Being respected is common, but being able to get others to respect you is a great thing. Some people seemed to be able to draw the attention of others to respect him from the moment he walked into the room. Research shows that we usually judge leaders not by how they perform their duties, but by their appearance. This becomes even more noticeable when you think that people have an impression of you within 7 seconds of you meeting them. In general, this is an impression they will always remember.
Part 1 of 3: Making a Strong First Impression

Step 1. Radiate confidence through body language
Remember that it's not how you feel that matters–it's how people who see you think about how you feel. This is a common problem with body language: often your non-verbal signals don't convey what you mean. You may be slouching because you're tired, but other people may read it as a sign of disinterest. You may feel more comfortable standing with your arms crossed over your chest, but other people will see you as someone who is difficult to approach. Stiffly placing your hands next to your feet or sticking them in your pockets can also give the impression that you don't feel safe or that you're hiding something – whether that's true or not.
- To display confident body language, you must stand straight and should not slouch. Keep your eyes straight ahead or at the person you are talking to and don't look at the floor. Let your hands relax and be ready to move at the right moment.
- Don't hold your hair, clothes, or hands nervously. If this is the case, you will look bored or feel insecure. Let your body be alert and active to give the impression of a more vibrant self.

Step 2. Adjust your facial expressions
Have you ever been asked a difficult question in a group? Maybe you want to appear knowledgeable, confident, and likable, but what happens if you tighten your jaw, raise your eyebrows, or wince as you search for the answer? What if you sighed, smiled condescendingly, and shook your head? What will the people around you think? Therefore think about how you will act.
- Keep your facial expression positive and confident by smiling broadly, not harassing people, and avoiding frowning or biting your lips.
- When you speak, make sure you appear confident in what you are saying rather than having an expression that says, "I don't believe the words that come out of my own mouth."

Step 3. Don't underestimate the power of touch
We are designed to feel closer to the person who has touched us. The people you touch will also feel more connected. A firm touch will be more effective than a light touch, which can actually make people feel uncomfortable. The power of touch is an attractive force and even a light touch can create bonds between people. Touching the hand for only 1/40 second can not only make the recipient feel better, but also give the toucher a better and warmer feeling.
Even with adults in business settings, learning about shaking hands from the Income Center for Trade Shows shows that people are more likely to remember you if you shake hands with them

Step 4. Match body language with your words
When your body language is different from what you say, people will believe what they can see. It's important to communicate congruently – that is, by aligning the body to help; instead of confusing the message you want to convey. Mixed signals will have a negative effect on your appearance and make it difficult for you to build trust. For each of your non-verbal signals that contradict your words, the people who are watching you - employees, customers, voters - will be confused. And, if forced to choose, they will not listen to what your mouth says, but believe what your body says.
For example, if someone is talking to the audience about how he or she accepts all suggestions, but he or she stands behind the podium leaning away from the audience, or puts his hands in his pockets, the audience will believe in his body language that this person is not interested in the suggestions/feedback., and don't care about that

Step 5. Remember that you will always be watched
As a leader, you must always communicate. People are constantly watching the leader, and your “inappropriate” behavior will always be watched. There was a brilliant leader who said, “What I do in the hallway is more powerful than anything I say to the audience.” You can't give a strong, commanding speech and then walk off the stage and start yelling at an employee or family member on the phone without losing respect.
If you say something to some people and you look different from what you said afterwards, then how can you expect them to respect you?

Step 6. Think less, slower, and lower
Have you ever wondered why men are approved as leaders more often than women? This is because they tend to move less, slower, and lower. In the study, the average woman made 27 major movements when entering a meeting room, compared with only 12 for the men. Women who succeed as leaders use fewer and slower movements, in equal numbers with men. Therefore, if you want to get people's attention to respect you, move slowly and don't wave.
Part 2 of 3: Having a Strong Character

Step 1. Be a good example
If you want to get people's attention to respect you, then you have to be a good example to people. They should see how you live and feel inspired by it. While this may sound a bit common, you just have to live the ideal way of life that you have in mind. Be kind to people in the service industry, achieve your goals, work with all your heart, and set aside time to bring kindness and generosity into your life.
If you are someone who lives a classy life with dignity and grace, then you will be respected for your strong character

