When we really want to develop the awareness to experience enlightenment, nothing can prevent it. Apart from living life mindfully, we need to attain a certain understanding in order to experience enlightenment. Instead of giving us the ability to control our physical life, the practice of maintaining awareness helps us to completely free ourselves from attachment to matter. Experiencing enlightenment is not simply having a certain understanding, it is freeing the mind and soul from all attachments. This condition will increase awareness when we carry out daily activities without the desire to separate ourselves from the life around us. Although it may seem difficult, this can be done with practice and mind control. Let go of what has happened and let enlightenment happen by itself. Just as worldly attainment is difficult, but attainable, logically, enlightenment may seem difficult to attain, but it can be experienced by everyone. We already have cosmic consciousness, the role of intelligence will be reduced. Enlightenment is a process that happens little by little. There are lots of ways and hints to see how far you've progressed along this journey.
If you haven't attained enlightenment by now, what are you waiting for?
Many people think that they have to suffer in order to be happy. This is not true. We belong to the Universe which gives us the freedom to choose whether to experience suffering or not. We are the makers of our own freedom. There are as many ways of experiencing perfect enlightenment as there are living beings in the Universe. We expand when we live life in consciousness. We contract when we go through life in an unconscious state. Basically, reality will always prove that we are incapable of defying the laws of nature. All humans are free to choose the "Reality" they want to experience and no one can violate this rule. Every creature has equal freedom to choose.
Many people preach a dogma that ensures there is a certain path to enlightenment. However, enlightenment can be attained in various ways and attaining enlightenment is far more important than the method used.
Remember that everyone is free to choose the most suitable way because there are no step-by-step instructions that are best and work for everyone. How to respond to external experiences is more important than the events themselves.
When you are afraid, you attract more scary things, especially fear of experiencing fear or suffering. In fact, fear is the perfect signal of impending danger. To overcome fear, try to find out the cause so that it can be overcome. This is one of the basic concepts of "Expansion" and "Contraction". There are many other concepts you can learn by continuing to explore your life. Accepting the daily rhythm of expansion and contraction is the only attitude needed to experience enlightenment. You certainly already know that everyone has complete freedom to choose.
Consciousness is something as real as our existence. Whatever we are doing right now, we are doing it by attracting the cosmic consciousness (the Creator of the Universe or whatever term you want to use). We all come from the same Source and will return to it again.
May you understand simple ways of dealing with everyday life that will help you on your journey to enlightenment.

Step 1. Beware of the message: Everyone is not free from mistakes that can be used to learn lessons
Doing the same mistakes over and over again will be very self-defeating and hinder the achievement of the goals we want. However, we are also free to do so. ask yourself, What are the causes and ways of dealing with pain and suffering to the source?
Some say, A person will feel deterred when he experiences something unbearable.
There are also those who argue that the first step towards Freedom is to be aware of where we are right now.

Step 2. Seek guidance from wise men who live with dignity and read books that teach dharma

Step 3. Take time to practice mindfulness
Oftentimes, we become so stressed or stressed about trying to fulfill our responsibilities that we forget to have fun.

Step 4. Sit quietly and let your thoughts and judgments come and go
After calming down and clearing your mind, be aware of what you're going through.

Step 5. Observe smells, sounds, and things you see
To reach the highest awareness, apply this step when facing problems in daily life.

Step 6. Meditate
You can meditate anywhere at any time by focusing your mind on a specific object that is happening right now.

Step 7. Read articles on enlightenment and spirituality in general
Read the teachings of great philosophers, such as Gautama, Jesus, Lao Tzu, Shunryu Suzuki, Muhammad, Dante, Francis Bacon, William Blake, and others. Aldous Huxley's book The Doors of Perception discusses this subject directly and indirectly.

Step 8. Learn the Noble Eightfold Path and The Four Noble Truths.

Step 9. Focus on the present and enjoy the activities you do throughout the day (eating, sleeping, even using the bathroom)

Step 10. The instructions described in this article are helpful steps if applied consistently
The step that really brings you to enlightenment is raise awareness of certain aspects of yourself that you have not been aware of, for example through integration. How to do the integration can be learned further by searching for information on the internet.

Step 11. The way to attain enlightenment as explained by Shakyamuni/Buddha Gautama is by doing good, focusing attention, and developing wisdom

Step 12. Enlightenment is not a state of mind that can be formed or cultivated
Our lives are controlled by the law of cause and effect. We will experience bad results if we do bad things and experience good results if we do good things. What you realize you will experience, no matter what happens.

