If it's your first time learning to make adjustments to fish in a new aquarium or fish bowl, make sure the fish transitions to their new home smoothly. Improper transition process can cause injury or trauma to the fish. Therefore, make sure you move the fish to its new home gradually.
Method 1 of 3: Using the Floating Bag Method

Step 1. Turn off the aquarium lights and dim the lights in the room where the aquarium is placed
You should do this before removing the fish from the container you were carrying it in as fish are sensitive to light and can be traumatized by sudden changes in light.
Once your fish get used to their new tank, you won't have to limit the light too tightly anymore. During the first few days, it is best to introduce your fish to a dimly lit environment to reduce the risk of trauma from being moved to a new, unfamiliar environment

Step 2. Let the plastic bag float on the surface of the water for 15 minutes
Pet stores will most likely sell fish in plastic bags filled with water and air. Otherwise, put the fish and water in a small plastic bag. Tie the plastic bag with a rubber band. Make sure you tie the bag tightly as the fish will have to stay in the water for 15 minutes.
- Put the plastic bag in the quarantine aquarium. The plastic fish bag should float on the surface of the water.
- Set the timer for 15 minutes. Keep an eye on the plastic bag during this period to make sure it doesn't tip over or untied. Let the bag float for about 15 minutes. In this way, the water in the bag gradually adjusts to the temperature of the water in the aquarium.

Step 3. Open the plastic bag
Cut the pouch just below the metal clip or rubber band used to secure it. Roll up the top edge of the plastic about 2.5 cm to create an air pocket. This air bag will allow the bag to float while you begin to pour the aquarium water into the bag.
If you are making adjustments for a heavier fish, place the bag in a floatable container such as a small Tupperware

Step 4. Add water to the bag every 4 minutes
Take a measuring cup, then fill it halfway with aquarium water and pour it into a bag. Let the bag float for another 4 minutes. After 4 minutes have passed, add half a glass of aquarium water to the bag.
- Keep adding aquarium water to the bag every 4 minutes until the bag is completely filled.
- How long this process takes will vary. For smaller bags, you may only need to add half a glass of water twice. For larger bags, you may have to add water 3 or 4 times before the bag is full.

Step 5. Remove half the water from the plastic bag and float the bag back on the surface of the aquarium
Once the bag is full, carefully remove it from the water. Drain half of the water from the bag in the sink.
After removing the water, put the bag back in the quarantine tank. Let the bag float on the surface of the water again

Step 6. Add water from the aquarium every 4 minutes
Again, you should add half a glass of water to the bag every 4 minutes. Continue adding water from the aquarium to the plastic bag until it is full.
As before, the time required for this process varies. For small bags, you only need to add half a glass of water twice. For larger bags, you may have to add water 3-4 times before they are full

Step 7. Release the fish into the aquarium
You will need a small net for this purpose. Dip the net in a plastic bag and catch the fish. Gently remove the fish from the bag and place it into the aquarium.
- Make sure you catch the fish carefully. Don't get caught in the net. Catch the fish in slow motion and swoop down.
- Do it gently, but quickly when moving the fish into the aquarium. Don't leave the fish out of the water for too long.
Method 2 of 3: Making Adjustments with the Drip Method

Step 1. Prepare all the necessary equipment
For the adjustment process of more sensitive aquatic animals, such as shrimp or starfish, it may be more suitable to use the drip method. This method involves a series of hoses that are attached from the main aquarium to a bucket of water. You will need the following equipment for the drip method:
- A bucket with a capacity of 12-20 liters and specially designed for aquariums.
- Air hose.

Step 2. Let the fish float first
Fill the bucket about halfway with clean aquarium water. Let the fish float to adjust to the water in the bucket.
- Let the tied bag float for 15 minutes. Then, open the bag and roll up the top edges to create an air pocket that will allow the bag to stay afloat.
- Add half a glass of water from the bucket into the bag. Wait 15 minutes. Then, add another half cup of water. Continue the same procedure until the bucket is full.

