A curse is a magical spell that is cast on a person with the intention of harming him in some way. These ill intentions range from mere irritation and psychological stress to physical pain and suffering, and even death. Curses are often associated with witchcraft, and therefore should not be taken lightly. The curse jar (a kind of curse bottle) is a simple curse method that is claimed to be effective by its users.
Part 1 of 5: Setting up the Curse

Step 1. Be careful about the possible outcome
If successful, your curse can affect the target's life-perhaps even death. However, it should be noted that many people do not believe in magic or the power of curses, and there is little scientific evidence to support their success.
Studies have shown that people who believe they are cursed and feel powerless to deal with it can suffer from diastolic weakness, which causes blood pressure to drop dramatically and can lead to death

Step 2. Know that curses can be the master's eating weapon
There is a popular belief among sorcerers that casting a curse is a disgrace and, as a result, will return to the curser in the same form. If you curse someone, you must also be prepared to accept the bad consequences.
- Wicca witches also adhere to the who-plants-he-reaps notion: whatever you do, whether positive or negative, will come back to you threefold.
- Little is known about the psychological impact the person who casts the curse will have upon successfully harming their target. If you cast a curse on someone, you may experience psychological stress that you can't even imagine at this point.

Step 3. Consider forgiving and moving on
Think about why you want revenge, and whether doing this would be worth your time and energy. Chances are, your time and energy would be better spent moving on with your life instead of wallowing in negative emotions that will only make things worse for you.
- When you take the time to seek revenge instead of moving on, you are wasting precious time that could otherwise be used to improve your life. The person who hurt you may very well deserve something bad, but they certainly don't deserve to take up any more of your time.
- Research has shown that revenge can actually make us feel worse. Experts believe this may be because revenge can make a problem seem bigger than it should be, whereas not retaliating can make an issue seem more trivial in the long run.

Step 4. Determine the intention
If you decide that you want to keep dropping the curse, sit down and think carefully about what you want to happen. Being clear about what you want to happen during each stage of the curse will make it more effective.

Step 5. Protect yourself
Before imposing a curse on anyone, make sure that you have protected yourself with protective spells and/or charms. If the person you are cursed with also practices magic, there is a chance that your curse will be reversed.
Part 2 of 5: Gathering Materials

Step 1. Take a glass jar
Large, wide pickling jars work well, but other glass jars of the same size are fine too.

Step 2. Take a doll
Puppets are considered to have similarities with the target of the curse. In fact, this could be anything that represents your target, including a photo, a few strands of the target's hair, or even a piece of paper with the name on it.
- If you collect the target's hair or nail clippings, make sure you do this unnoticed - preferably by picking them up from the trash - otherwise you risk getting into trouble, not only with the target, but also with the authorities.
- If you're using a target photo, write the person's name on it in red or black ink. Also use black and red ink to write the target's name on a piece of paper.
- If you choose to write down the target's name and put it in a jar, use their nickname, not their full name. For example, If your target is Jonathan Smith, but he is known as John Smith, use this name. You shouldn't use someone's online username even if that's how you get to know them.

Step 3. Take the object that is used as the medium
The term has many definitions, but in this case, “medium” refers to the object through which you will transfer evil energy (i.e. your curse). Any of the following items will serve as a powerful medium:
- Rusty nails, tacks, or other pointed objects can be added to the jar to hurt your target.
- Red chili flakes or whole red chilies will make your target irritable.
- Vinegar can be used to sour a person's life, or to sour a relationship between two people.
- Rose thorns can be used to harm your target through deception (like a rose that looks smooth until its thorns prick a finger) or to sour feelings of love.
- Matches can be added to jars filled with paper, to ignite the curse every time you shake or move the jar.
- Poisonous plants can be added to the jar to harm your target. Make sure you wear protective equipment (eg gloves, dust goggles, face shield) whenever you come into contact with toxic items.
- Urine (your own) can be added to the jar to help you master the target. Avoid using other people's urine and blood, as these materials are dangerous and can transmit disease.
Burial ground can be used to keep someone apart or separate two people. Soil from new graves was the most potent, but taking it could be considered contamination by the authorities.
If you decide to take soil from a new grave, seek permission from the spirits of the deceased and offer an offering- alcohol (e.g., wine poured into the ground), food (e.g., part of your last meal), or money (even if it's 1 dollar).) is the standard offering
- You don't need to put all of these things in a jar. One or two is enough!
Part 3 of 5: Preparing the Curse Jar

Step 1. Clean the jar
Do this with hot water and soap. Make sure you have removed the label and any remaining adhesive. To prevent debris and crumbs from moving from the washcloth into the jar, allow the jar to air dry.

Step 2. Remember what you mean
As you add items to the curse jar, focus on your target and what event you want to happen to them.

Step 3. Put the doll in the jar
If you're using a doll and it has target hair, you can wrap it around the doll's neck.

Step 4. Add the medium to the jar on top of the doll
Remember to stay focused on your intent while doing this. If you don't have a particular desire, just think about how angry you are and what the target did to you that deserved the anger.

Step 5. Close the jar tightly
Before closing the jar, make sure there's nothing else you want to put in it. Once closed, you should not open it because it will lose its power.

