Whether it's your dream to learn to fly an airplane, or to write your next best-selling novel in America, there are certain ways you can definitely fulfill all of these desires. You have to narrow your focus, beat negative thoughts, keep your motivation high, and work towards it. Read step 1 to start fulfilling all your dreams!
Method 1 of 3: Prepare with the Most Basics

Step 1. Try new things
Maybe you don't know what your dreams are yourself, or maybe they're still vague and of little importance. It does not matter! Trying new things is a good way to find what you like. By trying new things, you can get to know people and ideas that will help you fulfill all your dreams.
- Do things you don't normally do. If you've always been used to sitting at home reading a book as a fun afternoon activity, try an occasional hike in the mountains, or take a cooking class during the day. The more things you try to do, the more you'll be able to find things that really interest you.
- You can get a good idea of a particular subject if you involve yourself as a volunteer in an organization you are passionate about. Volunteering is a good way to gain experience without expecting too much.

Step 2. Determine what is important
It can be hard to know how to achieve a dream if you're not at all sure what you want to achieve. Think carefully about what you love to do, what excites you, what excites you. This is when you can let your dreams remain unclear and non-specific. You can consider it like you're looking for inspiration.
- Think about what things make you feel satisfied. Is it by singing in front of a crowd? Is it saving whales? Is it by sharing knowledge or reading huge piles of books? Is it by researching regional music?
- Think about whether you feel happier when you are at work or at school? If there are no obstacles or chances of failure, what would you like to do?
- Give yourself a chance to consider these ideas. It's a good idea to try doing new things with other people and asking their opinion about what you might enjoy. You can also do it yourself so that you can fully experience new things and decide for yourself whether this new activity fits your idea of your dream.

Step 3. Narrow your focus
When you have a big idea and it doesn't seem clear what you want to do, this is when you need to narrow your focus so that you can truly achieve all of your dreams. The more specific you are, the easier it will be for you to set time limits and plans to achieve your dreams.
- Remember that you can fulfill your dreams in ways you may never have imagined. For example, if your dream is to play music, instead of playing at big events, you could present your music to teach children with special needs or play it to comfort people who are suffering from an incurable illness.
- You don't have to turn your dream into a job. You can do your dream as a side job (for example, join a volunteer in an environmental group.)
- Your dream might be to climb the highest mountain on every continent, or run a 12 km marathon. And you can always have more than one dream. Many people don't just have one dream, they try to fulfill many dreams.

Step 4. Do a search
Once you have an idea, or more than one idea, about what dream you want to achieve, it's time you can start looking for ways to achieve it. If you immediately try to achieve your dream without figuring out the best way to do it, you are likely to lose momentum and not succeed.
- Talk to someone who has already managed to achieve the same dream as what you want. For example, if you want to climb the highest mountain on every continent, you can read autobiographies or diaries of people who have climbed those mountains. You might even be able to reach out to some of them for tips on how you can do this successfully.
- Know what you have to do to achieve your dreams. If your dream is to run a 12 km marathon, you need to know what kind of training you need, and in how long it will take you to achieve it. If your dream is to become an archaeologist, you should know what are the requirements in this particular field, how long to study and what to study.
- Don't drop out if your plan seems like it will require a lot of hard work, and/or money. This doesn't mean that your dreams are unattainable and if you are desperate from the start, you will never be able to achieve them. Many people fail to achieve their plans because they are sabotaging themselves by worrying about money or time.

Step 5. Make a plan
Once you have an idea of what it will take to make your dreams come true, you need to come up with a specific plan and schedule that will allow you to do it according to plan. This does not mean that nothing can be changed. You'll need to stay flexible, but this plan will give you a good idea of what activities to do, money and time required.
- Make a to-do list, big and small: for example, if your plan is to become an archaeologist, your to-do list might include "writing a dissertation, studying Greek and Latin, completing undergraduate studies in History and Archeology, pursuing a master's program that well, got a professorship especially focused on life in the small towns of Rome, doing archaeological digs, doing excavations yourself, getting a job at a museum."
- Set a time limit. This time limit will consist of various plans big and small. Based on the examples above, small goals could mean writing important essays or writing your bio. Big plans could mean graduating with a bachelor's degree, or doing archaeological digs if that's what you really want to do or if you really want to be a historian or professor.
- There is always repetition, all things will change. You should always try to stay flexible. In the end you may end up expecting too short a time to achieve your particular dream, and along the way you may realize that you actually want to do something else. It does not matter! Plans are made to make you feel satisfied.
Method 2 of 3: Developing a Positive Perspective

