3 Ways to Form a Beret

3 Ways to Form a Beret
3 Ways to Form a Beret

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A beret is a type of hat that is usually made of flannel and is flat at the top. Berets were popularized in France and Spain in the 19th century and are still often associated with the cultures of these two countries. Berets are also worn by military and law enforcement personnel as part of their uniform with a folded model that is very different from that of civilians. Although some organizations have started to issue beret that has been formed, many uniform berets still have to be specially shaped by the wearer in order to look trendy.


Method 1 of 3: Knowing How to Wear Berets Correctly

Shape a Beret Step 1
Shape a Beret Step 1

Step 1. Learn the dress code in the organization

While the following rules can be used as general guidelines for uniform beret, you need to know the various rules that need to be followed.

If you're wearing a beret for fashion, there's no limit to how you can wear it (as long as it's over your head). The most popular casual way to wear a beret is to wear it folded and at an angle so that the brim is diagonally across the forehead. Usually a casual beret doesn't need to be shaped unless it has to be cleaned of lumps of lint

Shape a Beret Step 2
Shape a Beret Step 2

Step 2. Align the beret properly

This means wearing a beret with a straight edge across the forehead. The United States Army requires the brim of the beret to be about 2.5 cm above the eyebrow. If your organization requires a badge, the beret must be aligned above the left eye.

Excess beret cloth will be folded and dangling on the right side of the head. This is why a beret must be shaped, as it is likely to be difficult to maintain this shape when the beret is new

Shape a Beret Step 3
Shape a Beret Step 3

Step 3. Choose the right hairstyle

Don't use hairstyles that can damage the shape of the beret, such as a bun or a high ponytail. The bangs should not extend all the way down to the front of the beret. Some organizations, such as the British Air Force, require members with long hair to wrap them in a hair-wrapping net that best matches the hair color.

Method 2 of 3: Learning the Basics of Beret Forming

Shape a Beret Step 4
Shape a Beret Step 4

Step 1. Adjust the beret to the head

If the beret is adjustable, wear it on the head and adjust it to the right size. Be sure to complete this step before wetting the beret, as a wet beret can stretch or shrink. If you can't adjust your beret to fit your head, you'll need a different size.

Shape a Beret Step 5
Shape a Beret Step 5

Step 2. Remove the inner lining of the beret

Trim the black inner layer of the beret, but be careful not to damage the fibrous outer layer. Removing this inner layer will make it easier for you to form the beret. Keep in mind that not all berets have this part.

Shape a Beret Step 6
Shape a Beret Step 6

Step 3. Clean the lumps of lint on the beret

This is usually done after forming the beret. However, if the fibers on the beret look lumpy before the beret is formed, clean it first with a razor before wetting it, as well as after the beret is dry. For a casual beret, this may be the only step that needs to be taken. There are many ways to remove clumps of lint from a beret:

  • Use a disposable razor. This is the easiest and most common way. Shave the beret with the razor in one direction. Be sure not to shave in the same spot multiple times, as there is a risk of wearing out the beret.
  • Carefully cut out the clumps of fiber. This method is best done if there are only a few clumps of fiber visible. Scissors at the base of the fiber, placing the scissors parallel to the base of the beret. Use cuticle scissors to cut it properly.
  • Burn the lumps of fiber with a match. Hold the match and move the beret over the fire without getting caught in the flames. Instead of "shaving" the entire beret, just clean the areas with visible lint. While this method can damage the beret if not done properly, it is sometimes considered a common way to remove lumps of lint in military beret. Be careful when using lighters.

Method 3 of 3: Forming a Military Uniform Beret

Shape a Beret Step 7
Shape a Beret Step 7

Step 1. Wet the beret

Soak the beret in warm water. If there is a badge on the beret, try as much as possible to avoid getting it in the water.

Note: The black edges of the beret will shrivel when exposed to hot water. If the beret is a bit too big, using hot water is the way to go. If the beret fits on your head, make sure not to use hot water

Shape a Beret Step 8
Shape a Beret Step 8

Step 2. Squeeze out the excess water

Remove any excess water by gently squeezing the beret. The beret is still wet, but make sure no water drips.

Shape a Beret Step 9
Shape a Beret Step 9

Step 3. Form the beret

Wear a wet beret on your head. Pull the beret to stand. If your organization uses a standard beret shape as described in Method 1, pull down the excess beret fabric on the right side of the head by folding it by hand. Repeat this step a few times, to make sure the top beret is really smooth.

Shape a Beret Step 10
Shape a Beret Step 10

Step 4. Let the beret dry on the head

This will keep the beret from shrinking too much and will shape the beret closer to the actual shape of the head. If necessary, you will need to hold the fold with one hand until it is completely tight. You can remove the beret if it's still wet after a few hours.


  • Be careful when shaving or squeezing the beret so as not to damage it.
  • Always make sure to squeeze out excess water before wearing the beret on the head.


  • If the beret has leather parts, be careful not to soak or wet it. Water can damage or stain the skin, which specifically should not be exposed to water.
  • Keep in mind that not all berets have to be shaped by the wearer. For example, some of the berets supplied by the United States Army are recommended to be cleaned only by dry cleaning and not soaking.
