If you have a double chin, you may notice a fatty area under your chin. You may have had a double chin as a child that didn't go away until adulthood or because of weight gain. Not all double chins are caused by weight gain as some people are genetically predisposed to having double chins. Through dietary adjustments, exercise, or medical treatment, you can get rid of a double chin.
Method 1 of 3: Using Makeup and Chin Lift

Step 1. Clean your face and chin
Clean your face with the product you normally use, then apply moisturizer. Then, use the makeup and brushes. You will need:
- A foundation that is 1 shade darker than your normal foundation.
- bronzer. If you have olive to tan skin, use a gold bronzer. If you have fair skin, use a rose-colored bronzer.
- Great makeup brush.

Step 2. Apply the foundation along the chin line
Use your fingers to apply a small amount of foundation along the chin line, above the neck. Do not use a foundation that is too dark. The color should be 1 shade darker than your normal foundation. Instead of hiding it, dark foundation can actually make a double chin look more conspicuous.

Step 3. Smooth the bronzer along the chin line with a brush
Dab a little bronzer with a makeup brush downward along the chin line. Blend until there are no lines or marks and the bronzer blends well with the skin.
After blending the bronzer on the chin line well, apply another makeup product. Beautify your eyes with eyeliner and don't use bright lipstick to draw attention away from your chin

Step 4. Keep your back and chin straight when photographed
This will improve your posture and minimize the appearance of your chin. Don't lower your head while taking the photo as this will make the double chin stand out. Lift the tip of the chin so that the neck and chin line look longer.

Step 5. Don't take photos from a low angle
A low-angle photo can make a double chin stand out and will turn almost anyone off. Take a photo with an angle that shows the face, or one side of the face. When being photographed, lift your head up and to the side and look away from the camera or only to one side. Don't forget to smile, of course.
Method 2 of 3: Exercise and Diet

Step 1. Try doing a chin exercise
Remember that we can not burn fat in one area of the body only. In fact, exercise is a great way to lose weight in all areas of the body, including the chin and neck. Chin exercises can stretch the muscles in the chin, neck, throat and help improve posture.
- Do a chin lift (chin lift). Stand or sit up straight. Raise your head. Raise your chin by pursed lips (manyun) while looking up. Relax the other facial muscles. Count to five, then release. Repeat this exercise for 5-10 times. This exercise can be effective for strengthening and shaping the neck muscles.
- Do a neck roll. This exercise is great for relaxing tense shoulders and neck. Stand or sit up straight. Inhale and face to the right. Let your chin touch your right shoulder and look to the right. Exhale and bring your head towards your chest. Do it with an upright posture and straight shoulders. Inhale and raise your head so that it touches your left shoulder while looking to the left. Repeat 5-10 times for each side.

Step 2. Do a weekly exercise program
Lose your overall weight to help reduce fat around the neck and chin. Most exercise programs recommend 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity 5 days a week, or 150 minutes each week. Depending on your current fitness level, you can do light exercise every day or more intense exercise every other day. Instead of overdoing it, focus on being consistent and doing a realistic exercise plan that fits your body's needs.
- Make an exercise schedule so that you exercise at the same time each day. You can work out every morning before work at the gym, at lunchtime every two days, or every night a few hours before bed. Look at your schedule for the week and add exercise time so you don't miss or forget it.
- Always start your workout with light cardiovascular exercise to keep your muscles from stretching or straining. Do a light jog in place for 5-10 minutes or use a rope to jump rope for 5 minutes.
- Start slowly and increase the intensity and duration, especially if you're not feeling well. Consult the condition of the body according to age and heart with a doctor to ensure that your body is healthy enough to do physical activity.

Step 3. Eat healthy foods
Many people have double chins due to weight gain due to unhealthy food. Adjust your calorie consumption so that you don't overeat or eat empty calories. Most nutritionists recommend consuming 1800-2000 calories per day for weight loss. Determine your daily calorie intake and stick to a diet that still gives you energy to exercise. Never consume less than 1200 calories per day.
- Eat lots of vegetables, healthy fats, and low-fat protein. Arrange your meals to contain one source of protein, one source of low-fat food, and one source of low-carb vegetables. The recommended consumption of carbohydrates is 20-50 grams a day.
- Reduce consumption of carbohydrates, sugar, and animal fats. Foods that are high in carbohydrates and sugar cause the body to produce insulin, the main fat-storing hormone. When insulin levels drop, the body can start burning fat. The kidneys will also excrete excess sodium and water, thereby reducing the weight of fluids in the body.
- Avoid foods that are high in starch and carbohydrates such as potato chips, French fries, and plain bread. Also avoid foods that contain a lot of sugar such as soft drinks, candy, cakes, and other fast food.

Step 4. Make a meal plan for seven days
This meal plan should include three main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and two small snacks (between breakfast and lunch, and between lunch and dinner) scheduled at the same time each day. This will ensure that you eat at the same time for seven days and don't skip meals. Consumption of fewer calories and regular exercise can lead to healthy weight loss.
- Make a shopping list based on your meal plan and shop every week. Fill the fridge with all the ingredients you need to make a week's worth of meals so you can prepare them quickly and easily.
- Try using an app like MyFitnessPal to track your calorie intake and make sure you're eating the right amount of calories.

Step 5. Instead of sugary drinks, drink water
Water will help keep your immune system healthy, make your skin look healthy, and keep your body hydrated while exercising.
- Replace sugary drinks such as soda and sports drinks with water with added lemon or lime wedges and non-calorie drinks.
- Unsweetened green tea is a great substitute for sugary drinks. Green tea contains enough antioxidants to help the body fight free radicals that increase the signs of aging in the body.
Method 3 of 3: Using Medical Procedures and Treatment

Step 1. Consult laser liposuction with a plastic surgeon
This type of liposuction is also referred to as Slim Lipo, Smart Lipo, and Cool Lipo. This procedure uses laser heat to melt fat, including that in the neck. Because the laser fiber is small, a 2.5 mm tube is inserted under the skin to remove fat. The heat from the laser can also make the double chin shrink and become firmer.
Laser liposuction is less invasive than neck fat removal and can have a faster recovery time. Consult with a qualified plastic surgeon first before performing any type of liposuction. Laser liposuction for double chin costs around 75 million rupiah

Step 2. Discuss the neck lift procedure with the plastic surgeon
If you have saggy and fatty neck skin, you may consider a neck lift procedure. With this procedure, the plastic surgeon will remove fat around the chin, tighten loose neck muscles, and remove loose skin behind the ears. However, this procedure is very expensive and can cost 50-100 million rupiah.
After laser liposuction or neck lift, you may suffer bruising around your neck and need to cover your chin, neck and head with a post-plastic surgery corset. The recovery process will take about 10 days to 2 weeks

Step 3. Ask your doctor for Kybella (an injection that helps to get rid of neck fat)
In April 2015, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized the use of an injectable drug called Kybella to help lose neck fat. The injectable drug contains an active ingredient called deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid destroys fat without the use of invasive procedures such as surgery or liposuction.
- During the treatment, the neck area will be injected with several small needles containing Kybella. You should do this for 2-6 months each session taking about 20 minutes. Kybella's side effects are swelling, bruising, and mild pain in the neck area. Most symptoms will go away within 48-72 hours.
- Injections must be performed correctly by a certified plastic surgeon or a doctor trained in the procedure. Kybella's price hasn't been determined, but it's likely to be much cheaper than liposuction or a neck lift.