Step 6. Glue the lid with wax (if necessary)
If you have black or red candles, you can light them and drip wax around the lid to make sure it's airtight.
To make it even more powerful, you can use a safety pin or other sharp object to carve the name of the target on the wax before melting it

Step 7. Shake the jar
Do this while keeping your anger at the target. Remember, you are putting negative energy and power into the jar.
If you're using nails or tacks, shake the jars gently so they don't break

Step 8. Hide the jar in a dark place
You can hide the jars in your own home, but hiding them close to your target will make it even more effective. If you hide it near a target, do so carefully so that it is not easy to find.
- For example, you can bury the jar in the target's home page. If you do this, make sure no one is looking at you and dig deep enough that no one can find you.
- Carefully hide the jar, but make sure you can easily retrieve it again if necessary. You never know, maybe one day you will change your mind and want to stop the curse.
- Another reason to carefully hide the jar is that if someone finds it and breaks it, the evil intent of your curse could turn on you.

Step 9. Be patient
Your curse may take days or even months to take effect. If a long time has passed and you think the curse didn't work, it's possible that your target is being protected by protective spells and amulets.
- If your target is protected by magic, think about whether continuing to pursue the curse will be worth the effort, as it may take a lot of time and energy to break through their defenses.
- It is also possible that your curse fell on someone close to the target, not your target. Before deciding that your curse didn't work, think about whether this is the case.
Part 4 of 5: Using Psychology to Strengthen Your Curse

Step 1. Ignore the curse jar (if necessary)
If you don't have the time, resources, or interest to prepare a curse jar, you can also use psychology to make your target believe they are cursed.
- Merely scaring your target with malicious words or stares, or doing something to sabotage their daily life will have the desired result.
- However, keep in mind once again that your energies should be focused on improving your own condition, rather than complicating the lives of others. The phrase “living life well is the best revenge” applies here.

Step 2. Stun your target
The more your target believes they are cursed, the more effective your curse will be. In addition to using a jar, get inside the target's mind by letting them see you giving them evil looks or by saying unpleasant things to them.
If you're not sure you can say something that really scares your target, use a malicious stare. It's important that they realize you're doing it for them and that they're worried about it

Step 3. Use your discretion
If your target is someone who is physically bullying you, you may want to avoid talking and/or staring with them, as this could be at the expense of your own safety.

Step 4. Use the “placebo” effect
Research has shown that taking a placebo can help people feel better. You can also use this knowledge to achieve negative results.
Use popular sayings regarding general bodily functions, including, but not limited to, sleep (“You will never sleep again”) and touch (“Anything you touch will be destroyed”)

Step 5. Make it general
When imposing a direct curse verbally, make it general. That way, your target may perceive your curse to be realized when something happens that fits the description.
- For example, if you say “Anything you touch will shatter” and a few days later the person drops a glass or even just trips while tying their shoelaces, your curse may flash through their mind.
- From there, as your target gets more and more restless, the curse gets stronger. Your target will manifest the curse for you, and all you do is put that thought into their head.

Step 6. Keep an eye on your target
Research shows that people who are overly supervised tend to act worse than those who are left alone. It will take time and dedication to do this because you will have to constantly harass him.
- You don't even have to be mean to your target. You can literally advise them and ask them what they are doing all the time. This is enough to mess with their focus and make them act worse in every way.
- This method does not have to be done directly. Constant Facebook messages and emails will suffice as well. Using all available channels to provide constant encouragement and advice to targets will bring them down in the near future.
Part 5 of 5: Stop the Curse

Step 1. Protect yourself
If you stop the curse without protecting yourself, the curse may turn on you. Before destroying the jar (and consequently, the curse), make sure you're protected by a spell, amulet, or at the very least, a prayer.

Step 2. Take the jar from its hiding place
If you hide a jar outside your own property, make sure no one sees you picking it up - especially the target of your curse.

Step 3. Break the jar
The easiest way to do this safely is to put it in a paper shopping bag, fold the bag tightly, and then gently crack the jar with a hammer.
If you've already put the liquid in the jar, put the jar in a paper bag and then put it in a plastic bag before breaking it

Step 4. Discard the jars
Once the jar breaks, place the paper bag in a thick plastic bag before throwing it in the trash. Make sure you clean any liquid or glass shards that may come out of the bag when you crush it.
- The most powerful curse is believed to be dropped and stopped during the convex moon phase.
- Never drop a curse over a trivial thing. Always think carefully about the consequences and decide whether your target really deserves it or not. Most of the time, they don't deserve it.
- Instead of cursing someone, devote your time and energy to wishing yourself good luck rather than hurting others. For example, try praying for your own happiness or success.
- Keep in mind that there is very little scientific evidence to suggest that curses, or any kind of magic, actually work. You can still use it as a ritual to deal with your own negative energy, but it's healthier to move on or, if you're in a dangerous situation, to seek help from a professional (e.g., school counselor, police, social services) to get you out. of the situation.
- Binding spells counterattack much less often than direct curses, as the energy that bounces back is inherently protective.
- Check the legality of all your actions before doing them. Some of these may include acts of blasphemy, offense, or stalking. If so, don't do it.
- Curses can strike back. If it doesn't seem effective but you're suffering unusually, stop the curse as described above.
- If you are in a dangerous situation, notify the authorities. There is nothing to prove that the curse worked. So don't rely on curses to get rid of dangerous people from your life.
- If the person you're cursed with also practices magic, there's a good chance they'll discover what you've done and try to avenge your curse. Protect yourself with a protective spell or amulet.