Yoga Sahaja is one of the schools of yoga which means unification with oneself naturally. This style of yoga was created by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1970 with the aim of helping many people achieve self-realization through meditation. There are various techniques for doing meditation in Sahaja yoga that will bring about a profound change in human consciousness so that they are able to live life as more moral, aligned, integrated and balanced people. Many Sahaja yoga practitioners say that hundreds of thousands of people in more than 90 countries have been transformed so that their lives are more peaceful and happier.
Part 1 of 3: Learning the Basics of Sahaja Yoga

Step 1. Get to know yourself through self-realization
The foundation underlying the Sahaja yoga school is self-realization which can be attained by everyone through the awakening of the kundalini. After going through a few steps, you will transform into a more moral, aligned, integrated, and balanced person.
- When you reach self-realization, you can feel the divine power flowing through your body in the form of gusts of wind blowing on your palms and the top of your head.
- Sahaja yoga practitioners believe that the experience has been experienced by hundreds of thousands of people in more than 90 countries around the world.

Step 2. Know the meaning of subtle body
The subtle body is made up of the veins and chakras. Nadi which means channel serves to drain energy throughout the body. Chakra which means wheel is the center of energy in the body. There are 3 primary vertical energy channels and 7 major chakras. The subtle body can only be activated if the kundalini has awakened. The awakening of the kundalini will cleanse and balance the subtle body while opening and purifying the chakras.
- Each chakra has a different spiritual ability. Chakras are always present in our bodies and can never be removed, but chakra abilities cannot manifest themselves before the kundalini awakens.
- If the kundalini has risen and activated the chakra, as a physical being, you will automatically become more dynamic, creative, confident, and very humble.

Step 3. Know the spiritual abilities of each chakra
Chakra means wheel because it is formed from energy that rotates with a certain frequency like the planets in the solar system that rotate on their axis. The chakras located along the spine are in charge of directing and keeping the physical body systems working perfectly. Things that attract and disturb the chakras will affect the sensitivity and performance of the chakras. Self-realization will activate the central nervous system so that you are able to feel the seven chakras.
- Muladara or the first chakra helps you rediscover purity, sincerity, and intuitive wisdom.
- Swadistana or the second chakra functions to stimulate creative abilities.
- Manipura or the third chakra in the navel is in charge of giving a sense of satisfaction for the realization of success.
- Anahata or the fourth chakra is able to open your heart so that you have compassion for your family members, friends and all beings.
- Visudhi or the fifth chakra allows you to communicate well, have the right perspective, and deal with problems that trigger stress in a balanced way.
- Ajna or the sixth chakra gives you the ability to forgive so that your life is free from grudges or hatred and helps you find inner freedom and strength.
- Sahasrara or the seventh chakra gives you the opportunity to experience transformative connection so that you are able to understand more deeply what your life's true meaning and purpose is.

Step 4. Know the meaning of the pulse or channel
There are three main channels: first, the central channel in the middle (nadi sushumna) is also called the “middle way” because it runs along the spine to the top chakra; secondly, the left channel (nadi ida) which is also called the lunar channel is on the left side of the body in charge of providing energy to realize desires; third, the right channel (nadi pingala) which is also called the solar channel is on the right side of the body in charge of providing energy so that we are able to move mentally and physically.
- The central channel is in charge of coordinating the activities of the nervous system throughout the body. Self-realization that allows us to acknowledge and experience for ourselves the power of the subtle body can only occur after the kundalini awakens and the kundalini energy flows along the central channel until it exits through the crown chakra above the head.
- The left channel is in charge of making you feel happy, but it is often blocked, enveloped, or stained by emotional or physical suffering that has occurred in the past. The practice of Sahaja yoga is one way to remove these obstacles and bring back the happiness we once felt in childhood.
- The right channel is very easily blocked by ego or the desire for power and increased energy. If this happens, the left channel will become weak and we will perform actions that dominate or interfere with the lives of others. Sahaja Yoga can eliminate these negative things and restore balance between the channels and chakras.
Part 2 of 3: Doing Self-Realization Meditation

Step 1. Prepare to experience self-realization
Sahaja Yoga helps you build true awareness of the Divine energy within your physical body through proper meditation. This will naturally generate awareness that provides real benefits for your well-being without causing any side effects and requires no special practice, prayer or mantra. Sahaja Yoga is well known throughout the world because it has proven to be very beneficial for people's lives anywhere and anyone regardless of age, sexual orientation, profession, race, skin color, or creed.
- Find a quiet, distraction-free place where you can sit comfortably. Start meditating by placing your left palm in a closed position on your left thigh and your right palm in an open position on your right thigh.
- The right hand will be used to touch certain body parts on the left side.
- Move your hands while continuing to close your eyes to keep your attention focused "inward".
- You should take off your shoes because the universe will draw out all negative energy through the soles of your feet.

