We have met someone who made the atmosphere cheerful because of his pleasant personality and always happy. People like this seem to have a natural talent for making others smile. However, there are people who have a hard time getting other people to smile, such as introverts or simply because they don't know how to start. Read this article if you want to make other people feel happy because of your presence and smile!
Method 1 of 3: Showing a Good Attitude

Step 1. Make eye contact while smiling and being friendly
When someone is talking to you, make eye contact to show that you enjoy interacting with them. Eye contact is a way of establishing close relationships with other people and is an important aspect of impressing yourself.
Keep your phone and be fully aware of your whereabouts. Whether you're waiting for a drink order at the coffee shop, hanging out with your family on vacation, or traveling with friends, realize that you're with someone else

Step 2. Be what you are
You have to be honest and sincere in order for others to trust and like you. That way, they will respond to you with a happy smile.
Do things for the other person sincerely and empathically, rather than just as a way of manipulating them to like you. The ability to empathize shows that you have sincerity in your daily life

Step 3. Help others without being asked
Many people are reluctant to ask for help, but they expect others to understand their needs and provide assistance. Maybe you can help a neighbor who is moving house or has just given birth or anyone who needs help, without being asked.
- Try to find out what other people are in and anticipate their needs. If a friend is sick, give them attention by preparing meals for family members or taking their children to school. If an acquaintance of yours writes on Facebook about going to medical treatment, ask if you can bring him some food.
- Show concern for people you don't know and lend a helping hand if you see them having a hard time. For example, if you see a mother putting things in several shopping bags and her young child spills one of them, give some help by putting things back in the bag. If you see an elderly person accidentally dropping a letter, pick it up immediately to help him.

Step 4. Meet your neighbors
Only 4 out of 10 Americans know their neighbors! Visit the next door neighbor to the house with a souvenir after a vacation or just want to get acquainted and exchange cell phone numbers. Show that you want to be a good neighbor and are ready to help. Maybe one day you yourself need help!
In housing where there are many elderly residents, take the time to visit so that they are not lonely. Older people who are more at home tend to feel isolated and feel happy when someone visits them

Step 5. Take care of the plants
You can learn to care for other living things by caring for plants. Several studies have shown that caring for plants can increase your ability to empathize and be gentle, making you a likable companion.
Start planting fruit or vegetable trees so the produce can be sold or distributed to neighbors. Plant a variety of flowers so you can give them to a friend who is grieving. Depending on the local climate, you can grow tomatoes, papayas, and roses as they are easy to grow and easy to care for

Step 6. Give praise to others
Everyone can feel insecure and a genuine compliment will be a valuable support at no cost. Many people like to talk about themselves, so complimenting is a way to get closer and make them smile.
- Praise them for things they can control, such as the performance they showed in a race or for getting a good test score. Don't praise certain aspects that you can't control, such as your appearance or physical condition.
- Read the wikiHow “How to Compliment”, which explains how to sincerely compliment others.
Method 2 of 3: Liking Yourself

Step 1. Overcome your insecurities
Many people feel insecure because they focus on their negative traits or faults and forget the good they can do for others. Work on overcoming your insecurities and building self-confidence so you can share kindness and make others smile.
Learn different ways to build self-confidence, but you'll usually start by paying attention to the positives you have, not the negatives. Confidence makes you ready to meet the other person and ask if they need help or stand up for someone who is being bullied

Step 2. Smile
Smiling brings benefits to people who smile and is very contagious!
- Smile is a universal language because people with different cultures use a smile to express their feelings of happiness or joy. A study proved that people you don't know will smile back at you with a 50% chance.
- Smiling when you're feeling down can reduce stress and make you feel better, making your presence more enjoyable.

Step 3. Change your mindset
If you tend to be pessimistic, complain easily, criticize a lot, or compare yourself to others, try to improve the way you see yourself. A positive mindset will reduce stress and make you feel happy so your presence makes others feel happy too.
- Say positive things to yourself. Inner chats are thoughts that pop up throughout the day about yourself, your abilities, appearance, and other people's opinions about you that you assume yourself. Monitor inner chatter and follow the rule: don't tell yourself what you wouldn't say to a loved one.
- Do mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness meditation helps you overcome the disappointments of past experiences and worries about the future by focusing on what you are experiencing right now here. Mindfulness meditation is one way of meditating to improve your mindset and develop the ability to empathize with others so that you become a good friend.
Method 3 of 3: Knowing When You Should Retreat

Step 1. Know that other people's happiness is one's own choice
Making others smile is a good thing because you have shown kindness and concern for others. However, you can't force other people to smile or be happy. Everyone can choose whether he wants to feel happy or not.
- Experts say that a person can feel happy if he makes a conscious effort. This may seem difficult for people who are experiencing difficulties in life (such as poverty or illness), but everyone can choose to be happy.
- Outside influences (such as you) only help, unless he is trying to make himself happy.

Step 2. Remember that not everyone likes you
Maybe you want to be the funniest, kindest, most interesting, and smartest person in the world, so what happened to you? There are people who criticize or dislike you. It reflects who they are and their own negative attitude, rather than who you are.
There are many reasons why we cannot help others. Maybe you made him think of someone who hurt him. It's also possible that he's jealous or insecure and seeing you happy only makes him miserable. In fact, people who are emotionally hurt are not happy to see other people happy

Step 3. Remember that you did your best
You've used various ways to get the other person to smile, be nice, be polite, smile at him, compliment him, and try to be nice, but he's still frowning.
If you're doing your best to make people smile, you deserve to feel proud that you care about other people. You've done the best you can. Keep being a nice person, but remember that you can't force other people to solve their problems
- Make occasional eye contact when interacting with other people.
- Be kind to others.
- Get in the habit of standing or sitting up straight to show confidence, even if you lack confidence.
- Show a sense of humor.