As an early teen, you may not be able to take on a regular job like other older teens do. However, as an early teenager, you also need money. Once you reach your early teens, you can gain the independence to make money doing the work you want. Keep in mind that there are many things you can do to make money, while helping others at the same time.
Method 1 of 3: Making Money Doing Homework

Step 1. Set a goal to get the things you want or need to buy (by saving)
When you want to make money, it would be wise to consider how you will use the money.
- Write down your goals. What would you like to buy with the money made? There are tons of possibilities for you, from a video game console or a new outfit.
- When you ask your parents for pocket money and tell them why you need their help, you can explain that you're trying to save up for something special. Also, try to explain that earning an allowance can be a great way to learn to be responsible and build good work habits.

Step 2. Ask for allowance from parents
Find out if your parents want to pay you an allowance if you want to do certain household chores each week.
- Before asking your parents to give you an allowance for every homework you complete, try making a proposal. Make a schedule for each week. Write down the jobs you would like to do (and deserve to be “paid for”). After that, you and your parents can negotiate the allowance given as your payment.
- Make sure your parents agree to pay you after you complete certain tasks. If your parents want you to just help out, try finding other jobs that go beyond the standard of housework. For example, you could offer to clean the basement (or attic), tidy up the yard, and so on.

Step 3. Talk about salaries for larger or seasonal homework assignments
Some jobs outside the home take up a lot of time that your parents don't have. Therefore, try to offer yourself to complete these tasks as a way to make money.
- If you can do this, offer to mow the lawn, rake the leaves, shovel the muddy soil (or snow if you live in a four-season country), or weed the garden. If you're used to doing this work in the neighborhood, explain to your parents that you want to expand your customer base, and that you'll think of your own home as any other customer's home. If you want to start a yard/garden cleaning business, explain that the role of parents as first customers can be a good first step to demonstrate the quality of your work. After that, you can get more customers.
- For seasonal and occasional jobs, such as mowing the lawn or clearing the driveway from the snow (in a four-season country), talk about fixed costs with your parents.

Step 4. Raise your siblings
If you have a sibling, raising them can be an easy way to make money.
- Talk to your parents so that you are allowed to babysit and look after your younger siblings so they don't have to hire a babysitter. Explain that you understand your sibling well, are willing to take responsibility, and can take care of your home.
- You may need to offer babysitting services at a lower price than what you offer other customers. If your parents are still hesitant to let you babysit or look after your sibling, offering services at a lower price may help reassure them. However, some parents feel that they do not have to pay for their children to look after their younger siblings.
- You can also demonstrate your babysitting or babysitting skills elsewhere once you gain experience. Babysitting services can be a very lucrative job for early teens.
- If you are successful in expanding your business information and starting babysitting for other families, try starting your own babysitting business. Choose the right name and create a social media page so people can find out information about the services you provide.
- There are several websites that allow you to create an account and search for babysitting jobs. You can visit sites like or to create a profile and start looking for job vacancies.
Method 2 of 3: Getting a Neighbor's Job and Working for People You Know

Step 1. Go to the nearest convenience store and ask about the available part-time job vacancies
Usually, many job openings require you to reach a certain age in order to be able to work (eg 16 years). However, sometimes you can take a part-time job at places like convenience stores or hardware stores.
- Ask the convenience store manager to let you put the customer's groceries in the shopping bag. Do not ask for a large salary, but think wisely about the salary you are asking for. The amount of salary you can receive will depend on the decision and approval of the store manager regarding the proposed job you want.
- Another potential way to make money is to become a pool safety supervisor or park manager. Visit the swimming pool or park in your city and ask about the available positions or job openings and what is needed so that you can be hired.
- Swimming pool supervisors must undergo special training and be certified. Make sure you're following the right exercises, such as the exercises given by Red Cross. In addition, it's a good idea to find out if a swimming pool or beach resort in your city is opening a job vacancy as a safety supervisor before joining the training. Ask the trainer for tips on how to get a job as a safety supervisor.
- You can also contact the city park to find out if there are job vacancies that you can try. Sometimes, the available vacancies include a weekly children's event committee position, or a sporting event committee. In certain seasons or times, you may need to keep an eye on special occasions (eg overseeing an ice skating rink in winter, if you live in a country with four seasons).
- If your parents run their own business, find out if you can work part-time at their business. If you don't have much experience, or are still too young, it will be easier to do than looking for another job.

