In healthy women, the oviducts transport mature eggs, which come from the ovaries, to the uterus. In order to get pregnant, at least one oviduct must remain open. If there is a blockage, sperm and eggs cannot meet in the oviduct, where fertilization usually occurs. Oviduct obstruction is experienced by 40% of infertile women. Therefore, blockage of the oviduct must be detected and treated effectively.
Method 1 of 3: Overcome Oviduct Blockage

Step 1. Talk to your doctor about fertility drugs
If the blockage occurs in only one oviduct and there are no other health problems, the doctor may recommend fertility drugs, such as "Clomid", "Serophene", "Femera", "Follistim", "Gonal-F", "Bravelle", "Fertinex ", "Ovidrel", "Novarel", "Antagon", "Lupron", "Pergonal", etc. Fertility drugs trigger the pituitary gland to release follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) thereby increasing the chances of ovulation and pregnancy (via an unblocked oviduct).
- This method cannot be used if the blockage occurs in both oviducts. Blockages in both oviducts need to be treated with more aggressive methods.
- Common risks of taking fertility drugs include multiple pregnancy and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). OHSS occurs when the ovaries are filled with too much fluid.

Step 2. Talk to your doctor about laparoscopic surgery
If, according to your doctor, your condition needs to be treated with surgery, laparoscopic surgery may be recommended to remove scar tissue and blockages in the oviduct. However, laparoscopic surgery is not always successful, depending on the cause and severity of the oviduct obstruction and the age of the patient.
- If the blocked oviduct is relatively healthy, after surgery, there is a 20-40% chance of getting pregnant.
- Laparoscopic surgery is painless because it is performed under general anesthesia. The risks of laparoscopic surgery include bladder infections and skin irritation in the surgical area.
- Laparoscopic surgery cannot be used for hydrosalpinx type oviduct blockage (there is fluid accumulation in the oviduct). Talk to your doctor about other treatment methods.
- Laparoscopic surgery causes an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy. If the patient becomes pregnant after undergoing laparoscopic surgery, the doctor may monitor the progress of the pregnancy closely to watch for signs of an ectopic pregnancy.

Step 3. Talk to your doctor about salpingectomy surgery
In a salpingectomy surgery, the doctor removes part of the oviduct. This operation is performed to overcome the blockage of the oviduct of the hydrosalpinx type. This operation is usually performed before attempting in vitro fertilization.
Salpingostomy surgery is performed if the tip of the oviduct is blocked due to hydrosalpinx. In a salpingostomy surgery, the doctor makes an opening in the part of the oviduct that is close to the ovary. However, the oviducts can become blocked again due to scar tissue that forms after salpingostomy surgery. ref>

Step 4. Talk to your doctor about the selective oviduct cannulation procedure
If the blockage occurs in the part of the oviduct close to the uterus, your doctor may recommend a selective oviduct cannulation procedure. In this procedure, the blockage of the oviduct is removed with a cannula, which is inserted through the cervix, uterus, and up to the oviduct.
- This procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis and with or without general anesthesia as it is a minimally invasive procedure, unlike laparoscopic surgery.
- This procedure cannot be done if there are other conditions, such as genital tuberculosis, have had oviduct surgery, and scar tissue or severe damage to the oviducts.
- The risks of this procedure include tearing of the oviduct, peritonitis (infection of the tissue around the body's organs), and the oviduct no longer functioning.

Step 5. Talk to your doctor about in vitro fertilization
If the various methods above do not work or cannot be done to overcome the blockage of the oviduct that you are experiencing, pregnancy can be attempted in various other ways, one of which is in vitro fertilization (IVF). In the IVF procedure, the egg is fertilized by sperm outside the patient's body, then the resulting embryo is inserted into the patient's uterus. This method does not require the oviducts so blockage of the oviducts does not prevent a pregnancy created in this way.
- The success of the IVF procedure is influenced by various factors, such as the patient's age and cause of infertility. The IVF procedure takes a lot of time and money.
- The risks of IVF include ectopic pregnancy, multiple pregnancies, premature birth, low birth weight babies, OHSS, miscarriage, and stress due to emotional, mental, and financial burdens.
Method 2 of 3: Diagnosing Oviduct Blockage

Step 1. Oviduct obstruction may not cause any symptoms
Although some cases of certain types of oviduct blockage cause abdominal pain or increased vaginal discharge, most cases of oviduct blockage do not cause any symptoms and are usually only detected when the patient is trying to conceive.

