If you are pregnant, you may be able to feel some of the symptoms in the early stages. However, not all women experience symptoms, and even if you do, it doesn't necessarily mean you're pregnant. If you suspect you are pregnant, the best course of action is to take a pregnancy test or see a doctor.
Method 1 of 3: Recognizing the Early Signs

Step 1. Think about the last time you made love
Women must have vaginal sex in order to get pregnant. Oral sex is not included. Also, think about whether you have sex with a patron. If you don't take birth control pills and don't use other forms of contraception (such as an IUD or condom), you are more likely to become pregnant than having protective sex.
A fertilized egg takes about six to ten days after sex to begin the implantation process. If you get to the implantation stage, it means you are officially pregnant. That's when the body releases hormones. If you're waiting for your next period, a pregnancy test is the most accurate way to find out

Step 2. Notice if your period is past
No period is one of the first signs of pregnancy. If you miss a week or more of the start of your period, you could be pregnant.
- If you're used to keeping track of your menstrual cycle, it's easy to know when your last period was. If you're not used to taking notes, try remembering when your last period was. If it's been more than a month, there's a good chance you're pregnant.
- However, this indicator is not a guarantee, especially if your periods are irregular.

Step 3. Watch for changes in the breasts
Although the new breasts will increase in size after a few months of pregnancy, the changes may be visible from the start. Hormones in a pregnant woman's body fluctuate, which can cause pain and swelling in the breasts. Once you get used to the hormonal changes, the discomfort will lessen.

Step 4. Feel if you are often tired
Pregnancy often makes women feel tired. Your body is carrying a new fetus and life, and you need energy to provide it with a home. However, in early pregnancy, this fatigue is caused by an increase in the hormone progesterone, which can cause drowsiness.

Step 5. Watch for problems in the stomach
Nausea is a common problem in women who are pregnant. This nausea is often called morning sickness because it tends to be felt in the morning, but can actually appear at any time. Usually, these symptoms begin two weeks after conception and subside after the first trimester.
- On average, about 70–80% of women experience nausea.
- Maybe you also don't like the strong smell or taste of certain foods, and at the same time have cravings for other foods.
- There is also a chance that you may experience digestive problems such as constipation.
- Many women claim to be more sensitive to smells, especially unpleasant odors such as foul smells, smoke, and body odor. This increased sensitivity may or may not cause nausea.

Step 6. Notice whether you are urinating more frequently
One of the early symptoms of pregnancy is an increased urge to go to the bathroom. Like many other pregnancy symptoms, these symptoms arise due to hormonal changes.
As the pregnancy progresses, the baby can put pressure on the bladder, making you more likely to need to urinate. However, in early pregnancy, more frequent urination is caused by hormonal changes

Step 7. See if there is any implantation bleeding
There are some women who bleed on the date that menstruation should start. You may notice bloodstains or brown spots on your underwear. It may last a few weeks, but is lighter than menstrual blood.

Step 8. Watch out for mood swings
Hormonal changes in pregnancy can affect mood. In effect, you can be incredibly happy one minute, and cry the next. Although not all women feel it in the early stages of pregnancy, the possibility exists. If you cry more easily or quickly get emotional to your partner, it could be an indicator that you are pregnant.

Step 9. Watch out for dizziness
Headaches can occur throughout pregnancy, including in the early stages. In the first weeks, the cause is the fact that your body creates new blood vessels (causing changes in blood pressure). However, dizziness can also be caused by low blood sugar.
Method 2 of 3: Running the Test

Step 1. Use a pregnancy test kit
Pregnancy tests are very accurate when used after the due date of your period. You can buy it at pharmacies, supermarkets, and drug stores. Usually, pregnancy tests are in the family planning products or women's hygiene section. There are some devices that are also accurate if used before your period, but the information is usually stated on the packaging.
- Do the test the morning after waking up because it will be more accurate. Follow the instructions on the package, but generally you should wet one end of the specified stick with urine. After that, place it on a flat surface.
- Wait about five minutes. Information on reading the results is usually on the packaging. There are test kits that indicate pregnancy with two lines, and some with one blue line.

Step 2. Decide whether you want to repeat the test if the first result is negative
Usually, a negative result means you are not pregnant. However, if the test is done too early (before your period date), the result can be negative even though you are actually pregnant. If you want to be sure, please do the test again.
Try again after the date you should have your period

Step 3. Confirm the positive result to the doctor
While modern pregnancy test kits are very accurate, you'll want to be 100% sure. Plus, if you're pregnant, you'll need to make plans, such as starting prenatal care. You can have a urine test at a midwife's office or an ultrasound at a gynecologist's clinic.
Even if your urine test is positive, your doctor may order a blood test to confirm that you are pregnant. Then, the doctor can also help you make further plans
Method 3 of 3: Taking the Next Step

Step 1. Evaluate the situation and your ability to raise children
If the pregnancy was unexpected, you should carefully plan your next steps. Think about whether your current condition is capable of raising children, both physically and financially. If not, what needs to be changed in your life in order to properly care for your child? Children are a big responsibility, physically, emotionally, and financially. No parent is perfect, but at least you can try to be as perfect as possible for your child.

Step 2. Discuss with your husband
Your relationship with your husband must be mature and stable enough to take on the responsibility of caring for and raising children. Involve the father-to-be, and discuss some adjustments and future plans together.
If for some reason the father is not present, discuss the pregnancy and your situation with the closest person, such as a parent or sibling, as a party who can provide input and consideration

Step 3. Begin prenatal care
Once you know you are pregnant, immediately start treatment for the health of the fetus. Basically, prenatal care is keeping the baby healthy through regular check-ups with the doctor. The doctor will check your health, including testing for sexually transmitted diseases and diabetes, as well as checking the health of the baby at your first visit. Your doctor will help you schedule checkups throughout your pregnancy.

Step 4. Know that there is a possibility of abortion if the fetus is not developing properly
This situation is sad, but sometimes it is unavoidable. When this happens, you must prepare physically and mentally to sincerely accept reality.
- Find a trusted doctor even if your own obstetrician can safely perform an abortion. Remember, abortion should only be performed in a medical emergency and endanger the life of the mother or fetus. Learn as much as you can, making sure you know all the risks and “benefits”.
- The two main types of abortion in the first trimester are medication and surgery. Don't be afraid of the word "surgery" as it generally doesn't involve any incisions. Usually, the doctor uses a thin tube or forceps to open the service, and then sucks in and pulls out.
- Drug abortion is done with the use of pills that trigger the abortion.

Step 5. Learn about adoption
If for some reason you feel like you can't raise a child on your own, another option to consider is putting them up for adoption. It's a tough decision, and also binding because there are signed documents. If this option is right for your situation, start reading as much information as possible, search the internet for information, talk to your closest friends, and consult with an attorney or adoption professional.
- Make sure dad approves. The father must give permission before the adoption is legal.
- Decide what type of adoption you want. You can work with a foundation or attorney to arrange adoption.
- Choose adoptive parents carefully. You may want a family that shares your faith, or you may want a family that is open to accepting you in the child's life. In addition, in some adoptions, the adoptive parents are willing to pay for prenatal care and other medical expenses.