Step 2. Do self-realization meditation
The Divine power within us will be easily awakened when we do Sahaja yoga. When a person experiences this, he can feel energy vibrations in the palms or cool breezes in the palms and head. This vibration is believed to be a real Divine energy that can be seen in the film.
- Place your right palm on your chest and ask the kundalini in your body 3 times: "Source of Mercy, am I a spirit?"
- Place your right palm under your left rib and ask the kundalini 3 times: "The Source of Mercy, am I the master of myself?"
- Place the right palm on the left groin and ask the kundalini 6 times: "Source of Mercy, give me pure knowledge."
- Place your right palm under your left rib and ask the kundalini 10 times: "The Source of Mercy, am I the master of myself?"
- Place your right palm on your chest and say to the kundalini 12 times: "Source of Mercy, I am a pure spirit."
- Place your right palm between your neck and left shoulder while looking to your right and say to the kundalini 16 times: "The Source of Mercy, I am completely innocent."
- Holding your forehead with your palms, lower your head and say a few times: "The Source of Mercy, I forgive everyone including myself."
- Place your right palm on the back of your head and then look up and say: "Source of Mercy, forgive all my mistakes."
- Finally, open your right palm and press the top of your head. Slowly move your palms in a clockwise circle 7 times so that you feel your scalp moving in sync with the movement of your hands. Each of your hands forms a circle, say: “Source of Mercy, give me the opportunity to experience self-realization.”

Step 3. Meditate on the self-realization meditation you just did
After meditating, take time to reflect on all that you are experiencing by paying attention to your surroundings and how you feel. After that, you will feel more comfortable and your mind will be calmer.
- Right now, you are in the first stage of meditation which is called “mindless awareness” because you are fully aware without any thoughts popping up so you experience true, peaceful awareness.
- After reaching this stage, you can feel the sensation of a cool breeze blowing on your palms and the top of your head. This is the time for kundalini to purify all the chakras in the body.
- If you haven't felt a gust of wind, chances are you haven't forgiven everyone. Therefore, say a few times: “The Source of Mercy, I forgive everyone” and then observe if you can already feel the sensation of the wind blowing.
Part 3 of 3: Enjoying the Benefits of Yoga Only

Step 1. Find your true self
Chakra that has been purified allows you to improve your personality which is useful for life. Consistent practice of Sahaja yoga helps you focus on restoring certain chakras that need attention. In addition, you can find ways to develop certain qualities associated with each chakra.
- By continuing to practice, you will have the spiritual ability to become a wiser person with a higher awareness of the main virtues of life.
- Once you improve the conditions and abilities of all channels and chakras, many things in your daily life will improve, for example: better relationships, increased creativity and productivity, and improved ability to focus and make decisions.
- Controlling the sources of energy and the channels through which it flows throughout the body is a way of controlling negative thoughts and feelings, eliminating self-destructive emotions, and overcoming low self-esteem so that you are better able to cope with problems.

Step 2. Experience emotional well-being and self-development
The inner peace that is one of the results of practicing Sahaja yoga is needed to increase emotional resilience so that you are able to deal with current and future stress. Sahaja yoga practice also helps you to restore balance in your internal (spiritual) and external (physical) life, increase self-esteem in relationships and achieve success, restore negative feelings, and bring peace and happiness.
- Kundalini energy will continue to radiate in your daily life after you finish meditating. These are the benefits of meditation, yoga and self-realization.
- Sahaja Yoga helps you direct your attention and concentrate on the present so that you are more able to open yourself up and increase your curiosity to understand new things.
- You will find that the habit of analyzing your thoughts, feelings, and sensations to make the right decisions makes you more aware of yourself.
- Communication with others will also improve as you become more capable of being compassionate and empathetic to yourself and others. You will be more sensitive to the flow of energy around you, in your mind, and through the eyes of others.

Step 3. Enjoy the mental health benefits of Sahaja yoga
The results of several clinical and neurobiological studies prove that meditation will affect brain activity so that it produces chemical compounds that control attention, mood, and emotions in a positive way. Several studies have shown that Sahaja yoga can increase positive emotions, reduce negative emotions, increase emotional flexibility and problem-solving abilities, and maintain psychological stability.
- Sahaja Yoga is also able to improve cognitive abilities by increasing self-esteem, self-awareness, peace of mind, emotional intelligence, and the achievement of self-realization.
- In addition, the practice of Sahaja yoga helps you deal with anxiety, normalize blood pressure, control asthma, and cure depression.
- Sahaja yoga practitioners and several clinical studies have confirmed that the main benefit of practicing Sahaja yoga is stress relief. The awareness that arises when the mind is calm is believed to be a condition that plays an important role in increasing the ability to face difficulties, namely by reducing stress and increasing positive emotions.
- Sahaja Yoga can be used to get rid of addiction and overcome drug abuse by changing the old "fun-reward-motivation" mindset that has been formed by bad habits. This method will form a new positive habit.
- When you speak to “The Source of Mercy,” use a soft, but clear voice.
- Consult a doctor before and after doing Sahaja yoga. Try to find out if your doctor is able to detect any changes in your health condition.
- Take advantage of the practice of Sahaja yoga in your daily life. To anticipate work that triggers stress, prepare a mat and start doing Sahaja yoga so that your daily life is stress-free.
- There is very little we know about the human mind. While there is a correlation between relaxation and its health benefits, there is no proven cause-and-effect relationship. Sahaja Yoga can be used as a way of giving suggestions to yourself.
- Since the practice described in this article is not a religious practice, you must continue to live a spiritual life if you want to practice Sahaja yoga. Believing in the supernatural will open your horizons to the possibilities through the practice of Sahaja yoga.