Step 2. Offer to look after friends and neighbors' homes
If your friend or neighbor is planning to go on vacation, offer to look after their house.
- Offer to water their plants. Make sure the house is safe and that everything is working properly, like the water pipes are not clogged or the lights are on according to the activated timer.
- Ask your sister to give you a “salary” if you want to do her laundry or tidy up her room.

Step 3. Take care of your friend's or neighbor's pets
Offer to take care of the pets of people you know so that they don't have to be put in a pet care center and pay a (which can be expensive) care fees.
- Try setting a fee of 50 thousand rupiah for one pet per day, depending on the type of animal you are keeping. Make sure you know the pets and their owners well. Make sure you take the job if you already know how to prevent accidents and what to do in an emergency situation.
- Trust yourself that you have the skills to look after pets before taking on the job. Don't forget to feed your pet, take him outdoors and take him for walks. Make sure your parents know the tasks assigned to you before you take the job.
- Instead of just looking after them, try bathing the pets you take care of.

Step 4. Offer to be a dog walker
If many of your neighbors have dogs, try providing a dog companion service.
Make sure you know your neighbors or customers first. Set a fee of 30-60 thousand rupiah, depending on the distance traveled and how often you have to accompany their dog

Step 5. Provide yard and garage entryway management services
Mowing the lawn, raking leaves, and shoveling snow from your yard or garage driveway (if you live in a country with the four seasons) can be fun ways to make some money.
- Since you are under 18, you need to get parental or guardian permission. Your parents may need to supervise you regarding the use of dangerous tools.
- Turn the services you provide into a business and advertise the services and name of the "company" page management service provider that you have. Post flyers containing service advertisements and contact information around where you live. You can also notify your neighbors in person and send flyers to their mailboxes.
- It would be better if you prepare your own equipment. However, there may be some customers who already provide equipment that you can use.
- Offer a price that matches the size of the page or entry point. Also consider the time it will take to mow the lawn and shovel snow until your job is done.
- For lawn mowing, set consistent work days and hours each week. For snow shoveling, be prepared to get the job done and finish it once it snows.

Step 6. Wash your neighbors' cars
Invite the children in your neighborhood to run a car wash business. Make a group and determine the right day to run the business. After that, advertise your business by pasting flyers around your neighborhood. Make sure you only wash cars belonging to neighbors you already know. Also, make sure an adult is supervising your work.
- Make sure you have the right equipment, such as sponges and car soap. Set a fee of 60-120 thousand rupiah, depending on the condition of the car.
- Be careful not to rub or spread mud or dirt on other parts of the car, or the dirt will scratch the car paint like liquid sandpaper. Spray water on mud or dirt using a hose, and rinse carefully.
- Try setting a service fee based on the size of the car. For example, you can set a washing fee of 60 thousand rupiah for a small car, 90 thousand rupiah for a medium-sized car, and 120 thousand rupiah for a large car.
- Ask for specific instructions regarding the special requirements required for certain cars.
- Rinse the car clean. Do not let the remaining soap or detergent dry on the paint.
Method 3 of 3: Making Money Selling Goods and Services

