots of practice, problems are sure to come -the problem you can fix!

Method 4 of 4: Speak Clearly

Stop Mumbling and Speak Clearly Step 7
Stop Mumbling and Speak Clearly Step 7

Step 1. Open your mouth wide as you speak

Remember, the narrower your mouth is, the less sound will come out between your teeth and lips; as a result, your articulation will be even more vague.

Stop Mumbling and Speak Clearly Step 8
Stop Mumbling and Speak Clearly Step 8

Step 2. Articulate your words clearly

Make sure you don't let out air when you pronounce consonants like 't' and 'b'; make sure you are also able to distinguish the pronunciation of each vowel.

Stop Mumbling and Speak Clearly Step 9
Stop Mumbling and Speak Clearly Step 9

Step 3. Speak slowly

Talking too fast is a common symptom of nervousness or nervousness. Be careful, not everyone is able to understand spoken words very quickly!

Stop Mumbling and Speak Clearly Step 10
Stop Mumbling and Speak Clearly Step 10

Step 4. Increase your speaking volume

Try to speak a little louder! As you do so, you automatically need to exhale more air; As a result, your speech will likely slow down, making your articulation clearer.

Stop Mumbling and Speak Clearly Step 11
Stop Mumbling and Speak Clearly Step 11

Step 5. Speak in the right tone

If you ask, you should raise your voice slightly at the end of the sentence. If you're simply stating something, your tone should drop slightly at the end of the sentence. Also understand the words and syllables that need to be emphasized. As you practice, try to emphasize your tone by overemphasizing; Let's say you're reading a fairy tale to a child.

Stop Mumbling and Speak Clearly Step 12
Stop Mumbling and Speak Clearly Step 12

Step 6. Maximize the performance of your diaphragm

Use your abdominal muscles to support your breath as you speak. With this method, your articulation will remain clear even when your volume is turned up. Place your palms on your stomach (below your ribs) and feel your stomach muscles moving as you speak.

Stop Mumbling and Speak Clearly Step 13
Stop Mumbling and Speak Clearly Step 13

Step 7. Sing

No need to search for listeners! Sing when you're showering or driving alone; practice your voice and get used to it. By doing so, you will also practice how to manage air, articulation, breath, and the arrangement of words that come out of your mouth.

Stop Mumbling and Speak Clearly Step 14
Stop Mumbling and Speak Clearly Step 14

Step 8. Speak out loud

Don't just scream beyond the normal range of your voice and make your throat hurt. Speak in a normal voice, but try turning up the volume. To practice this, try being a supporter at sporting events or chatting to loud music. You can also practice in the room while closing the door tightly. Be aware of how you control the air that comes out when you speak aloud.


  • Believe in yourself. Trust me, your pronunciation will sound clearer if you believe in every word you say.
  • Observe your speech process. At all times, listen to the words that come out of your mouth and be aware of the way you speak.
  • Before speaking, calm down and build your confidence. Someone who is nervous or overly excited tends to speak at a very fast tempo that is difficult for the listener to understand. Calm yourself, speak at a slow pace, and always think about what you are going to say next.
  • If you're feeling nervous or unsure, view attempts to speak clearly as a sign of respect for the person you're talking to.
  • Try reading a sentence and asking a close friend or relative to listen to you. After that, ask them to provide relevant criticism and suggestions.
  • Try to speak louder than the other person.
  • Identify words that are difficult for you to pronounce, then pronounce them at a loud volume and clear intonation. Repeat the process until you are able to pronounce it at a normal tempo and volume of speech.
  • Think before you speak.