Step 3. Pour the water into the bucket
Gently lift the bag and pour the contents, including the fish, into the water.
Tilt the bag to a 45-degree angle when pouring the contents. This way, the fish will remain completely submerged in water when you transfer them to the bucket

Step 4. Install the drip hose
Place one end of the hose in the tank. You should also make some loose knots in the hose. This will help regulate the flow of water and air. You should aim for the water flow rate to be around 2 or 4 drops per second.
- You may have to gently suck in the other end of the hose to allow the water to start flowing.
- Once the water starts to drip, place the other end of the hose over the edge of the bucket.

Step 5. Discard half the water once it has doubled in volume
It may take a while for the volume of water in the bucket to double. So be patient. In general, this process can take an hour. Once the volume of water has doubled, carefully discard half of it. You may need to use a small cup or bucket to scoop out the water to prevent the fish from accidentally being thrown away.
- When you have finished draining the water, return the hose to its original position. Again, suck up the end of the hose that is at the edge of the bucket so the water starts dripping.
- Again, wait until the volume of water in the bucket has doubled.

Step 6. Move the fish to the main aquarium
Use a plastic bag to catch the fish and then carefully pour the entire contents into the main tank.
Some species of aquatic animals should not be exposed to any air. Sea sponges, mussels and gorgonians cannot survive in the air. You have to be very careful when moving this species of fish
Method 3 of 3: Using a Quarantine Aquarium

Step 1. Set up the aquarium
Quarantine aquariums are important because they allow you to separate the fish from the main tank inhabitants. Using a quarantine tank is highly recommended if you want to make adjustments to your fish before moving to the main tank. If your newly purchased fish turns out to be sick, you can prevent the disease from spreading to the rest of the fish in the main tank. If you want to buy new fish, buy another tank to quarantine the new arrivals.
- You don't need to buy an expensive aquarium. A simple aquarium with a capacity of 40-75 liters is large enough to be used as a quarantine aquarium.
- You can buy an aquarium at your local pet store or online.

Step 2. Install the filtration system
Just like the main aquarium, you will also need to install a filtration system for the quarantine aquarium. That way, the fish will stay safe and healthy during the quarantine period.
- If possible, buy an aquarium with an integrated filtration system.
- If your aquarium doesn't have an integrated filtration system, you can purchase a separate filtration system at your local pet store. Install the filter in the aquarium according to the instructions given.

Step 3. Add heater
The heater will keep the water at the ideal temperature for the fish. Also buy a thermometer to take the temperature. You should make sure the water temperature is safe for the fish before transferring the fish to the quarantine tank.
- The aquarium may also have an integrated heating system. Otherwise, you will have to purchase a separate heating system at the pet store.
- The ideal temperature will depend on the type of fish you buy. Ask the pet store what temperature is safe for fish.

Step 4. Fill the aquarium with water from the main aquarium
The quarantine aquarium should be similar to the main aquarium. Once the fish are ready to be transferred to the main tank, the transition process should be as smooth as possible.
- Take water from the main aquarium using a small bucket or cup. Pour into the quarantine aquarium.
- Once the quarantine tank is full, you can turn on the heating and filtration system.

Step 5. Monitor the fish for 2-3 weeks in the quarantine tank
Watch the fish closely during the quarantine period. Before moving your fish into an aquarium with other aquatic animals, you should make sure the fish don't have any disease. Diseases can spread quickly in an aquarium.
- Common infections that are often experienced by fish include fin rot, vibriosis, and mouth rot. You will need to give antibiotics to the fish tank or feed the fish containing antibiotics.
- Symptoms of infection include discoloration, broken or rotting fins, loss of appetite, gray spots on the scales and fins, and open sores.
- If your fish has an infection, make sure you treat it and make sure the symptoms go away before moving it to the main tank.

Step 6. Repeat the process of floating the fish on the surface of the water before transferring them to the main aquarium
After 2-3 weeks have passed without incident, you can move the fish to the main tank. You will need to repeat the process of floating the fish on the surface of the water as you did to acclimate the fish to the quarantine tank.
- Catch the fish with a net and place them in a plastic bag filled with water from the main aquarium. Make sure you secure the plastic bag with metal clips or rubber bands.
- Allow the bag to float in the main tank for 15 minutes, cut the plastic, and roll the top edge about 2.5 cm.
- Pour half a glass of water into the bag every 4 minutes until it is full. Remove half the water from the bag and float it back on the surface of the water. Again, add half a glass of water every 4 minutes until the bag is full.
- Catch fish with nets and transfer them to the main aquarium.