Men are generally more visually oriented than women. As a result, homosexual men are generally more diligent in taking care of themselves than heterosexual men. However, despite the stigma, there is no definite definition to describe how to appear attractive as a homosexual man. The most effective way to show your best style is to stay healthy and show confidence.
Method 1 of 4: Keeping Healthy

Step 1. Exercise regularly
Having a healthy body is the best way to maintain your appearance and mood. You don't need to have a body that conforms to unrealistic ideal body standards to come to the gym. All men are advised to train large muscles at least twice a week. Strength training is not only beneficial for building good muscle, but it can also burn calories more efficiently than any other activity. Make sure you do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of high-intensity activity each week.
There are many men who are happy with a stout and muscular physique. However, there are also those who prefer to have a thin or well-built body. Don't feel pressured to follow certain beauty standards

Step 2. Set a balanced diet
Make sure you don't consume more calories than you burn. The number of calories varies based on your weight and activity level. Leafy greens, fresh fruits, whole grains, and low-fat protein like fish should dominate your diet. Do not eat processed foods that contain a lot of salt and artificial sweeteners.

Step 3. Get enough sleep
The definition of "enough" sleep is different for everyone, depending on their natural circadian rhythm. The National Sleep Foundation in the United States recommends that every healthy adult get 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night.
Fatigue will directly affect your appearance by leaving panda eyes on your face. Frequent lack of sleep can also cause weight gain that is difficult to lose over time

Step 4. Visit the doctor regularly
Even if you don't feel sick, some health problems can lower your energy and make your mood worse so you can't look good and feel good. Doctors can look for hidden health problems.
- Men aged 18 to 49 years should visit a doctor every 2 years for a check-up.
- Men aged 50 years and over should have a physical examination every year.
Method 2 of 4: Maintaining Appearance

Step 1. Keep yourself clean
While things really depend on your body type and personal taste, you should follow a few basic rules so other guys don't shy away.
- Wear deodorant. Some people are lucky enough to have fewer sweat glands so they don't need to wear deodorant every day. However, most people still need to wear it. Apply deodorant sparingly, especially when the weather is hot or after a workout.
- Take a shower at least once a day. Use soap and water to remove dirt, grime, and build-up of bacteria. Some people with thin or oily hair need to wash it every day, but most people only need to wash it a few times a week or even less. Just make sure you wash your hair at least once every 14 days.
- Keep your nails clean and free of dirt. You can have nails of any size, color and shape. If you have long nails, trim the cracked ends with a file so they don't get caught in your hair or clothes.

Step 2. Take good care of facial hair
Facial hair grows in different intensity in each man. However, most men who shave will straighten their facial hair every morning.
- Even if you have a long beard, you still need to keep it in shape. Shave or remove stray hair that grows on the face or below the neckline.
- Even if the stubble style is currently in vogue, don't grow it too long so that your look doesn't fall apart.

Step 3. Take care of your skin
Healthy and smooth skin is able to attract everyone's heart. Make sure your skin looks well-groomed. This doesn't mean you have to use a lot of moisturizer and skin cream. However, just follow some basic skin care steps required.
- Moisturize skin after bathing. Hydrated skin will reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
- Protect your skin from the sun. Sunlight can cause premature aging of your skin. Use a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or more.
Method 3 of 4: Dress Well

Step 1. Wear clothes that fit your body
This is probably a general rule of dress. Wearing clothes that fit will make you look more presentable and mature, especially if you're just wearing a t-shirt and jeans. If your unique body shape makes it difficult to find clothes that fit, take your clothes to a tailor for modification.

Step 2. Dress according to the occasion
Wearing clothes that don't fit the mood will make you look unprepared or silly. You may not be the guy who wears a suit every day; just make sure you have formal clothes to wear when needed.
- For a more formal event, such as a job interview or wedding, opt for an all-black outfit. You can wear a colored shirt and tie as long as the colors don't clash or look tacky.
- The business casual style is the perfect look for those of you who want to look cool, but not over the top. Wear a collared shirt, long pants, and loafers. Pair it with a blazer to make it look smarter or a sweater. The use of a tie is optional. This is a look that's great for gatherings with colleagues, evening parties, and first dates.
- Casual style includes almost any other type of clothing, such as the classic look of t-shirts and jeans. This alloy can be used as your daily appearance.
- The style of dress of people in warm climates is usually more relaxed. No one wants to wear a black suit and jacket when it's hot.
- If you're not sure what clothes to wear to a particular event, ask what other male guests who come to the event would like to wear. If you're planning to go to a particular restaurant or place, find out what clothing is appropriate by looking at photos of the restaurant's ambiance online.

Step 3. Make sure the clothes are in good condition
No matter how much or how little your clothing budget is, taking care of your own clothes will keep them looking good for a long time.
- Learn how to sew to make small repairs quickly. If you can't sew, have someone fix minor damage before they get bigger.
- Tidy up your formal shirt with an iron. A wrinkled surface will make you look messy.
- Look for a good cleaning service. Some types of clothing should not be cleaned on their own. A professional knows how to get rid of stubborn stains and make clothes look like new again.
- Don't wear clothes that are stained and have holes in them.
Method 4 of 4: Showing Confidence

Step 1. Maintain good posture
Sit up straight. Keep your shoulders leaning back.
- Good posture indicates calm and self-confidence. Even if you don't “feel” confident, projecting your confidence into the world will make you appear more attractive.
- Several studies have shown that good posture can serve as positive feedback for boosting self-confidence. Maintaining good posture can make you feel happier and more confident.

Step 2. Remember that other guys are just as nervous as you are
Keep this in mind if you often experience anxiety disorders and feel intimidated by potential partners. Even the most confident people have hidden insecurities. Remembering that it's normal to be nervous can help you hide it.

Step 3. Make and maintain eye contact
When you feel low in self-confidence, you may find it difficult to look other people in the eye. Maintaining reasonable eye contact will make you appear more confident, likable, and attractive to other people.
- When you are having a one-on-one conversation with someone, make eye contact for 7-10 seconds before looking the other way. If you're in a group, it usually lasts 3-5 seconds.
- When ending eye contact, look to the side or slightly up to appear confident and comfortable. Looking at your own shoes will make you appear anxious or weak.
- Don't make eye contact for too long. When you "gaze hard" at someone, it can be perceived as intimidating or scary.

Step 4. Love and accept yourself as you are
The more comfortable you are with yourself, the easier it is to build confidence. Even if great self-confidence doesn't come naturally to you, there are many ways to cultivate it.
- Practice calming your mind and encouraging yourself. This can be done simply by giving a few positive affirmations in front of the mirror every day. Don't be too hard on yourself when you make mistakes and aim to do things better in the future.
- Write down a list of things you like about yourself. Read the list every time you need to encourage yourself.
- Set realistic goals. Choose things you can master with venture capital (for example, “learning how to climb a mountain” instead of “climbing Mount Everest”). Celebrate every effort you make to reach that goal.
- Self-confidence is usually the most important aspect of looking your best. Prioritize yourself to develop self-confidence through improving all aspects of your physical appearance that you currently don't like.
- People are usually attracted to people who resemble themselves. If you want to get the attention of a certain type of guy, consider changing your appearance to match his.
- Don't be afraid to ask other men for advice to improve your appearance. Humans usually have a hard time criticizing themselves so they don't know what appearance suits them best.