Who wants to draw a sweet and cute fairy? She flew about with the sound of tinkling bells as she spoke, ready to share her fairy powder and never leave Peter Pan's side. Right. This is a tutorial that teaches you how to draw Tinker Bell. Let's start!
Method 1 of 2: Tinker Bell Standing

Step 1. Start drawing a circle
Always start sketching the outline of the head by drawing a circle. This way you can identify how big or small, right now, Tinker Bell's forehead is.

Step 2. Add smaller circles
Continue to outline the head by adding another circle that intersects with the outline for the forehead. This time sketch the outline for the bottom of his head.

Step 3. Draw an outline for the features
The outline of facial features contains one vertical line and four horizontal lines. The vertical line is the guide line for the nose. The horizontal lines are for the eyebrows, eyes, nose, and lips.

Step 4. Outline for the ears
The guide lines for drawing the ears are the beginning or end of the outline of the second and third horizontal facial features.

Step 5. Draw eyebrows, nose and lips
Start drawing the actual lines for the eyebrows, nose, and lips. Use the outline sketch as a guide.

Step 6. Draw the eyes
Draw two acorn-shaped slashes for the almond eyes.

Step 7. Draw the iris

Step 8. Add eyelashes
Since the eyes are an important part of the face, we have to do them one by one. To finish drawing the eyes, make sure that the eyelashes are visible as well. Cartoons have different techniques for drawing so you should always remember that the lines are limited. In drawing cartoon characters, one of the indications that you are drawing a girl is to add her eyelashes. You can put about 3-6 eyelashes in each eye.

Step 9. Sketch the outline of the body
Next is a sketch of the body frame. When you draw Tinker Bell, you must always remember that she is a feminine character who has a childish, girlish attitude. So make sure she has girly features and an elegant demeanor. Draw outline 8 for the body and continue sketching the outline for the arms and legs, as you want the pose.

Step 10. Draw a sketch for the actual lines
This time, draw an outline that almost shows the actual Tinker Bell lines.

Step 11. Draw a skeleton sketch for Tink's fairy wings and her dress
To show that she is Tinker Bell, make sure you draw her character style. Most cartoon characters have the same clothes so make sure you know what Tinker Bell always wears. Her outfit is a green mini dress with a pleated skirt line and a pair of green doll shoes with a small white pom-pom on it.

Step 12. Erase some of the outline sketches and start drawing the actual lines for the hair

Step 13. Add a bun
To continue the character, add Tink's bun.

Step 14. Draw a hair tie between the hair and the bun

Step 15. Draw the body
If you can try not to follow the line where the dress should be, or you can just erase it if needed.

Step 16. Draw the shoes

Step 17. Add the mini dress

Step 18. Draw the actual outline of the fairy wings
Erase all outline sketches after you have drawn the fairy wings.

Step 19. Fill it with basic colors

Step 20. Color the background
Pink is better.

Step 21. Add the fairy powder

Step 22. To make it look nicer, color in the shadows and light
To finish drawing the Tinker Bell, add light strokes of a darker color to the shadow. And then, add light strokes to the light.
Method 2 of 2: Tinker Bell Sit

Step 1. Draw two intersecting ovals for the outline of the head
Make the second oval smaller.

Step 2. Sketch the outlines for her facial features

Step 3. Figure of sticks and figure of Eight for the body frame
Show off Tink's body shape and actual sitting pose using these skeletal techniques. The 8 figure outline is a guide line in drawing the contours of the female body while the stick figure serves as a Tinker Bell outline figure to indicate where her hands and feet should be drawn.

Step 4. Erase the outline a bit and start drawing the actual outlines of the body

Step 5. Draw the actual outline for the head

Step 6. Continue with the fairy wings

Step 7. Use a marker to trace the actual line with the darker ink

Step 8. Color the design

Step 9. Add background