Step 1. Eliminate negative views
Negative thinking is one of the biggest obstacles in achieving your plans. If you constantly think that you don't have what it takes, that your dreams are too hard to achieve, you won't be able to achieve them.
- If you have negative thoughts, admit them and let them go. For example, if you think "I won't be able to achieve my desire to publish a book by the age of thirty" acknowledge that thought and change it to "I will work hard to be able to publish a book by the age of thirty but if this doesn't happen, it doesn't mean anything." that I have failed."
- Don't compare yourself to other people and whether they are successful in realizing their dreams. There are always people who are closer to achieving their dreams than you. Respect the effort they put in and focus your attention on your efforts to fulfill your own dream.
- Stay away from people in your life who are trying to destroy your dreams. From a very young age children are taught that they cannot do this or that or the other. Just ignore these negative voices. For example: if you wanted to go into space as a kid, you certainly could. It's just hard work, but it's definitely possible if you're willing to work hard.

Step 2. Keep learning
The sharper you think, the easier it will be for you to overcome obstacles and achieve your dreams. Learning doesn't have to mean learning from books or studying at school. You can learn to cook, repair a car, or learn another language.
- You can search for free online classes in any subject, including languages. Programs such as the Open University provide free online classes in a variety of subjects including Medieval, mathematics and scientific studies.
- Many libraries, museums, and universities offer lectures on a wide variety of topics free of charge or small fees. Even if you don't know much about a particular field of study, or have never heard of it, try taking the course. You can find new desires or new dreams.
- The sharper and healthier you are to guard your brain, the greater will be your desire and mental ability to fulfill your dreams. People who are constantly learning tend to find it easier to find creative solutions to overcome obstacles that may arise in their journey.

Step 3. Learn from your mistakes
Instead of feeling like you've failed the moment you made a mistake, it's better to find out what went wrong. In the event of a "failure," this is an opportunity to figure out what to do next time. Mistakes are good teachers and you won't be able to avoid them during your journey.
- There's no need to rush to find out what you did wrong. Spontaneous responses to mistakes are usually shame and a desire to cover up or forget what happened. If you give yourself time to understand what went wrong, it will be easier for you to understand what you went wrong and see what's going on.
- For example: let's say you've worked really hard to become a book writer. You've written a book, edited it over and over, asked others to review it and give you feedback. Furthermore, after all the hard work you put in, the publisher refuses to publish your book. Look what you've done. Is the publisher doing the right thing? Is it a bad cover letter or synopsis? Are there any areas that need improvement in your script? Answer these questions with a clear mind so that you can make your manuscript and the materials that complement it better in the future.

Step 4. Work hard
Unfortunately a dream will not come true by itself. You have to work hard to achieve the things that are important to you. This means you have to practice, help others, make mistakes and learn from mistakes.
- Keep in mind that people who seem to suddenly get lucky usually have put in a lot of effort beforehand. They've built a network with people who can help them, they've practiced crafting many times, they've made mistakes and tried different things. You don't see it, because the only end result that other people can see is success.
- Don't regret the time you've spent trying to achieve your plan. But if you can no longer enjoy what you are doing (there will always be difficulties in achieving your dreams) it may be time to review your plans. Maybe you need to find another dream.

Step 5. Ask for help
No one can achieve what they want by doing it alone. There are always people who support their plans, or take them to soccer practice, or give them a round of applause from the sidelines. If you are trying to achieve what is important to you, ask for help.
- For example: if your manuscript is rejected, you may need to meet someone whose opinion you can trust and you know this person will be honest with you. Don't be afraid to ask them to go over your script and look for weak points. This will help you improve your writing.
- Ask someone you admire (whether you know them or not) to give you tips on how they got to where they are today. Many people who are close to achieving their dreams have good advice to share with those who are still working on it.
Method 3 of 3: Fulfilling Your Dreams

