There's always that one woman or man who makes everyone who they are. They suddenly come out and surprise everyone, always look perfect, overwhelm everyone, and make everyone jealous. Have you ever thought of being him? Now, you can!
Method 1 of 3: Mastering Your Social Life

Step 1. Socialize with everyone
Very few people can be friends with “everyone” – and if that one person could be you, all feet would want to be in your shoes. They'll want to know how you did it, how everyone liked you, and how you had the time to get to know everyone. So don't ignore other people just because they're "not cool"; You don't have to be friends, you just want everyone to know your name and like you.
It's easy to forget that everyone has their own challenges. We all look at other people and think, “Wow. It's so perfect!” even inside, he might cry. When you're always cheerful, funny, and friendly, you'll give that "perfect" impression almost effortlessly

Step 2. Take control of your appearance on Facebook, Instagram and other social media
There are many new stories about how “Facebook makes us sad” because we look at other people's lives and we “want it.” Take advantage of this! Upload photos of you having fun with friends, tweet funny comments, and talk about all the amazing things you do.
It's so easy to make your life look amazing on the internet, even if you spend the weekend on the couch with a bowl of cheese popcorn and your three cats. As long as you're a little picky and not overly cocky (OMG SEE MY PHOTOS AND TAYLOR SWIFT AHHHHHH!!!!!), people will want to know if you're absolutely perfect and will be pretty jealous

Step 3. Know the latest dramas
Which won't be difficult, because you know everyone. Knowing the latest will keep you looking energized, current and at the center of it all. Which is probably true! This will give you interesting things to talk about and the edges of each situation, too.
And in knowing drama, no big deal. Eliza just decided Jacob for John? Yes, you know. You know two weeks ago. But this is not something you say because you don't talk about other people's business. After all, what's the problem? Eliza changed boyfriends like panties

Step 4. Seduce
Blink, wave, smile, blow kisses and be confident. There is something attractive about someone confident enough to seduce. And if you flirt, you're likely positive and happy, too, making your audience smile, laugh, and feel good about themselves too. Then everyone will want to know why they can't get other people to do that, too!
This bold act may feel awkward at first, but once you get used to being noticed, the awkwardness will wear off. Make sure you make eye contact and are confident. No one wants to flirt with someone who "feels" unattractive

Step 5. Avoid too much gossip
A little is fun, but if you do it too often people will start to wonder if you are talking about them and will start to be wary of you instead of liking you. Anything negative should be avoided. Think Regina George from Mean Girls: she doesn't tell anyone that she gossips about them. She was the empress from the outside and “that's” why everyone wanted to be her. If he is bad, he will get hit by a bus faster.
Knowing all the latest dramas and gossiping are two different things. When you're gossiping and everyone knows you're gossiping, they won't tell you a few things. If you don't gossip, people will believe you, and will come to you with their own drama. That makes it easier for you

Step 6. Don't show it too much
It's easy to cross the line and be dismissive. If you enter the room, sit down, and pull out a diamond purse that's too small for your $50 bill, your two iPhones, and the personal helper you brought with you to sprinkle roses a step behind you, no one will envy you – they'll just hate you.. So normal!
Don't show off all the cool stuff you own and how cool you are. The fact that you have a diamond purse is so normal to you that you don't think twice about it. And the “fact” that your diamond wallet is so normal to you should be the reason others are jealous – not the diamond wallet itself

Step 7. Do not seek approval from others
You know the person in the group who wants everyone to like him so will do anything? The one who lost his identity by trying to please everyone but himself? They are never the kind of people to be envious of. To make people jealous of you, don't worry about it. Because if they're supposed to be jealous, why worry?
It doesn't matter whether they envy you or not display your imperfections. So if no one comments on your artistry or your perfect hair, don't think twice. After all, who would admit it?

Step 8. Don't expect to know if other people envy you
The last thing people around you will say is how jealous they are of you (yes or no). No one likes to be jealous and “everyone” hates to admit it. So if the whole room wants to be in your position, you may never know. You just have to believe!
And no, you shouldn't ask. It's very bad to assume that other people want to be you – asking questions will give the impression that you are arrogant and self-absorbed. Don't do it
Method 2 of 3: Prove Yourself

Step 1. Know all the trends – “or start a new trend
“There are so many imitators. Yes, you can browse fashion magazines and watch television shows, but you'll end up looking like everyone else trying to get into the cool crowd. You want to be a trendsetter, a leader. So go with your own style and create your own unique version of an existing style. People can't be you if you try to be someone else.
Most of us worry so much about fitting in that we are very surprised by different people. You don't have to wear plastic bags or dye your hair like a rainbow to be different – just add your own style to what you already have

Step 2. Make people jealous of your love life
Even if you don't have a boyfriend, that's okay! Being single and playing around can make people jealous too! So whether one guy is always texting you and will do anything for you or twelve guys trying to get your attention, give it a small hint. Your cell phone always ringing will be your number one clue! Which man, huh?
Be smart but clear about this. When someone asks what you were doing Thursday night, you met a guy. It was date night. You don't need to say that he bathes you in roses while he feeds you Belgian chocolate. People may be disgusted by your exaggeration

Step 3. Make others jealous of your wealth
Because sadly people are very easily jealous of this. Even if you don't have that much money, no one needs to know! Keep your items in good condition, follow trends, choose your clothes carefully, and stay up-to-date.
Wealth is something to be understood, not spoken about. Saying, "Oh my God, I have so much money that I don't know what to do!" ineffective. But getting your new Coach wallet out might just be enough

