Examples exist to inspire, teach, and set a good example. Whether it's to teach your child core values or show your students the right attitude in a learning setting, the most important thing you can do is be honest, thoughtful, and consistent. Examples don't have to be perfect, but they do have to show that everyone makes mistakes and it's important to take responsibility. You can be an inspiring and instructive role model as long as you are around people who look up to you as a role model.
Part 1 of 3: Be an Example to Your Child

Step 1. Apply what you teach
If you want to be a good role model for your children, then the most important thing is to do what you say. Of course, some of the rules that apply to children may not apply to you - you don't have homework to finish or a 9:00 p.m. curfew - but it's important to set a good example of how you behave. Your child will imitate your behavior and it is important to show them what you want to see in them.
- If you tell them to be nice, then don't let them see you talking rudely about the waiter.
- If you tell them to have good manners, then don't talk with your mouth full.
- If you tell them to keep the room clean, then keep your room clean too.
- If you're always asking your kids to eat healthier foods, let them occasionally see you choose lettuce over fries.

Step 2. Apologize when you make a mistake
Don't pressure yourself to be the perfect parent who has never made a single mistake. That's not possible. Things can go wrong, and sometimes, your emotions will flare up, you'll say or do something you'll regret. That's very natural. The most important thing is that you acknowledge the behavior and apologize instead of pretending nothing happened. If you misbehave and try to hide it, your child will get the impression that they can do the same.
If you do something wrong, have your child sit down, look him in the eye, and show that you are truly sorry. Make sure your child knows that you mean it, so he knows how to apologize when he's made a mistake

Step 3. Say what you think
Your child doesn't have to see you as having all the answers. In fact, you can help them by showing that you have to work hard to find the right answer in a given situation by saying what's on your mind and inviting them into the process with you. When difficult situations arise, you can weigh the pros and cons with your child, and point out what needs to be done in the decision-making process. This will show them that you are human and when you say “no,” you are not saying it out loud, but because you have thought it through. However, you must be careful not to take this idea too far; You don't want to end up having to explain your reasons to your child every time, or this method may become tiring and end up losing its benefits.
- For example, you could say something like, “I wish I could let you play with your friends now, but I want you to finish your science assignment first. Remember the last time you stayed up late to finish an assignment and how tiring it felt? I want you to get used to doing chores first before having fun.”
- Whenever you explain reasons to your child, make sure they are really listening because they are interested and not because they keep asking why, why, why just to criticize your decision.

Step 4. Stick to the rules
Another must for parents who want to be good role models is to be firm in what you say. If you tell your child that he can't go to the mall with his friends if he hasn't finished his homework, then you have to stick to that decision, or you'll look impressionable. While it can be difficult, you can't allow apologies, emotional pleas, or screams, "But my friends' moms let them go!" distract you from your rules and ideas. Of course, you should always listen to your child and never make rules without thinking about them, but once you create a mandate or rule, you must obey it if you want to earn the child's respect.
- If your kids see you don't keep your word, they will think that it's okay for them not to keep your word if they say they're going to do homework or come home at a certain time.
- If you say you're going to pick up the kids at a certain time, make sure you're there. If you are late, sincerely apologize. You don't want them to feel like they can't depend on you.

Step 5. Treat everyone, including your child, with respect
If you want to be a good role model for your children, you must treat everyone around you with respect, from carpenters to neighbors. You can't tell your kids to be nice to everyone and let them see that you're talking bad about your friends, yelling at telemarketers, or being arrogant at the cashier. You should also be kind to your child and not mean and inconsiderate, as they will surely take this behavior to heart.
- If they see you being rude to a waiter, for example, they will imitate the behavior and will think it's OK.
- Even if you have a conflict with one of your friends or coworkers, don't let your kids hear about it, especially if you're angry. You don't want them to think it's okay to gossip about other people.

Step 6. Be consistent
Another thing to do to be a good role model for children is to be consistent in how you keep things organized in the house. If you have a rule that children can't play with their friends until homework is done, then you should enforce it every time, instead of making exceptions based on how much your child wants to play with their friends. If you say that your child has to eat vegetables before getting dessert, don't give up because your child has started crying. If you make a lot of exceptions, children will get confused and will think that it is okay to be inconsistent in their own behavior.
- Needless to say, there will be times when you have to bend the rules and make exceptions, when the situation really requires it. That's okay, and it will also teach children not to have a black and white view of things. For example, if your daughter wants to go to a school party, maybe you can let her come home an hour or two past curfew, but only because it's a special occasion.
- When you have a partner, it's important to stick together. You don't want to play the role of good cop and bad cop with your partner so your child thinks that you and your partner won't give the same answer to their requests.

