4 Ways to Eliminate the Smell of Vomit on the Carpet

4 Ways to Eliminate the Smell of Vomit on the Carpet
4 Ways to Eliminate the Smell of Vomit on the Carpet

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When your carpet is the victim of a friend who drank too much tequila or a toddler who vomits his food for the first time, of course you want to get rid of the smell. Here are steps that won't get rid of your bad memory, but can get rid of the smell forever.


Method 1 of 4: Using Laundry Soap

Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 1
Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 1

Step 1. Wet the vomited area with water to make it easier to clean

Prevent water that has touched the vomit from seeping into clean areas so that stains and odors don't spread and complicate the drying process.

Even though it's heavy and disgusting, you should also clean up any "solid" vomit that's left on the carpet. If carpet stains are very difficult to remove, try another article as this article will only explain how to remove odors

Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 2
Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 2

Step 2. Scrub the dampened area of the carpet using laundry soap and a hard-bristled brush

If you're worried about damaging the carpet, you can dilute laundry detergent with water first. You can also use peroxide as an additive when cleaning white carpets. Do not use peroxide if you are cleaning carpets of other colors.

When cleaning, the vomit smell may become more intense. You don't have to worry, that means dirt is rising to the surface

Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 3
Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 3

Step 3. Suck up the soapy water, which now also contains vomit, with a regular vacuum cleaner or with a wet/dry vacuum

If you don't have a vacuum cleaner, use a clean towel. A wet vacuum cleaner is best for this task, but you can also use a towel if you don't mind drying it for an hour or two.

Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 4
Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 4

Step 4. Rinse off the remaining soap stuck to the carpet using water

Scrub carefully to lift the soap onto the carpet surface. This step sometimes has to be repeated several times until the soap you are using can be completely lifted from the carpet fibers.

If you leave the soap remaining, the carpet may harden and lose some of its color. So even if this step seems safe to skip, you can maintain the beauty of your carpet if you do it well

Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 5
Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 5

Step 5. Use a vacuum cleaner to remove the water and dry the carpet

Don't just assume your job is done, you won't know until the carpet is completely dry. If the stain and smell persist, try a different method after you've let it sit for a while. You may just need to wait until the smell goes away on its own.

Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 6
Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 6

Step 6. Finally, you can choose to use a lubricant or fragrance as a sweetener

Smelly rugs are great, but wouldn't it be great if your rug smelled good? Spray the area you want to scent and your job is done!

Method 2 of 4: Using Enzymatic Cleaners

Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 7
Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 7

Step 1. Scrub the stained area with the diluted laundry detergent

Not all types of carpet can be cleaned with laundry detergent alone, so you should use a solution consisting of 1/3 laundry detergent and 2/3 water. Carefully scrub the stained area using a hard-bristled brush to clean the surface and inside of the carpet.

Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 8
Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 8

Step 2. Dry the carpet with a dry towel

You can also use a vacuum cleaner. If you are using a towel, dry the carpet by pressing the stained area. Maintain pressure until your carpet is completely dry.

Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 9
Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 9

Step 3. Wet the stained area with an enzymatic cleaner and leave it for some time

These types of cleaners can be easily purchased in the cleaning aisle or pet products at the convenience store. Look for products labeled “Deodorize in an instant!” or the like. This type of product can break down odor-causing proteins and clean stains.

Make sure you don't forget to let it sit for a few hours. Do not forget to "wet" the carpet until it is completely wet. Don't think about the amount of cleaner you use, get your carpet wet

Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 10
Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 10

Step 4. Dry the carpet with a vacuum cleaner or a towel

After a few hours, dry the stained area using a wet/dry towel or vacuum cleaner. You have to be really patient when using towels. Make sure you continue to apply pressure for about an hour to dry the stained area.

Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 11
Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 11

Step 5. Finally, let the carpet dry by itself

If the smell still doesn't go away, you may have to wait until the carpet is 100% dry. Leave it overnight and look at, or sniff, your carpet to make sure the vomit smell is gone.

Method 3 of 4: Using Baking Soda Paste

Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 12
Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 12

Step 1. Make a paste from a mixture of baking soda and water

Make it thick like toothpaste. You can also add a drop or two of laundry detergent or peroxide. Be careful because peroxide can stain your carpet.

Make enough, until you can make a thin layer all over the stained area. Imagine that you are making icing for a cake, it doesn't need to be too thick but thin and even

Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 13
Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 13

Step 2. Apply the paste on the stained/smelly area

Give the paste time to dry and scrub with a brush (or toothbrush if you don't have one). Make sure you can scrub both the surface and the inside, sometimes the "borders" of the stain are the hardest to clean.

Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 14
Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 14

Step 3. Remove the paste after 24 hours

When it's done doing its job, the pasta will have a hard, dry crust. Use a butter knife to peel off as much of the paste as you can, along with any leftover vomit and odors on the carpet!

Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 15
Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 15

Step 4. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the rest

Use a vacuum cleaner after you've finished cleaning what you can by hand. If all goes well, the smell will go away! Otherwise, re-wet the smelly area with a damp cloth and clean it with a vacuum cleaner, then your problem is solved!

Use lubricants or clothing deodorizers as sweeteners. If the smell persists, try to wait a while before taking the next step. Wet carpet can give off a strong odor, but it will go away once it dries

Method 4 of 4: Using Vinegar or Window Cleaner

Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 16
Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 16

Step 1. Make a solution of water and vinegar/window cleaner

If you're running out of cleaner, vinegar and window cleaner can be used for carpets too. Use a solution of 1/3 vinegar/window cleaner and 2/3 water. If you're using vinegar, add a drop or two of laundry or dish soap to help remove odors.

Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 17
Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 17

Step 2. Wet and scrub the stained area

Scrub using the cleaning solution you made with a brush or foam. If you use vinegar, the smell will be more pungent, but be patient as it will go away in time.

Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 18
Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 18

Step 3. Let it sit for a while

After you've scrubbed all the stained areas, leave the carpet for an hour or two. You've done everything you could. Give the solution you created time to dispel any odors that cling to your carpet.

Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 19
Get Rid of the Smell of Vomit in a Carpet Step 19

Step 4. Use a vacuum cleaner

Use a vacuum cleaner after the carpet starts to dry. If you don't have one, use a dry towel. Press the soiled area to force the trapped liquid out.

  • If there is still soap stuck to it, use a damp cloth and dry with a dry cloth.
  • You will still smell it when the carpet is still wet, but trust me and hope the smell will go away when it dries!

Step 5. Done


  • The longer you wait to clean, the worse it will get. Remove vomit stains as soon as possible.
  • You can also use products like deodorizing pet soap.
  • Don't let your friends drink tequila in your house again.
  • Consider calling a professional carpet cleaner.


  • Do not use ammonia on wool rugs to avoid stains.
  • Peroxide can stain carpets, so use caution.