Step 1. Sell clothes and shoes that are not enough, but are still worth wearing
As a teenager or child, you experience fairly rapid physical growth. Therefore, there may be some of your clothes that no longer fit. Check your wardrobe and pick out the clothes you no longer wear (but still wear) to sell.
- You can take these clothes to a flea or thrift store. The shops will check your clothes and buy some of the things they want. Selling old clothes can be a great way to earn some extra cash. In addition, you can also earn money to buy new clothes.
- Make sure the clothes you want to sell have been washed and ironed. Also, make sure the shoes you want to sell are polished and don't look worn. You have a better chance of getting a good sale if your clothes look neat and wearable.
- Don't use all the money you earn or save. If you're selling used things or making new things to sell, don't use all the money you earn. The main goal is for you to stay committed to making money to buy or acquire certain items (or achieve certain goals). Instead of using all the money you earn, leave at least 10% of your income in savings. Don't use the money until you reach your goal.

Step 2. Hold a garage sale to sell clothes and other items
You can collect toys and clothes you no longer need and sell them, right in your front yard.
- Invite friends around your neighborhood to help you. The more friends who help, the more interesting your garage sale will be because there will be more items to see. Your friends may also have items to sell and want to help you.
- Post signs or flyers around your neighborhood to advertise your garage sale a few days in advance so people know about it early on. It's a good idea to hold an event like that at the beginning of the year. Usually, such events are quite popular at the beginning of the year because generally, people want to “throw away” things that have accumulated since last year (or several years ago).
- Before selling anything you feel is yours, make sure you get parental permission. You shouldn't sell clothes, toys, and other items without permission, especially if your parents bought them.

Step 3. Make crafts and artwork to sell
Learn how to create products that attract customers' attention. Products such as jewelry, homemade clothes, to furniture can provide great benefits.
- If you know how to make something that other people will like or use, you can start your own business and start selling your products. Before getting too immersed in the product manufacturing process, make a budget for the basic materials needed.
- Write down the price of each item needed for one product. After that, add up all the costs. The total cost you get is the amount you have to pay before creating the product and making money. When you sell a product, you need to sell it at a price higher than your capital (for one product).
- Try making jewelry. If you are interested in clothing and jewelry trends, you can make your own jewelry to sell on the internet. You can also sell them to friends or certain shops. There are several sites that allow you to buy basic jewelry components at wholesale prices. This means, you can buy goods in large quantities at a lower price than the retail price. After that, you can make and sell beautiful jewelry for a profit.
- Maybe you are a very talented artist. Try making art that can be sold. If you are confused about what to make, try to find out what people are asking for. Your friends may be willing to pay for a specific drawing or painting you made. Also, create a social media page that showcases your work and use that page to let people see your talent.

Step 4. Be a teacher of other children
If you always pay attention to your teacher in class and are very regular, you can help teach in a school or community for extra money.
- Your school may forbid you from helping teach to earn an income. Therefore, it's a good idea to know the restrictions set by the school in advance.
- Record the course material properly. When you're done, type your notes into your computer and print out multiple sheets. If you get permission as a teaching assistant to earn an income, you can use your notes to help others learn. You can even offer structured fees. This means that other people have to pay more to get longer study sessions and more learning resources.

Step 5. Set up a lemonade stand in your neighborhood
Lemonade stands are quite popular in summer or hot weather, and can be a fun way to make some extra cash. Invite your friends to make lemonade and sell it in your neighborhood.
- Make the booth more interesting by providing several types of drinks, as well as other snacks such as cookies, brownies, and cupcakes.
- Place the booth in an area with less intense business competition. However, make sure you place your booth in a fairly busy and visible area. Street corners can be a great place.
- Make the booth look unique and attractive. Get creative and build a classic style booth. Decorate the booth with ribbons and banners named the lemonade stand “company” you run.
- Record the money spent to buy basic materials and set the appropriate price so that you can get a profit. However, do not set a price that is too high. Of course you will not benefit if no one wants to buy your product.
- Prepare a product menu. Think of your booth as your own business. You can use a chalkboard (or sandwich board) as an attractive menu board so people passing by in front of your booth will know what you are selling.
- Make a flyer or sign and ask a few friends to walk around the house and stand at the end of the street to advertise your booth. Also, ask a few people to prepare more lemonade and snacks so you always have enough stock to sell.
- You can also sell art or homemade jewelry at the booth.