Step 4. Take a chance
Another thing that bothers many people is fear. We are afraid to open up, to be weak, and to do things we are not good at. But not you! You take chances and more often than not succeed. What's not to envy?
We're not talking about jumping off bridges. We're talking about going up to that cute guy and starting a conversation with him. Sign up for the school team and start a new sport. Enroll in a study abroad program. Run for class president. The thing most people would be uncomfortable doing, but would want to do in a perfect world – “you” world

Step 5. Have trustworthy friends
This is an important step: you don't have to be in a group, but to avoid a bad day at school, to build a network that can support you, make sure your best and most honest friends are there for you. You don't want friends who are interesting and popular – you want friends who you “really” like and “really” like.
Appreciate them and keep “them” secret. For you to have good friends, you have to be there when they need you, too. Never talk about their drama just to show that you "know it"

Step 6. Have a wide variety of interests
You will need to get to know more people, get involved with your school or community, and you will become a very interesting person. You'll stay busy, social, hone your skills, and have fun while doing it too. You will be able to talk about anything and for each story you will know someone who knows someone who knows someone involved. You will connect with many people and be talented. How do you do it?!
Expand yourself! Instead of playing basketball, soccer, and softball, do basketball, choir, and Italian. Spread yourself out on lots of different personalities. Be a person who plays sports, gets creative, helps communities, and builds robots in your spare time! You are like a machine

Step 7. High achiever
Be successful in everything you do. Have high scores, land leading roles in dramas, master your favorite sport, and be good at making new friends. This gives others more reason to envy you. What do you “cannot” do?
This is going to take some hard work, which you probably already know, right? Nobody said it was easy to make other people jealous! Just make sure you don't get too tired. It is better to do three things well than to do six things half well

Step 8. Cover all details
People who really like to catch your weakness, but this will not happen. Even the smallest details about you deserve envy. Think of small things, like having beautiful handwriting. Fragrant. Read the latest bestsellers. Wear accessories. Make delicious chocolate cake. The more people know about you, the more amazed they will be.
Of course, people may envy you from afar. They look at you and they see beautiful hair, beautiful clothes, and a carefree personality. But once they recognize you, you don't want it to go away, so you have to support them! It's the little things that make up
Method 3 of 3: Having Appearance

Step 1. Make sure your skin is flawless and flawless, Moisturize your skin with a daily moisturizer or body butter to soften your skin tone
Make sure your hands and nails are neat too, and your toes and nails are trimmed well. It doesn't matter if you're pale and freckled or dark, just radiate light.
Wash your face daily and drink 6-8 glasses of water every day for that natural glow. Drinking water is the best thing you can do for your hair, skin and nails

Step 2. Have good hygiene
Having poor hygiene is the quickest way to get others to ignore you. So every day, make sure your breath is as fresh as Prince Bel-Air by brushing your teeth, using dental floss and mouthwash, your body is like a flower meadow, and your hair smells good too. In other words, use deodorant and shampoo regularly. Your friends will appreciate it.
Unfortunately, we humans generally judge people by their appearance. So even if you're a perfect and accomplished goddess, you won't be the envy of others if you smell like a baby's ass. And you won't want to be around yourself either

Step 3. Take Care of Your Hair
You never know who you'll meet at the grocery store! Make sure your hair is clean and styled at all times. Experiment with figuring out how to handle a bad hair day (we all have it) and perfect a stylish pajama look. A woman who looks beautiful when she wakes up in the morning? Like that.
That way, stay natural. Don't look like you're going to prom wherever you go – it'll raise a few eyebrows and be a "no" for good reason. Keep your makeup natural and style your hair, but not like spending hours on end. You have lots to do and friends to meet

Step 4. Dress well and know your style
Don't care about what other people wear – go your own way. Be eccentric and yourself, while looking stylish and inspiring others. It doesn't matter if you are a summer dress type or a jeans and flannel shirt type, if you master the style, it will look attractive.
Finally, the clothes that look good on you are the ones you like (besides the dirty and wrinkled ones, of course!). Don't worry too much about the trends all your friends are following. If you like it, give it a try. If not, don't

Step 5. Walk with confidence
Picture a song in your head and walk to the beat of that song. Keep your head up as you walk, lean your shoulders back slightly, and keep your eyes fixed. People will notice you. You will appear confident and ready to take on the world. You will look unstoppable.
Remember to have good posture and remember to smile. You want an aura of confidence and positivity that everyone wants to emulate. You are so cool – what makes you “not” confident and positive?
- Be nice to everyone. No one will envy you if you are mean.
- Self-confident!
- Chew mint gum to keep your mouth fresh.
- Always be yourself. Authenticity can be enviable!
- Wear clothes that highlight your best features. Know your body and beautify it – don't try to wear clothes that fit other people.
- Have a characteristic. Whether it's the freckles on your cheeks, the streak in your hair, or a special accessory, make sure everyone knows it.
- Use a seductive and light fragrance.
- Give a small smile to the person you like or the person you want to be with.
- Being popular is optional, but it can help.
- Sometimes women will tease little things about you/joke about you if they feel you are stealing their attention. Pretend they're jealous, dismissive, and laugh. They are insignificant and small.
- Don't flaunt things you have that others may not, like the latest iPod, or even the latest eye makeup. Show yourself off, but don't overdo it and annoy others.
- Jealousy is harmful and can only benefit you if handled properly. If you feel like other people are getting VERY envious of you maybe it's time to cut yourself off a bit and try to be a friend instead of a magazine girl.
- Don't overdo the “I have it all” character, or you'll start to become the kind of person everyone hates, which will make you friendless.