What girl doesn't want to be charming? Sometimes being charming, classy, and sophisticated seems like it only seemed to women of antiquity like Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, and Ginger Rogers. Not like that! You look more charming than you think! With a few tips, you will exude charm without even trying.
Part 1 of 3: Getting More Focused

Step 1. Be attentive
A charming person has a kind heart, likes to help. They show empathy and are aware of how others feel and how they can help. Here are two things to get started on a train track to mindfulness:
- In the next conversation you have, ask someone how they are. But when you say that, don't say it like you mean, "Hello." Look at them and say, "How are you?" And when they answer, listen. See if this conversation is any different from your usual conversation.
- Think of two things you can do now that you've put off the power of making people in your world smile. An email to an aunt you haven't spoken to in a long time? Cleaning dishes for your super busy roommate? And you know what: Go do it all!

Step 2. Love yourself
The root of the word "loved" is "love," after all! If you're stuck worrying about how other people perceive you and drowning in insecurities, it's going to be quite difficult to come across as charming. There is no room for gentleness, humble grace and kindness if you think the outside world will understand you.
Yes, this is much easier said than done. This is a process that can take time, and even then you will be able to slip. But make it a point to make small steps every day. Write a list of things you like about yourself. Wake up in the morning and tell yourself you are beautiful. Spend 10 minutes each day deliberately thinking about positive thoughts. Do small things to make it look more natural if that's a problem

Step 3. Be original
If you're not yourself, you can't be charming. You can be someone else's version of charming, but you can't be your charming! And since "you" is good, why should you bother trying to be anything else? Being fake is just about not being as charming as it gets.
Sometimes it's hard to know when we're ending and people around us are telling us to start. Take a second to sit back and think about why you want to be charming and what it means to you. Do you want to be charming so people will like you? So that men will be attracted to you? Hopefully the answer is no -- ideally, you should want to be charming yourself

Step 4. Be elegant
Go read the wikiHow! Being elegant isn't something that can be summed up in a paragraph, but here are some pointers:
- Keep your appearance natural and beautiful. Skin tone nail polish, sophisticated hairstyles, minimal makeup.
- Always clean! There is no room for dirty in elegance.
- Opt for classic style, timeless cuts. A nice sweater, dark jeans or skirt, boots, etc.

Step 5. Keep arrogance in check
Alright, yeah, you're pretty awesome. By the end of this article, you will know the charms leak. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't simplify things! In fact, being arrogant and being charming are mutually exclusive; You can't be one and the other. A charming girl knows that everyone is on her level, that everyone has something she doesn't have.
If you are considerate and sincere, arrogance shouldn't be a problem. If you're not sure, think about your conversation. How often do you redirect back to you? Do you dominate them? How often do you feel like you're judging other people? Just things to think about

Step 6. Be disciplined
A charming person has careful actions. He knows when he needs to work hard, he keeps his word, and he is organized. A charming girl can't possibly live in a pigsty, you know? Which areas of your life should use less cleanser?
- Take a look at your room – could use a little tweaking?
- Are you procrastinating? What is keeping you from quickly completing your task?
- Are you punctual and honest? Do you mean what you say and What do you do?
Part 2 of 3: Looks Charming

Step 1. Have good hygiene
Humans have a bad tendency to judge a book only by its cover. If something is not beautiful, it is not good. That's definitely not how things work, but it naturally happens to most of us (saving a lot of time and effort in mind). So save yourself a fight and take a shower, brush your teeth, comb your hair, and dress like you gave half a fishing rod. The world will be much kinder to you and thus it will be easier to convince your innate charm!
Choose a scent and stick to it. People will smell your charm from across the room. Mmm. Charm. If they want to get it, they will ask you to sweat in a bottle

Step 2. Put effort into your appearance
Psych! The first step is just to ease you in the process. Shower was good overall and nice, but maybe not enough. Being clean is very, very important, but being charming has a certain "put together" thing about it. So apply some lip gloss, some eyeliner, and turn a ponytail into a neat bun.
You don't have to dress nine (sometimes it's just inappropriate), but have a look that says "I'm not playing Russian roulette in my clothes today." Spend five minutes choosing your outfit. Give yourself a quick glance to see if your outfits fit together. If someone was looking at you, what would their first impression be?

Step 3. Be Graceful
Being clumsy isn't something you can really help with, but it's something you can consciously try to be aware of. If you maintain good posture, keep your chin and shoulders straight (if you don't trip over yourself!), you'll move like Audrey Hepburn or Grace Kelly. The main picture of classy.

