Maintaining hair is a relatively easy thing to do with the right steps. Hair is made of protein, so maintaining a healthy diet and good health is an important part of maintaining beautiful hair. Here are some tips on hair care and things you can do at home to get beautiful hair.

Step 1. Wash your hair properly using a good quality shampoo
Many people think that washing your hair too often can dry out your hair, strip it of its natural oils, and damage it. Wash your hair with shampoo every other day. Some people even wash their hair only twice a week.
- Try using a shampoo that doesn't contain sulfates and parabens. Sulfate is the chemical that makes shampoo lather. Parabens are preservatives that cause irritation and eye problems after long-term use. Both of these chemicals are harmful to the environment, so try using a shampoo with natural cleansers.
- Choose a shampoo that suits your hair type. Don't use the shampoo that came before. Find the shampoo that's right for you!
- Curly hair or Rough need a shampoo that can minimize frizz and soften hair.
- Straight hair or greasy require a special gentle shampoo for daily shampooing.
- Colored hair You need a shampoo that is fortified with extracts or amino acids, as coloring your hair can actually cause damage to your hair.
- Hair dry need a shampoo that contains glycerin and collagen to help restore moisture to the hair.

Step 2. Use a conditioner that suits your hair type, length, and color damage
A good rule of thumb is to use conditioner every time you wash your hair, even if chemically treated or dyed hair requires extra care than natural hair.
- Perform action deep condition once a week. Use store-bought products or try using homemade concoctions.
- Follow these steps to do the hair conditioning process based on hair type:
- For hair thin: If you have very limp hair, try using a plant oil treatment before shampooing. For example, use lavender oil or tea tree oil and apply it under your hair cuticles before washing with shampoo. Rinse hair and apply conditioner from the middle of the hair to the ends of the hair. Leave for one minute before washing.
- For hair medium until thickUse a moisturizer with natural water content. Just a little conditioner. Apply conditioner all over your hair and leave it on for 2-3 minutes.
- Be careful using products that contain too much protein. Too much protein makes hair feel dry and brittle. Protein is the main ingredient for healthy hair, so use a conditioner that contains balanced ingredients.
- A frizz control serum can be used in small amounts to treat frizz. Make sure you don't use it too much and wash your hair once a week using a deep cleanse shampoo to avoid the buildup of shampoo residue on your hair as it will make your hair look dull and break easily.

Step 3. Don't brush your hair too often
Brushing your hair can stimulate the follicles, which help in hair growth, but if you do it too often, it can damage the strands, leading to frizz and split ends.

Step 4. Let the hair dry naturally
After washing your hair, wrap your hair in a cotton t-shirt. Towels are made of very coarse materials and can damage the hair, resulting in frizz and split ends. Avoid brushing your hair while it's still wet, as it can make your hair brittle and weak. Use a wide-toothed comb to untangle the tangles while your hair is still wet.
- Try not to use a hairdryer. Healthy hair does not respond well to heat. Hair is easily damaged by heat, especially from a hairdryer. If you must use a hair dryer, dry it on a low temperature and limit its use to once a week.
- If you wash your hair before going to bed at night, curl your hair and let it dry overnight. Hair will be dry in the morning.

Step 5. Trim your hair regularly
The best way to avoid split ends is to do it yourself! Use large scissors and trim the hair about cm from the part with the split ends. Many women with perfect hair never experience split ends because they make it a priority to get their hair done at the salon or do it themselves every 6-8 weeks.

Step 6. Do the hair coloring carefully if possible
Coloring hair requires a lot of sacrifice. People who choose natural hair often don't have problems with dry, damaged, or chemically exposed hair.
If you dye your hair, don't do it too often. Take a break after coloring your hair and give your hair a chance to breathe a little. This method will give good results

Step 7. Style your hair naturally to minimize hair damage
Styling your own hair won't do much damage to your hair, but repeated styling several times a week can cause serious hair problems.
- If possible, avoid perming, crimping, straightening, curling, bleaching, or repeated coloring. It's okay to straighten your hair if you have an event on a weekend night. But do it once in a while not permanently.
- Do not use rubber bands to tie or style hair. The rubber band will break the hair, causing it to detach from the follicle.
- Try not to do hair styling by pinning or pulling back hard. Hairstyles such as cornrows (braiding hair along the scalp) or tight ponytails can cause damage to the hair roots or put stress on the hair follicles.
- As an alternative, try something like this: a simple ponytail or bun will look neat and require very little use of hair products. You can also make your hair loose by wearing a headband.

Step 8. Eat healthy food and give the right amount of vitamins for hair
Since hair is made of protein, make sure you eat a balanced diet consisting of lean protein, whole grains, fruit, and vegetables. A healthy diet will make hair look more beautiful and feel more comfortable.
- Make sure you get an adequate intake of vitamin C (strengthens hair), iron (helps carry oxygen to blood vessels), zinc (maintains and repairs tissue), and omega-3 fatty acids (maintains healthy hair).
- Give your hair time to give it a new look. What you eat will not give immediate results to the hair, but will help give new growth to the hair.

Step 9. Remove stress from your life
Physical and mental stress will make hair lose its strength. Stress can cause hair loss, so try not to let stress get to you. This means that looking for healthy emotional solutions to stress such as yoga, cycling, meditation, or various types of exercise can have good results.
- After shampooing, try to use a wide-toothed comb or fingers to comb the hair. Don't use a hairbrush.
- Deep conditioning is great for your hair. This will keep your hair soft, healthy and moisturized.
- Frequently massage the scalp. This will help blood flow to the hair and make the hair grow faster.
- Don't dry your hair too often with a hairdryer. Using a hair dryer or other hot tools too often can stress your hair.
- When towel-drying your hair, do not rub your hair vigorously. This can cause hair loss. Try to use a towel made of microfiber because it can absorb more water.
- Stress has a bigger impact than you think. Meditation will help greatly with this, as will exercise.
- Rinse hair with cold water after washing with shampoo and conditioner to make it shiny and look more beautiful than before.
- Detangler spray (a product to detangle hair) helps to deal with tangles so you don't have to unravel your hair when you brush it.
- Don't sleep with wet or damp hair. This will make the hair follicles weak and hair strands become brittle. Dry the hair roots with a hairdryer on low heat before going to bed.
- Apply oil to your hair the night before before you wash your hair as this can make your hair look shiny.
- If you must use heat, make sure you use a protective hair spray product beforehand. This product is very affordable.
- You can also strengthen your hair naturally by making a concoction consisting of carrots and fruit juice brand Fuze or Vitamin Water and gently rubbing it into your hair before shampooing. Make sure to rinse it off afterwards.
- Taking a biotin supplement every day can strengthen hair and nails. This supplement works well and is reasonably priced.
- Many people use shampoo more than needed. You may only need a small amount of shampoo, depending on the length of your hair.
- Rinse hair with vinegar before shampooing. Vinegar will make hair look shiny, cleaner, and can treat dandruff. Use 1 part vinegar (organic apple cider vinegar is better) with 3 parts warm water, then rinse your hair, and wash your hair as usual.
- Wash your hair three times a day with a herbal shampoo that you can make yourself at home using a few hibiscus leaves and aloe vera. Make a paste of these ingredients, apply it to your hair, and wash your hair after 15 minutes.
- Protect your hair from excessive sun and dust exposure.
- Curlers and hair straighteners can cause burns if not used carefully. Watch what you do when you use it.