How to Lengthen Your Tongue: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Lengthen Your Tongue: 8 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Lengthen Your Tongue: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

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The average human tongue has a length of about 10 cm with thousands of taste buds that can perform various important functions related to speech and eating activities. Unfortunately, certain conditions, such as a tongue tie, can adversely affect the length of the tongue and its range of motion. Regardless of your medical condition or aesthetic preference, there are surgery and exercise options to help you achieve a longer tongue.


Method 1 of 2: Choosing a Surgical Procedure

Get a Longer Tongue Step 4
Get a Longer Tongue Step 4

Step 1. Decide if surgery is the best option

A short tongue string condition, or ankyloglossia, is a disorder that limits tongue movement and makes it difficult for the sufferer to stick the tongue out of the mouth. In this condition, the tongue band that connects the tip of the tongue to the floor of the mouth (the frenulum of the tongue) is very short, resulting in oral complications. A surgical procedure may be considered if you or your child has limited tongue movement caused by ankyloglossia.

  • Ankyloglossia doesn't just affect speech. Individuals with the condition may also experience problems with oral hygiene, dental health, eating, digestion, and sexual function.
  • Short tongue cord disease can be caused by environmental or genetic factors.
  • Short tongue strap surgery can be performed on children, infants, or adults.
  • Ankyloglossia can adversely affect the baby's ability to suckle.
  • Surgery is generally the best option if your child has ankyloglossia. In most cases, the frenulum of the tongue will not stretch or break on its own.
Get a Longer Tongue Step 5
Get a Longer Tongue Step 5

Step 2. Have a tongue frenectomy

Tongue frenectomy is the most common procedure performed when the condition of the frenulum restricts tongue movement. The procedure is relatively simple, in that the oral surgeon will use sterilized scissors to completely remove the frenulum of the tongue.

  • Tongue frenectomy does not take long. Usually this operation is performed for 10-15 minutes under local anesthesia.
  • The frenulum of the tongue does not contain many blood vessels so it does not cause much discomfort.
Get a Longer Tongue Step 3
Get a Longer Tongue Step 3

Step 3. Have tongue frenuloplasty surgery

Tongue frenuloplasty is performed if the frenulum of the tongue is too thick, or if other repairs are needed after the frenectomy procedure. Tongue frenuloplasty is a more detailed surgical procedure and aims to change the frenulum without completely removing it.

  • The purpose of tongue frenuloplasty is the same as that of tongue frenectomy; both surgeries aim to increase the length and range of motion of the tongue.
  • Tongue frenuloplasty is performed under general anaesthesia. In this procedure the doctor uses surgical instruments and sutures the wounds that arise as a result of the surgery.
Get a Longer Tongue Step 7
Get a Longer Tongue Step 7

Step 4. Understand the potential postoperative complications

Postoperative complications associated with frenectomy and tongue frenuloplasty are usually not serious but can include infection, bleeding, and nerve damage. Because frenuloplasty of the tongue is more complicated, there are additional risks such as scarring and negative reactions to anesthesia.

Both surgeries can be performed with a scalpel or laser. Sutures are not required if the procedure carried out to treat ankyloglossia uses laser technology, besides the pain and bleeding caused postoperatively are generally not too severe

Get a Longer Tongue Step 8
Get a Longer Tongue Step 8

Step 5. Do tongue exercises

Postoperative tongue exercises should be performed to further increase the muscle development, length and range of motion of the tongue. The exercises in question include:

  • Stretch the tongue up to the nose and down to the chin. Repeat the movement three to four times.
  • Move the tongue back and forth across the outside of the upper lip.
  • Move the tongue between the right and left cheeks while the mouth is closed.
  • Stick out and insert the tongue several times.

Method 2 of 2: Practicing Yoga Kechari Mudra

Get a Longer Tongue Step 1
Get a Longer Tongue Step 1

Step 1. Understand the basics of Kechari Mudra yoga

Kechari Mudra is an advanced yoga practice. In this yoga practice, the tongue is used to strengthen the body and increase the level of consciousness. The goal of Kechari Mudra yoga is to increase the length of the tongue so that it can enter and stimulate certain parts of the nasal cavity.

With continuous practice, Kechari Mudra can also help the practitioner fight various ailments and lower the respiratory rate

Get a Longer Tongue Step 2
Get a Longer Tongue Step 2

Step 2. Start practicing Kechari Mudra yoga

While sitting in a comfortable position, roll your tongue so that it touches the roof of your mouth. Notice how far the tongue can reach. You may only be able to touch the front of the roof of the mouth on the first try.

  • Hold the tongue until it hurts, then rest in a normal position.
  • While continuing the practice of Kechari Mudra yoga, the tongue should be stretched and reach far up to the uvula.
  • Once you feel confident enough, you can practice Kechari Mudra while doing light activities.
Get a Longer Tongue Step 3
Get a Longer Tongue Step 3

Step 3. Seek the guidance of an experienced yogi (yoga instructor)

In the final stage of Kechari Mudra yoga, the tongue must be long enough to reach the uvula and reach the nasal cavity. This stage can be achieved successfully and more safely if you are guided by an experienced yogi.

  • Yoga instructors may recommend using butter or ghee (Indian butter) to draw in and lengthen the tongue. At this point, the tongue should be long enough to reach the center of the eyebrow.
  • Even with the guidance of an experienced instructor, it may take you months or years to master Kechari Mudra yoga.