Step 4. Be feminine
There is a certain aspect of that charm that is very feminine. Very smooth, very soft. There's nothing loud, brash, over the top, or macho about being charming. While everyone's version of femininity is different, any word play means a lot to you.
You can be feminine in an oversized plaid shirt and jeans. You can be feminine when you're bossing people around. You can be feminine out of bed with no makeup on. This doesn't necessarily have to do with what you wear or do; it has more to do with how you project yourself

Step 5. Be generous with your smile
A charming person generally makes people feel good. They light up the room with their energy. The easiest way to do this is to be generous with your smile. Rejoice in the smallest things. Amazed at the little charms of the world. Show you appreciate the world around you (and the people in it) with a smile.
Here's your mind blower: There are people in the world who can't smile today. There are people in this world who haven't smiled for weeks. Think about it. The only thing you have to do to make their world brighter is smile at them. It will be very charming on you
Part 3 of 3: Behave Charming

Step 1. Be polite
Even though this is a bit of a stereotype, charming women have the perfect etiquette right. "please" and "thank you" should be mainstays in your vocabulary. And then there are things like sneezing into your elbow and not chewing with your mouth open, but you already knew that, right?
While things like using the correct fork are right in place, more important things are like holding the door for the person behind you, cleaning up after yourself, and sharing. Manners make the world a little easier for everyone – hopefully people will be polite again soon

Step 2. Know that you are the person you are with
If you're constantly surrounded by negativity and people pulling you down, there's no way you'll be charming, for starters, but you're definitely not going to be happy and you're definitely not going to be the best of you. So keep this in mind – do the people around you bring out the best of you, your charming side?
In other words, end the toxic friendship. It may be odd for a day or two, but it's totally worth it in the long run. If you sit and think about this for 5 seconds and a name comes to mind, at least take steps to reduce your going out with them. You have to be the best person you can be to be truly charming

Step 3. Don't wallow in negativity
No one ever uttered the line, "Man, Debbie Downer must be a pretty girl." The fact of the matter is that being charming has a positive attitude. The most beautiful women in the world don't often find themselves complaining (unless something is downright unfair – they do stand up for what they believe in) – and they don't complain because the glass is always half full. Why spend your energy on negativity?
In addition to not viewing the world negatively, don't be negative about other people! Don't make fun of people and draw attention to their flaws or failures. While it might be tempting to laugh out loud at the expense of someone, the opponent. To be charming, you need to make the world charming

Step 4. Offer a helping hand
Whenever you find an opportunity to help someone, take it! You'll be under a lot of pressure to come up with good reasons not to help (being lazy isn't a good excuse!). And if you can't find one, you probably didn't search hard enough!
Is there a friend who is super busy and can use a close friend to complete a task or do some easy tasks? Do you know parents who need young, agile chickens to help around the house? And if they don't ask, get started! Sometimes people don't like asking for help

Step 5. Respect other people and their time
You know who isn't charming? Your friend who arrives late and is incurable and doesn't seem to care when you tell him you spent 30 minutes of your life waiting for him. Not charming at all. Don't show people you don't appreciate them – be punctual!
And show them you appreciate them in other little ways, too! If a friend is making dinner and you get extra, bring dessert a week later. Offer to buy them coffee. Paying back the kindness you get shows how grateful you are

Step 6. Know when to put others first
To be charming is to put other people first…sometimes. You can't please everyone and you certainly can't stand still. But if someone needs or wants something from you and it wouldn't hurt you to agree to it, why not do it?
It's been said, if someone wants a shirt off your back, know where to draw the line. You have to protect yourself first and foremost – no one else will. So if it goes against your belief system or leaves you to the Dog, don't feel obligated to do so. It's not you being good, it's you being smart

Step 7. Be open-minded
Part of being charming is being charming to everyone, regardless of their status in life or what crazy opinions they hold. When you find someone who is different from you, don't label them. Be open minded and try to see their point of view. If they think they are right and you are not, why is that?
Try your best to treat everyone the same. That means your servant, your best friend, and the old man who crosses the road. We are all human and we all deserve attention and care.
If someone wrongs you, treat them civilly. You don't, by any means, have to go out of your way to be nice to them, but treat them as human beings. No more, no less

Step 8. Cherish the little moments
Just like acting not only when you talk, being charming isn't just when the spotlight is on you. It's the little moments that really make a charming girl even more charming. The way he looks at the kids, the way he puts his towel down, the way he goes in for a hug. It is in the small things as it is in the big things.
Being charming is a 24/7 thing. This isn't a hat you just wear outside and take off when you get home. It has to be a part of you, not a show you're playing. Find a woman you think is naturally charming and keep an eye on her. He's probably just like you
- As with any change, it can lead to negative reactions. If you're going to be charming, you have to make a complete change – it's not a social trend or style, rather, it's how you present yourself and act accordingly. You can't be fake; it will be counterproductive and cause the other person to lose respect for you.
- Of course, if someone is charming, people will try to research their mistakes. Don't be swayed by criticism, as people may try to point out your weaknesses. Stay positive, and even in these situations, treat others as you would like to be treated.
- Don't be fake in being nice, and never expect anything in return.