Step 7. Treat your partner with respect
Your relationship with your partner, if you have one, is probably one of the most important relationships your child will see. While no relationship is perfect, you must show your child that two people can work together to love, compromise, and thrive as individuals and as a couple. You may not think that your behavior has an effect on your children, especially when they are young, but they will imitate the relationships they see when they are old enough to have relationships of their own.
Sometimes, you can get angry and raise your voice. When that happens, you don't have to pretend everything is okay. If you know your child is listening, you can explain that some things are out of your control but that you are not proud of the behavior
Part 2 of 3: Be a Model for Your Students

Step 1. Don't play favorites
Of course, it's almost impossible not to pick a favorite when you're teaching a class where a student is always asleep or texting sitting next to other students listening to your every word. When it comes to grading, all students will be judged fairly, but when you interact with students in class, you should try hard to hide biases so that you can create a positive classroom atmosphere.
- Try to treat students equally, and don't praise students who excel too often, or other students will feel neglected.
- If you're mean to a student who doesn't impress you, he or she won't be motivated to change.

Step 2. Follow your own rules
It's pretty self explanatory. When you tell students not to be late for class, don't be late for class. If you have a no cell phone policy, turn off your phone during class. When you tell students they can't eat in class, don't chew half a sandwich in the middle of a presentation. If you fall into this kind of behavior, students will think you are a hypocrite and they will lose respect for you. Moreover, they will imitate behavior that indicates that it is okay for students to break the rules.
If you break your own rules, make an effort to apologize

Step 3. Show interest in the subject matter
Whether you teach organic chemistry or basic grammar, if you don't care about the subject matter, no student will. You have to show that you're interested in historical wars, literary books, factor additions, or whatever else you're teaching that day. Your enthusiasm will spread and will show students the importance of paying attention to what they are learning. If you are bored or tired of the same material, students will imitate your example.
As a teacher, one of your goals is to show students what it's like to have a passion for a particular subject. Your enthusiasm can get them interested in your favorite subject too, and that will be a great achievement

Step 4. Admit your mistakes
It's a little tricky. You want students to see you as the one who has all the answers as well as the one giving the test. However, sometimes things go wrong - maybe you forgot an important point in a lesson, maybe one of the exam questions doesn't make sense, or maybe you promised to hand out your essay on time but didn't give it to them. When a situation like this arises, you should tell students that you made a mistake and move on from there. Swallowing self-respect for thirty seconds will be worth it in the long run, because they will see that they too can make mistakes.
Of course, this doesn't mean you're allowing students to question your every move, or an opportunity for grade-hungry students to squabble every little bit of every day's exams with you. Find a balance between openly admitting mistakes and not letting students question everything you do

Step 5. Ask for feedback from older students
While asking third graders what they think about your lesson plan may not yield the best results, you can be a better teacher and a great role model if you seek feedback from larger students about your teaching and lesson plans. If you're a lecturer, for example, asking for feedback at the end of a lecture can help you do your job better next time and it will show students that your ideas aren't etched in stone and that you're flexible.
Of course, it's about a good balance. You have to be aware of what is good for students, even if it's not the most interesting material, and what lessons are useless because students aren't really learning anything

Step 6. Encourage students
If you want to be a good role model, then you must encourage students to excel and try harder in school. If they're struggling, help them out after school, give them additional resources, or provide follow-up feedback on their essays to help them improve. When they show improvement, make sure you give them the credit they deserve. It exemplifies the idea of improvement and shows students that they can be better than they are now; If you have a habit of encouraging good students and underestimating weaker students, then you will make students think that there is no room for improvement.
- To be a good role model, you shouldn't make students feel bad for doing poorly, or praise students for doing well too much. Instead, you should talk about a difficult subject and give them a chance to ask questions so they can clarify what they don't understand.
- Encouraging student progress will make you a good role model because giving them the trigger to succeed in class can also help them apply that determination to other areas of their life.
- And also please remember, unfortunately not all students get help and encouragement at home. Giving them positive examples who offer encouragement can give them hope for the rest of their lives.
Part 3 of 3: Be an Example to Your Sibling