Step 2. Consult a doctor if pregnancy does not occur after one year of trying
In the medical field, a person is said to be "infertile" if he does not become pregnant after having regular sexual intercourse and without contraception for at least one year. If you experience this condition, consult a GP or obstetrician as soon as possible.
- If you're over 35, don't wait until a year. Consult a doctor if pregnancy does not occur after six months of regular sexual intercourse and without contraception.
- "Infertility" is not the same as "sterility". In conditions of infertility, pregnancy can still occur, with or without medical help. Don't think it's impossible for you to get pregnant.

Step 3. Have a fertility check
Your doctor may recommend that you and your partner undergo a complete fertility check-up. Sperm samples from partners need to be examined to ensure normal sperm count and motility. You will need to undergo various tests to make sure your hormone levels and your body's ovulation process are normal. If the results of all tests are normal, the doctor may recommend an oviduct examination.

Step 4. Talk to your doctor about the sonohysterogram procedure
Your doctor may recommend a sonohysterogram procedure. In this procedure, the doctor uses ultrasound to detect a mass in the uterus. A mass in the uterus can sometimes cause the oviduct to become blocked.

Step 5. Perform the hysterosalpingogram procedure
In the hysterosalpingogram (HSG) procedure, the doctor injects a special dye into the oviduct, through the cervix. Next, X-ray examination is done to see if the oviduct is blocked or not.
- The hysterosalpingogram procedure is performed without anesthesia. A hysterosalpingogram causes only mild pain or cramping, which can be relieved by taking ibuprofen one hour before the procedure.
- The hysterosalpingogram procedure usually takes 15-30 minutes. The risks of this procedure include pelvic infection and cell or tissue damage from radiation exposure.
- If your doctor suspects an oviduct blockage, a hysterosalpingogram may be performed with an oil-based dye, as oil can sometimes remove the blockage in the oviduct.

Step 6. Talk to your doctor about the laparoscopic procedure
Depending on the results of the sonohysterogram and hysterosalpingogram, your doctor may recommend that you undergo a laparoscopic procedure. In this procedure, the doctor makes an incision near the belly button to detect and, in some cases, remove the tissue that is blocking the oviduct.
The laparoscopic procedure is generally recommended only after other infertility tests have been performed because it is a riskier procedure; Laparoscopy is performed under general anesthesia and therefore carries the same risks as major surgery

Step 7. Consult a doctor to confirm the diagnosis
The results of the various tests above can be used to determine whether a blockage occurs in one or both oviducts. Talk to your doctor about the severity of the oviduct blockage. Specific diagnosis is very important to determine the right treatment method.
Method 3 of 3: Studying the Causes of Oviduct Blockage

Step 1. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) can cause blockage of the oviducts
Knowing the cause of the blockage of the oviduct helps the doctor determine the appropriate treatment method. STIs are one of the most common causes of oviduct blockage. Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and other STIs can cause scar tissue to form, which can block the oviducts and prevent pregnancy. The scar tissue can remain, even after the STI has been treated until it heals completely.

Step 2. Learn why pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) can cause oviduct blockage
PID can be caused by STIs as well as cause blockage of the oviducts. Patients who have had or are currently experiencing PID are at increased risk of oviduct obstruction and infertility.

Step 3. Learn about the various risks that can occur from endometriosis
Endometriosis patients experience uterine tissue growth outside its normal location, for example attached to the ovaries, oviducts, or other organs of the body. In other words, endometriosis can cause blockage of the oviducts.

Step 4. Learn the risks a uterine infection can pose
If the patient has had a uterine infection, due to miscarriage or abortion, scar tissue may form and block one or both oviducts.
Although rare in the United States, pelvic tuberculosis can also cause oviduct obstruction

Step 5. Learn about the risks that an ectopic pregnancy can pose
An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg attaches to the wrong location, such as the oviduct. An ectopic pregnancy cannot grow normally. When an ectopic pregnancy ruptures or is removed, scar tissue can form and cause blockage of the oviduct.

Step 6. Certain previous surgeries can also cause oviduct blockage
Abdominal surgery, particularly surgery on the oviducts, increases the risk of oviduct blockage.
- Even if the oviduct blockage cannot be removed or pregnancy is impossible, there are other options. You can adopt or adopt a foster child if you want to be a mother.
- If the blockage occurs in only one oviduct, the patient can still get pregnant without any treatment methods. Causes of blockage of the oviducts as well as other health conditions of the reproductive organs affect whether certain treatment methods are needed or not. Consult a doctor.
- Infertility can cause severe stress. It's good that this mental condition is overcome. Talk to a therapist or join a support group if you feel overwhelmed. In addition, also apply a healthy lifestyle: eat nutritious food, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep.