3 Ways to Know the Early Signs of Pregnancy

3 Ways to Know the Early Signs of Pregnancy
3 Ways to Know the Early Signs of Pregnancy

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In the first two weeks of pregnancy, it is difficult for you to know whether you are pregnant or not because the signs are almost invisible. However, if you experience unusual changes, you may be pregnant. Some changes, such as changes in appetite, could signal that you are pregnant. You may also experience physical changes such as feeling aches, nausea, and pain. If you suspect that you are pregnant, take a pregnancy test and see a doctor.


Method 1 of 3: Observing Mood and Energy Changes

Know the Earliest Pregnancy Signs Step 1
Know the Earliest Pregnancy Signs Step 1

Step 1. Pay attention to your overall energy level

The most common early sign of pregnancy is fatigue. Even if it doesn't change your bedtime or daily routine, you can feel tired throughout the day. Unexplained fatigue can be an early sign of pregnancy.

Know the Earliest Pregnancy Signs Step 2
Know the Earliest Pregnancy Signs Step 2

Step 2. Notice if your appetite changes

Maybe you won't crave something right away. However, early in pregnancy you may feel aversion to certain foods. Maybe you've become displeased with the smell of a drink or food that you normally like or don't like.

For example, you might wake up one morning and feel nauseous when you inhale the aroma of the coffee you usually drink in the morning

Know the Earliest Pregnancy Signs Step 3
Know the Earliest Pregnancy Signs Step 3

Step 3. Observe yourself for mood swings

Pregnancy hormones can make mood swings quickly. You may feel more irritable, frustrated, or very emotional. Maybe you cry easily when you watch sad commercials or television shows.

These mood swings may be similar to the symptoms you experienced before your period

Method 2 of 3: Noticing Physical Changes

Know the Earliest Pregnancy Signs Step 4
Know the Earliest Pregnancy Signs Step 4

Step 1. Record your menstrual cycle

An absent period is usually an early sign of pregnancy. Keep track of your menstrual cycle to find out when your period is about to arrive. If you don't have your period when it's time, this could be an early sign of pregnancy.

Know the Earliest Pregnancy Signs Step 5
Know the Earliest Pregnancy Signs Step 5

Step 2. Watch for unusual feelings of nausea

About a quarter of pregnant women experience nausea as an early sign of pregnancy. Your stomach can hurt at certain times of the day. A strange smell can immediately trigger feelings of nausea and pain.

Know the Earliest Pregnancy Signs Step 6
Know the Earliest Pregnancy Signs Step 6

Step 3. Watch for unusual bleeding or spotting

Implantation bleeding sometimes occurs shortly after you test positive for pregnancy. This may be due to the attachment of the sperm to the egg. Some women may mistake it for light menstruation. This could be a sign of pregnancy if you are also experiencing other symptoms.

  • Implantation bleeding, or spotting, occurs in much lesser amounts than a regular period. This bleeding may only be noticed when you wipe it off.
  • The color is also not the same as regular menstruation. The blood that comes out has a lighter pink and brown color than menstrual blood.
Know the Earliest Pregnancy Signs Step 7
Know the Earliest Pregnancy Signs Step 7

Step 4. Evaluate if you have any unusual aches and pains

Pregnancy can cause physical discomfort. Usually, this discomfort takes the form of mild cramping in the uterus, as well as aches and pains in the breasts.

As with most pregnancy symptoms, the pain is often similar to the pain you experience right before your period

Know the Earliest Pregnancy Signs Step 8
Know the Earliest Pregnancy Signs Step 8

Step 5. Observe if your urination habits change

When pregnant, the kidneys will produce more fluid due to increased blood levels in the body. Many women urinate frequently during pregnancy. If you are urinating more frequently, this may be an early sign of pregnancy.

Decrease Your Breast Cancer Risk Step 11
Decrease Your Breast Cancer Risk Step 11

Step 6. Watch for tenderness in the breast

Breast tissue is very sensitive to the body's hormones. So, the breasts will show early signs of pregnancy. Your breasts may feel a little sore and swollen from 2 weeks after conception. In addition, your breasts will feel a little sore and tingling.

Your breasts may also feel full and heavy

Method 3 of 3: Performing a Medical Examination

Know the Earliest Pregnancy Signs Step 9
Know the Earliest Pregnancy Signs Step 9

Step 1. Take a pregnancy test yourself at home

If you suspect that you are pregnant, buy a pregnancy test kit at a drug store. Follow the directions on the package and take a home pregnancy test. To do a pregnancy test yourself, you will usually have to urinate on the test wand provided or collect the urine in a container and dip the test wand in it.

  • Most pregnancy tests can be done a few days after your period doesn't come. However, there are some pregnancy tests that can detect pregnancy earlier. Read the instructions on the packaging for instructions on how to properly take a pregnancy test.
  • A pregnancy test will give more accurate results if it is done after your period has not come. If you suspect that you are pregnant, but it's not too late for your period, you should go to the doctor instead of doing a self-test at home.
Know the Earliest Pregnancy Signs Step 10
Know the Earliest Pregnancy Signs Step 10

Step 2. Go to the obstetrician

If you suspect that you are pregnant, or if you test positive for pregnancy, see a doctor.

  • During your first visit, you will be asked to undergo several tests to confirm your pregnancy. Your doctor may ask you to have a urine or blood test.
  • The doctor will also ask about your medical history, previous pregnancies, general daily lifestyle, and medications you are currently taking.
  • The doctor will perform a basic physical examination to make sure that you are in good health.
Know the Earliest Pregnancy Signs Step 11
Know the Earliest Pregnancy Signs Step 11

Step 3. Seek support

Pregnancy can be an emotional experience. If you are feeling stressed while waiting for test results, talk to a friend, family member, or other parent about the emotions you are feeling. You can also consult a therapist if you have one.


Early pregnancy symptoms are similar to premenstrual symptoms. You should begin to recognize your own body's rhythm by observing and recording it for several months
