Who said getting the woman of your dreams was as difficult as moving mountains? Basically, you just need to learn to put yourself in a good position and show that you're a man worth approaching. Want to know more detailed information? Read on for this article and don't be surprised if he's the one who will turn your back on you afterward!
Method 1 of 3: Finding Your Ideal Woman

Step 1. Instead, do not try to approach women who are busy working
Even though the waitress at the restaurant you visit is very beautiful, realize that approaching her while she is at work is not a wise move. After all, you can receive the wrong signal because basically, every waiter is required to be friendly to all his customers. To avoid any misunderstandings that might arise, it's best not to!

Step 2. Find your ideal woman in popular places like malls, gyms, coffee shops, and bookstores
If you choose to go to a place that matches your personality and interests, you will have at least two advantages. The first advantage, you will find women who have similar interests to you; the second advantage is that you are more likely to feel more comfortable conversing with strangers in a familiar environment.

Step 3. Be careful when you decide to look for your ideal woman in bars, the internet, and/or the office
Although these places seem like 'wetlands' to find a potential life partner, there are actually some things that you should be aware of.
- You can find all kinds of women at the bar; but generally, drinking alcohol is a person's self-protection mechanism (both male and female) against serious life problems such as losing a job, breaking up with a partner, or depression. Make sure you're always on the lookout for unhealthy drinking habits.
- In fact, the internet is a risky field to find the woman of your dreams, especially since a person's true personality will not be visible through his social media profiles.
- Even though the office is the perfect setting for interacting with the opposite sex, make sure you're always careful when building close relationships with coworkers. If one day your relationship deteriorates, chances are that your professional relationship will also deteriorate. As a result, the performance of both of you will be negatively affected.
Method 2 of 3: Approaching Your Ideal Woman

Step 1. Approach him indirectly
This way, you'll be able to engage him in the conversation without overtly showing your interest. Trust me, the opportunity to start a conversation will always be there if you are willing to pay more attention to your surroundings. If he looks like he's wearing a watch, you can ask him for the time. If you are both at the mall, you can ask him the location of a particular store. Since he doesn't have any expectations of your act of communication, you're more likely to be able to have a more relaxed conversation afterwards.

Step 2. Compliment him sincerely
Complimenting her hair, clothes, and shoes is the right move because in general, women spend a lot of time giving their best appearance. Trust me, she will really appreciate a man who is willing to appreciate her efforts to look good (especially a man who has caught her eye).
- Try complimenting how her skin makes her look shinier or how much you really like her hair color.
- Try complimenting the outfit she's wearing or how much you really like the combination of her shoes and outfit.
- Don't say or do anything to suggest that she is the most beautiful woman in her group of friends. Instead of taking it as a compliment, he would actually take it as an insult to his best friends.

Step 3. Be friendly to his friends
If the two of you are hanging out with their friends, don't keep talking to them or keeping them busy with your presence. Trust me, after that he will feel very guilty to his friends. As a result, he's more likely to leave you to go out with his friends! Therefore, make sure you are always friendly and polite to his friends, and always involve them in the ongoing conversation.
If you want to buy a drink for the woman of your dreams, make sure you also ask her friends, "You want to drink too, don't you?". Doing so will make him realize that you are a friendly, kind, and caring person

Step 4. Flirt with him
Flirting and/or seducing the woman of your dreams is not something you should only do while still in school, you know! Believe me, a tease with a hint of humor can make the conversation feel more relaxed and enjoyable. If he likes musicians you hate or supports a football club you don't like, there's nothing to stop you from teasing him a bit. The key is knowing when it's time to stop! If he doesn't laugh at your jokes, stop doing it.
For example, if he likes Kangen Band but you don't, try teasing him by saying, “Ah, I can have hair like Andika too. Do you want my bangs to be tilted left or right? How many meters long do you want?"

Step 5. Say that you are busy
When talking to him, tell him that you really want to ask him out but lately you've been getting bogged down by being busy. Believe it or not, men who seem hard to find are actually easier to attract women's attention. Show him that he also needs to put in the effort to win your heart!

Step 6. Give him a healthy distance
No matter how good the communication between you two is, you still need to know when it's time to stop. Ask permission to go to the bathroom, or tell them that you need to visit a friend or relative's house who is nearby at the time. However, make sure you promise to come back as soon as possible so he doesn't feel left out. Show him that you are not dependent on him, and vice versa. Your actions will also give him time to find other things to do.

Step 7. Ask your friend to accompany you
If your ideal woman prefers to travel with her friends, there's nothing wrong with you doing the same. This way, your friend can keep her friends busy so you can focus more on approaching the woman of your dreams. Be careful, you also need to make a backup plan in case your ideal woman is asked to go elsewhere by her friends.
Be careful in choosing your "companion". Make sure you choose someone who is friendly, fun, and friendly
Method 3 of 3: Getting the Heart of Your Dream Woman

Step 1. Show your confidence
Remember, being confident is not the same as being arrogant; The best way to show confidence is through your body language. Trust me, your body language can say more than your words. Watch how you represent yourself in front of others!
- Speak clearly and stand up straight.
- Make eye contact when conversing with the woman you like.
- Smile.
- Be open and approachable. Don't always look busy with your phone or seem too indifferent to the things around you.

Step 2. Be a manly man
Open the door for her, pull out a chair when she's about to sit down, and always say please and thank you. The things above are basic ethics that you must understand and practice. Show that you have good qualities as a man! Surely he will view you as a positive and interesting person afterwards.

Step 3. Insert information about your strengths
If you're good at singing, rock climbing, or speaking multiple languages, try incorporating this information into your conversations with him; but make sure you don't do it too bluntly. The key is choosing the right time.
- Ask deeper questions about him. If you're looking for an opportunity to share your musical talents, try starting by asking her what kind of music she likes. After that, comment from a musician's perspective. For example, if he admits he likes a certain band, you could say that the guitarist for that group is really cool and inspired you to play guitar.
- A spoiled, demanding, or boastful attitude will really bring you down in his eyes; so make sure you don't. Don't go on and on about how much material or money you have or how many women have filled your life. Trust me, no one will be impressed by your actions.

Step 4. Be careful in taking the first step
Don't kiss him right away! You can always do that when you're in a closer relationship with him later.
- Look for opportunities to part her bangs or run your fingers through her hair. This action shows that you are a gentle and loving man.
- You can compliment how she looks that day, or how pretty her eyes are.
- You can always kiss him on the forehead. Besides being sweet and romantic, a kiss on the forehead also doesn't create a sensual impression.
- Touch him in less private places like hands or back.

Step 5. Tell him everything honestly
Trust me, telling lies will not bring anyone any benefit. Don't forget what you need to tell him either. If one day he raises a related topic (which he hears from other people, not from your own mouth), surely your self-worth will immediately drop in his eyes.

Step 6. Describe what you are really looking for
Tell him if you are looking for a serious relationship. Also say if you still want to play around and are not ready to commit. Don't give him false hope! If you're really just looking for a date during the holidays, make sure he knows that too from the start. Don't be selfish and break his heart; make sure you are also prepared to be hurt and accept rejection.
- Make sure you always look approachable; smile to make your facial expression look more relaxed.
- Always listen to his words. Often times, men often forget the point of the conversation because they are too busy thinking about how to win the heart of the woman in front of him. Trust me, by being a good listener you are one step ahead of achieving that goal!
- Of course you can look at him; but make sure you don't do it all the time if you don't want to be seen as weird and horrible.
- Don't overdo it; don't show your interest openly if you don't want to end up embarrassing yourself.
- Be yourself.