Step 6. Offer to edit someone else's photo
If you are proficient in photography and graphic design, you can offer your services to people who want to be photographed (or who want to edit their photos).
- Take and edit photos of used items for sale on the internet. Offer to scan physical photos and turn them into digital copies. You can also offer your services for events such as parties, dance events, and even photo classes.
- Some websites like allow you to upload your talents on the internet so others can pay for your services. Talents such as photo editing, coding, and social media support are quite popular. Make sure you are allowed to sell your talent and your parents know about it too.

Step 7. Invest the money you earn to run another business
See yourself as a business. You need to use some of your money to get new and better equipment.
- Use your money to develop certain skills, such as singing, by taking vocal classes, or certain musical instrument classes. If you know how to sing, play music, or even compose music and host shows, offer your services for parties. The more you learn about your talents and skills, of course you can become a better person. The better your skills, the higher the price you can charge.
- You can also teach your friends your skills. For example, if you are good at playing the guitar, you can give guitar classes to your friends at a low price.

Step 8. Make instructional videos on YouTube or Facebook
Try making videos on how to make something you're good at. If you have a skill or hobby, you can combine aspects of the video to get more views. For example, if you've been selling homemade jewelry, you can upload a tutorial video on making your own jewelry at home.
- Keep in mind that making videos is usually not a quick/direct way to make money. If you get a lot of followers, you can insert an ad before the video starts. Such ad insertion can sometimes make money. Basically, the videos that you make should be able to highlight you and show your talent and product, not be a way to make a lot of money.
- Your videos can cover a variety of topics, such as hair and make-up, furniture fitting, or jewelry making and other crafts. You can also make videos showing your products or works.
- For example, you could create a funny and informative video ad about your dog companion business. Or, you can make videos that explain how easy it is to accompany a dog. You may be proficient in, for example, installing Ikea furniture. If so, you can make a simple video tutorial for children and parents on how to easily install furniture.
- Make sure the video you upload looks interesting, and appear as professional as possible in the video. Your videos need to be about something you know well so you can give people good information and sound like an “expert” in your field.
If you live in an apartment environment, there are usually small celebratory parties. You can set up a lemonade or food stand at a lower price than other vendors. This way, people will come to buy your product.
- People may want to buy the same item at a lower price from another seller. This is known as the “law of supply and demand”. Don't charge too high a price if the demand for your product or service is low, and don't sell your product or service at too low a price so you can still make a profit.
- Make sure you can make a profit when selling something. For example, you have to spend 50 thousand rupiah as capital for 25 products. To cover the cost of capital, your product must be sold for (minimum) two thousand rupiah (2,000 x 25 = 50,000). However, at this price, you can only cover the capital. Therefore, you need to set a higher selling price to make money.
- Ask your parents if you can earn money washing, folding and sorting clothes. Separate dark and light colored clothes before washing, ironing dry clothes, and so on.
- Rent your games or clothes to friends. You can also do other things that attract other people's attention. Make sure you trust the tenant so that your items can be returned.
- Go to the golf course and ask if there are any job vacancies as a golf guide.
- Make sure you always get parental/guardian permission if you are going to visit a stranger's house.
- Find out what things you are good at. After that, you can teach others how to do it or sell the products you make. For example, you can teach how to play the flute or how to sell homemade faucets.
- If your pet or child is injured while you are caring for it, your parents will likely be responsible for paying for the medical expenses. You may also get a long term sentence. Therefore, you can offer to work as a pet sitter to gain more experience. You can also take a babysitting certification class so you can feel calmer and take appropriate action in case of an emergency.
- Check with your parents before accepting a job from a stranger they don't know.
- Make sure the food sold is not expired.
- Don't let people you don't trust borrow your money or valuables.
- Don't waste money on silly, weird, or adorable things that you don't (actually) need.