Step 13. The emergence of a higher awareness is natural when you do something intensely
Walking or meditating while walking can awaken higher awareness. Counting breaths or footsteps while walking requires normal awareness, but is capable of generating higher levels of consciousness. Musicians use normal consciousness when listening to musical rhythms, but this state is capable of awakening a higher level of consciousness. Carlos Castaneda writes books that bring a lot of imagination to life through the character of Don Juan. Carlos walks around imagining Don Juan using normal consciousness to get lots of inspiration for writing. The emergence of a higher awareness while walking will motivate and improve the ability to walk/meditate.
- As you get used to living life in awareness, the activity of the mind will decrease and you will experience mindless awareness more often. This state helps you practice freeing yourself from thoughts that trigger a sense of relaxation, especially when you feel comfortable experiencing mindless awareness. This will restore the natural state of your body and mind so that you are free from the thoughts that keep popping up instead of the conditions created by life's experiences.
- Everything can change. So, there is no right or wrong. Decide what is best for you under certain circumstances, but remember that you are not alone. Your decision may have an impact on other people. The best way to live life is to be kind and polite. Be a person who is able to be compassionate to others. Give (do) what is best for others as you would give (do) yourself when you were in the same situation.
- Taking drugs that expand thinking or psychoactive abilities is not the right way to experience enlightenment. One can reach the top of the mountain by helicopter or hike and both methods give the same result. However, psychotropic drugs are not a shortcut to experiencing enlightenment because there is a possibility of a psychedelic crisis and triggering fear. This disorder can be overcome, but it can also get worse. Remember that enlightenment must come from within.
- The thought that you have to achieve something is an obstacle that prevents you from attaining enlightenment. The natural state of our mind is enlightenment. First of all, realize that in order to experience enlightenment, there is nothing we need to achieve but to rediscover our true self. You alone determine whether to experience enlightenment or not.
- Another way to practice is to do reflection or so-called self-reflection. This practice is especially effective for people who have been doing daily meditation regularly for a long time or at least a few months because the "answer" (benefit) of reflection is to experience for yourself that pure awareness is not affected by the ups and downs of ever-changing experiences. How to do reflection that is often done is to ask yourself or simply distract (observe) "Who/Am I?" or "Why/Why did I experience certain events?" If you think of answering your question with "I am a human being" or "I am a spirit" or "I am everything", these answers are not helpful. The answer that is needed is the understanding that you are a consciousness that is experiencing all things, including being yourself. Behind all the perceptions and activities of the mind, consciousness itself is experiencing every moment. At some point, you will understand that when you become aware of something, however subtle and it feels like someone is saying "I am" or "I am experiencing", it is simply the object of consciousness because the aspect you have not experienced is consciousness itself.
- Remember and test it by experiencing for yourself that awareness is already within you, but not yet realized. The unawareness that consciousness experiences everything (including thoughts, feelings, sensations about oneself, etc.) is a means of creating an unenlightened state from time to time. When you are experiencing a mental or emotional shock, try to focus on your awareness, which is the entity that is aware of what is being experienced, instead of focusing on what is being experienced.
- Meditation and physical exercises, such as pranayama (breathing exercises) are the basis of further, deeper mental practice. Once you are able to calm your mind, the benefits of the practice will manifest more quickly and you will experience the positive effects of enlightenment more consistently. If you practice regularly, meditation helps you stop the activity of the mind and discover the intangible aspects of consciousness so that you can experience and enjoy the benefits of enlightenment in real terms. Enlightenment is not something that needs to be "achieved" because you are creating a state of unenlightenment if you focus on the pseudo-agitation of the mind. Remember that meditating consistently (short sessions of about 20 minutes 1-2 times a day) is much more beneficial than long, inconsistent meditations.
- The path to enlightenment can be taken by bringing enlightenment to people who are not yet enlightened. The enlightened master understands the correct way to meditate so he is able to tell what to watch out for and the responsibilities to fulfill because this is a very valuable asset.
- Every human being can choose whether he wants to be in the realm of pure consciousness (cosmic consciousness), energy (a combination of consciousness and unconsciousness with unlimited variations of modulation), and matter (unconsciousness). Man is a complex combination of matter, energy, and consciousness. Within us, there is a supreme consciousness that can be accessed at all times as a way of experiencing pure consciousness.
- What is real? Indra can be deceiving, but emotions will tell the truth. Besides, the best guide is your "mind" or "intuition." You decide whether this process goes fast or slow.
- Know that you can experience enlightenment without practicing. However, practice will provide very useful support and help you experience enlightenment through a continuous process. This information does not contradict the advice given above. Everything we need is readily available. You can disprove this reality using conceptual thinking against it. However, mind-body existence is highly conditioned to focus more on matter. Therefore, consistent practice helps you enjoy the benefits of enlightenment on an ongoing basis just as you maintain your physical health by maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Alternatively, get into the habit of practicing yoga, taici, or aikido.
- Teach as best we can the things we should know.
- Don't try to "achieve" enlightenment yourself. Instead, take every action in your daily life mindfully and remember that everything you do will have an effect.
- Learn to trust yourself completely.
- Scientific knowledge that is inferred based on repeated occurrences and miracles is not something that can be duplicated. Therefore, miracles cannot be understood scientifically. Our consciousness is a miracle in itself.
- Do not take drugs to "open your mind" because it is very dangerous if abused.
- Practice to the best of your ability. Do not push yourself.
- Once you know how, don't be afraid to travel away from your physical body because you can come back any time you want.