Step 1. Apologize if you hurt your sister's feelings
It can be very difficult to swallow self-respect, especially when you are used to being in charge of him. However, if you made a mistake, really hurt her feelings, or just did something you regret, it's very important to hold back your pride and say you're sorry. Not only does this show her that you really care, but it also sends a message that she should also apologize if she made a mistake.
Make sure you mean it and that you're not just doing it because your Mom or Dad told you to. Say, "I'm sorry for what I did," instead of, "I'm sorry you got mad at me," to show that you are responsible for your actions

Step 2. Be the older sibling
If you want to be a good role model, you don't have to be the one to get angry, kick the wall, or yell at your parents. Your sibling wants to be like you, and it's up to you whether to act like an adult and do the right thing or act like a baby. While you can't always be mature and responsible, you can try to set a good example so he knows how to behave. If you and your sibling fight, don't act like her and start screaming or crying, instead you should act more mature.
This can be tricky, especially when the age gap isn't that great. Still, try to be more mature even when you're upset, and your younger sibling will try to do the same

Step 3. Show that you are not perfect
When you are older, you may have the idea that you are a shining and flawless example to your younger sibling. While this may be true in some cases, you have to let go of that pressure and admit that you are only human. If you did something wrong, you can talk to him about the behavior and explain that next time you will do it differently. Whether it's yelling at Mom or being unsportsmanlike at a soccer game, you can tell her what happened and show her that you're sorry.
You don't have to cover up any mistakes and act like you're always right, or he'll think he should do the same when he makes mistakes. Life is all about learning from mistakes, and it's important to talk about that with your younger sibling

Step 4. Involve him in your activities when the time is right
Of course, there will be times where you just want to hang out with your friends and keep him away from it all, and that's okay. However, if your mother tells you to buy something, while watching television, or to do something your sister will enjoy without bothering you too much, then it's important to let her be with you when you can. You want to be a good role model for family involvement and togetherness, so that your sibling doesn't feel compelled to ignore you in any way in the future.
You can also spend some alone time. This alone time is not only healthy for everyone, but it will also show your younger sibling that she too should spend some time alone for personal development and reflection

Step 5. If you want to do something yourself, explain why
If you want to be left alone for a while or just want to hang out with your friends, don't just tell your sister to get lost; instead, say something like, “I want to spend some time alone with my friend Jenny. You don't want me around when you just want to be with your best friend, do you? It's nothing personal and we can play again later. Not only will this strengthen your relationship, but it will also show your sister that she can also offer other people a reasonable explanation instead of being mean.
Sure, it would definitely feel cooler if you just told him to go away and slam the door, especially if your friends were around, but that would set a bad example

Step 6. Don't compete
Chances are your sibling wants to talk like you, dress like you, and be like you. This can be fun and sweet, and it may be something you have to deal with. However, you should avoid creating competition between you and your sibling, whether it's about looks, grades, or soccer skills. You want to be there to encourage him to try, not to stop him from trying. If you create a competitive relationship with him, it's likely to last for the rest of your life, and may cause discomfort along the way.
Remember, because you are older than him, it is naturally easier for you to do things faster and become stronger or more skilled. Instead of emphasizing this, help your sibling grow, and give encouragement whenever you can

Step 7. Do well in school
You don't have to be an A in all subjects to be a good role model for your sibling, but you should try to show respect for the teacher and the school. If you act like school isn't important, all the teachers are stupid, and that you don't care if you have to study for exams or skip class, then your younger sibling will surely follow your example. You don't want to set an example where he thinks it's okay not to care about class attendance or doing well in school; this way of thinking could affect the rest of his life in a bad way.
On the other hand, if you are a brilliant student while your sister is struggling in school, you shouldn't show off your test scores and outstanding achievements. Don't make her feel bad for not being able to match you. Instead, take on the role of a mentor and help him with lessons and homework as best you can

Step 8. Don't pressure your younger sibling to do something more mature than he or she is prepared to do
If he's a few years younger, it can be tempting to ask him to join you when you smoke, drink beer, or do something more mature with your friends. Your sibling may be eager to please you, and you might think it would be funny if he helped play a joke on someone or even broke the law, but in truth, you are sending him down a dangerous path. If you want to drink with friends or do something your sister isn't ready to do, don't pressure her.