How to remove screen printing on clothes

How to remove screen printing on clothes
How to remove screen printing on clothes

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There are several reasons why you might want to remove screen printing or writing from clothes. Maybe you like the outfit, but don't like the print. Maybe the screen printing design is outdated and doesn't look good anymore. So you just want to get rid of it or replace it with something else. Whatever the reason, you can remove regular vinyl or rubber screen printing with just an iron and household appliances.


Method 1 of 2: Remove Screen Printing with an Iron

Remove Prints from Clothes Step 1
Remove Prints from Clothes Step 1

Step 1. Place the clothes on a flat surface to iron them

Place the clothes in an area that is safe for ironing. An ironing board or a hard table are the best choices.

  • You can use the floor if there is no other area to iron clothes. Just be careful when using a hot iron around the carpet.
  • This method is effective for removing vinyl or rubber screen printing that has been attached to clothing using a heat source.
Remove Prints from Clothes Step 2
Remove Prints from Clothes Step 2

Step 2. Place a dry towel on the inside of the garment, just below the screen print

Fold a towel so that it fits inside the garment and just under the screen printing you want to remove. This will protect the other side of the garment from the heat of the iron.

If you don't have a spare towel, use an old T-shirt or other soft object that won't be damaged by heat

Remove Prints from Clothes Step 3
Remove Prints from Clothes Step 3

Step 3. Place the wet cloth on the screen printing

Wet a hand towel or clean cloth with tap water. Squeeze out the excess water to keep it from dripping and spread the cloth over the screen to be removed.

The wet cloth will create a protective layer between the iron and the screen printing so that the screen printing material does not melt and stick to the iron

Remove Prints from Clothes Step 4
Remove Prints from Clothes Step 4

Step 4. Place the hot iron on the wet cloth that is on the screen

Press a hot iron onto a damp cloth over the screen you want to remove. Apply slight pressure with your hands to ensure heat reaches the screen.

If the iron used is an older model that is heavy, you don't need to press it because the weight of the object can press the screen print

Remove Prints from Clothes Step 5
Remove Prints from Clothes Step 5

Step 5. Lift the iron once the wet cloth underneath is dry

Hear the sound of water hissing and evaporating from the wet cloth under the iron. The cloth has dried when there is no more sound of water boasting. Lift the iron and place it aside after the cloth dries.

If you leave the iron on for too long after the wet cloth stops hissing, it may catch fire

Remove Prints from Clothes Step 6
Remove Prints from Clothes Step 6

Step 6. Use a knife to loosen the template and pry it out

Scrape the stencil carefully with the edge of a knife. Use your fingers to peel the screen off after loosening it with a knife.

  • Be careful when scraping the stencil with a knife so as not to injure yourself.
  • Use a knife to loosen the edges of the screen printing, then peel as much as possible with your fingers so that the part of the fabric under the screen is not damaged by the knife.
Remove Prints from Clothes Step 7
Remove Prints from Clothes Step 7

Step 7. Repeat this process until all the screen printing is gone

Wet the cloth once again when it is dry after doing the first drying process. Place the hot iron onto the damp cloth that is above the screen print residue, then scrape and peel until you are happy with the result.

You may need to clean the screen printing several times, depending on how firmly the screen is stuck to the clothes

Method 2 of 2: Remove Screen Printing with Liquid

Remove Prints from Clothes Step 8
Remove Prints from Clothes Step 8

Step 1. Prepare a cleaning fluid, such as rubbing alcohol, nail polish remover, or glue thinner

These products are cleaning fluids that can be found at your home or nearest supermarket. Prepare enough liquid to soak all the screen printing you want to remove on your clothes.

  • You can also look for special anti-vinyl heat transfer products that are designed to remove vinyl writing from clothing.
  • The use of cleaning fluid can only be used to clean vinyl and rubber screen printing from clothes. Printing ink is permanent on the fabric.
Remove Prints from Clothes Step 9
Remove Prints from Clothes Step 9

Step 2. Test the cleaning fluid on a hidden area of the garment to determine if it may cause damage

Turn the inside of the garment and look for an area that is not visible when the shirt is worn. Pour a drop or two of the cleaning fluid you're going to use on the area, then wait to see if it can fade the color or cause damage to the fabric.

  • If the clothes look fine after you pour the cleaning liquid on, please continue the process. If not, you'll need to find another cleaning fluid to use to keep your clothes from getting damaged.
  • Do not use cleaning agents for fabrics that are easily damaged, such as rayon, wool, or silk.
Remove Prints from Clothes Step 10
Remove Prints from Clothes Step 10

Step 3. Turn the garment over so that the back of the screen is outside

You'll need to soak the fabric behind the screen so that the front can be removed. Place the folded garment facing you on a flat surface.

The process will be easier if you sit or stand in front of the table while removing the screen printing

Remove Prints from Clothes Step 11
Remove Prints from Clothes Step 11

Step 4. Pour the cleaning liquid into the screen printing area

Pour enough cleaning fluid to wet the entire area of the fabric that is directly behind the screen printing. Wear a face shield if the smell of the cleaning liquid bothers you.

  • Make sure you are working in an area that is easy to clean in the event of an accidental spill of cleaning fluid.
  • Stretch the cloth so that the cleaning fluid can absorb completely and the process will be easier. Just make sure you don't stretch the garment too much so it doesn't get damaged or distorted.
Remove Prints from Clothes Step 12
Remove Prints from Clothes Step 12

Step 5. Turn the garment over to its original position and peel or scrape the screen print

Turn the clothes back on as they were so the screen printing is outside. Try to peel the screen off with your fingers or scrape it off with the edge of a knife.

  • Be careful when using a knife. Be sure to scrape the screen in the opposite direction to your body.
  • You can use latex gloves if you don't want the cleaning liquid to get on your fingers and hands.
Remove Prints from Clothes Step 13
Remove Prints from Clothes Step 13

Step 6. Repeat the process until you have successfully removed the entire screen

Clean the screen printing as much as possible by peeling and scraping it. Turn the garment over again, then pour in more cleaning fluid if the screen print is still difficult to clean. After that, try to peel and scrape the rest of the screen printing until everything is clean.

If you can't remove the stencil with cleaning fluid, try using the heat from the iron to loosen it

Remove Prints from Clothes Step 14
Remove Prints from Clothes Step 14

Step 7. Wash the clothes as usual to get rid of the cleaning fluid

Follow the care instructions on the clothes to wash them safely. This will remove the overpowering chemical smell so your clothes are ready to wear again!