Step 1. Try to stay connected with other people
People who succeed in fulfilling their dreams usually have strong support. They are people who are willing to help you if you ask, people who encourage you, people who can be your guide, and so on. Without a relationship with other people, it will be increasingly difficult to get the opportunities that a community can provide.
- Networking is the best way to make things happen. This can help you get a job, publish a book, or find a new dream. Take advantage of the opportunity to meet people in your chosen field. For example, if there is a journalist convention in your city and you dream of becoming a journalist, make an effort to attend and talk to the people you meet at this event.
- See every interaction as an opportunity. You can't predict where your next connection will come from. Maybe from a girl you met on the plane, or maybe from your boss at work. Talk to other people, let them know what your interests are, and show yours by paying attention to who they really are and what they do.
- Build community. This means there is strong support for you from the group, which makes it easier for you if you run into obstacles while trying to fulfill your dreams. This means that while you're focused on your dreams, you're also focusing on making a profit and building connections with other people personally.

Step 2. Face the obstacles
No one tries to achieve their dreams without facing obstacles. There are many obstacles that may arise. Be prepared and stay flexible so you are ready for it.
- One of the obstacles to fulfilling your dreams is the desire to do everything perfectly. The desire to be a perfectionist will keep you from taking steps to fulfill your dreams. This is usually a pretext for procrastination. "I'll wait until I get a promotion…" "I'll wait until the kids grow up…" "I can't start until I really understand what I have to do…"
- Another obstacle is fear. You are afraid of failure, you are afraid of having to accept the fact that this is not what you want, you are afraid that other people will think that your dreams are stupid. Letting go of fear is the same as letting go of control. You can't control what other people think of you, you can't control how you feel in one year, you don't know what will happen in the future. If you notice that you are being overcome by this fear, direct your mind to the next activity, without thinking about things that will only burden you.
- Another obstacle that may arise is your inability to know what is going to happen. Ask yourself what should you do to overcome this obstacle? What will happen if you can't handle it? How did this obstacle arise? If there were no limits in overcoming these obstacles, what would you do? These questions can provide creative solutions in the face of obstacles.

Step 3. Be realistic
This doesn't mean you can be negative. Being negative and being realistic are two different things. Being negative means that you think you can't achieve your dreams. Being realistic means you understand that this endeavor takes time and you know there will be obstacles along the way.
- For example: instead of quitting your job and moving to Los Angeles to become an actor straight away, try taking an acting class or acting school to see if this is really what you want to do. Keep working and saving to keep you safe in case something goes wrong in the future.
- Being realistic doesn't mean that you can use obstacles or perfectionism as an excuse to procrastinate. This is the importance of setting goals. In the example above, the person is not saying "okay, if I had more money…" but he is setting a time limit "I will try to raise X amount of money and after I get it I will go to Los Angeles to look for opportunities in acting For now, I'll be taking acting classes and working at the theater nearby.

Step 4. Maintain motivation
Another problem that people face when they are trying to achieve their dreams is keeping themselves motivated. It is very easy to feel burdened and distracted. Sometimes maintaining motivation means sticking around when the going gets tough.
- Stay focused on small steps. Don't just look at the end goal, otherwise you will feel overwhelmed. For someone who in the above example is trying to become an archaeologist, there will be a lot of work and it will take time to complete. Instead of focusing on the ultimate goal (in ten years or so) focus on the next activity (an essay you need to complete, or graduate from college).
- Make a plan to stay motivated. You don't have to give in to planning when your motivation is low. You will always need a boost whether you are experiencing a setback or simply exhausted. Make a plan for now (take a break, remind yourself of the things you want to achieve, see what others have already achieved!)
- Determine if this is what you really want. Sometimes if you lose motivation for what you are doing, it may be because you no longer have the dreams you once had. There's nothing wrong with this! Maybe it's time for you to look for a new direction to fulfill your dreams.

Step 5. Take risks
You will not be able to fulfill your dreams by always making the safe choice. Every dream has a risk. You should try to do your best and hope for the best. By working hard, planning, and trying to stay flexible you can make your journey easier, and at the end of the day, you should know that you won't always succeed, but you must still have the will to keep trying.
Don't wait to start reaching for your dreams, even if you are starting a small dream. There is no such thing as a “lucky moment.” If you want to run a marathon, start training right away
- Always make sure what is your dream when you are trying to achieve it. Things are always changing, and people are changing too, so you should always make sure that you are working towards achieving what you really want.
- Remember that all your dreams are your own. Don't listen to what other people have to say about this, especially if what they say is disparaging to you. You definitely know what will make you happy.