Step 2. Don't take advantage of others
Getting people's attention to respect you does not mean taking advantage of others. If you want to attract people's attention to respect you, then you must be respectful and kind to others, and not try to make them your minions or puppies. Don't take advantage of people in lower positions in your office, or from friends in need or from close relatives. It's not going to make you look great because you're getting people to do everything for you; rather, you may come across as someone who doesn't care about other people. Nothing can make you lose respect more quickly than this.
If people respect you, then they will enjoy working with you to achieve a common goal. But if you only use people for money, respect, and being liked, then they will turn away quickly

Step 3. Treat “everyone” with the same level of respect
Even if you are the president of a company, that doesn't mean you have to be mean to a courier. You should be grateful for whatever title you have and treat those above and below you with kindness and care. This means that you must respect those in power and care for those who work under you; if you yell at a restaurant employee or are mean to a new employee, people will see that you have no manners towards other people.
Of course, a high position in a company will lead to respect automatically. However, keep in mind that tipping more company lunches can earn you even more respect

Step 4. Avoid bragging about your awards
You'll probably want respect so much that you feel the need to show off every little thing you've done, from winning a trophy for a tennis championship in high school to winning a marathon in New York. However, if you work hard enough and keep a low profile, people will learn about your achievements and be impressed by them. If you become a snob who boasts about yourself, then your accomplishments will lose their luster.
It will take time for people to see all the great things you have done, but when they see them all, you will be satisfied

Step 5. Praise people instead of gossiping about them
If you want to get people to respect you, then people will see that you are investing in the more important things in life than talking about other people's lives on the weekends. Start the trend by saying something “nice” about other people “behind them”. People will be amazed that you have a lot of good intentions and aren't mean, jealous, or sneaky. They will respect you because you don't share in gossiping and spreading rumours.
- And who knows, they might even follow your trend. You not only attract people's attention to respect you because you are good, but also because of your positive actions.
- In addition, you can give someone a direct compliment. Instead, refrain from yelling at people or being mean when you're in a bad mood, and focus on being nice to others. People will like – and respect – you more if you make them feel good about themselves.

Step 6. Give your time
If you want to get people's attention to respect you, then you can't live alone. Take time out of your busy schedule to volunteer in your community, help a classmate, help your subordinate understand a difficult assignment, or help your parents at home. If you give your limited time, you will not only earn more respect, but also gain a sense of pleasure for yourself. If you focus too much on achieving personal goals and give the impression that you don't have time to help others, then you will lose honor.
Of course, you shouldn't volunteer or help people just for the sake of honor. Calls of the heart like this must come from an impulse within you

Step 7. Be someone who excels in an area
Another way to get people to respect you is to excel at something. You can be outstanding at your job, write beautiful poetry, or be the best goalscorer your school has ever had. You can excel at comedy and make people laugh in less than 1 minute, no matter how bad their mood is. Find what you are very good at and practice it diligently. If you are really above the average of most people, then others will notice.
Again, this doesn't mean you have to brag about how great you are at something. If you just do it to look great, then people will notice

Step 8. Hold on to your words
Being a man or woman who keeps his word is the key to showing strong character and getting people to respect you. How do people respect you if they think you'll change your mind in a few minutes? If you say you are going to do something or make a promise, you must keep it. And if you're not sure you can do it or not, then don't make empty promises that will make the other person feel better just temporarily. Work on being someone you can rely on and the rest will follow.
Know your limits. Don't say you would do 20 different things if you only had time for 5 of them
Part 3 of 3: Respecting Yourself

Step 1. Stop apologizing for everything
A key aspect of respecting yourself is being comfortable with what you do and who you are. And if you don't have that, then no one will respect you. Therefore, stop apologizing when you need some personal time, for not being at a friend's party because you have to go with your family, when you didn't meet your boss's unrealistic expectations, or when you couldn't go with your family because a final exam is coming up. come. Have principles and don't make excuses for them, then others will see you as worthy of respect.
This doesn't mean you shouldn't apologize for "anything." If you do something wrong, you will be respected for admitting your mistake rather than hiding it

Step 2. Learn to say no
People who can't respect themselves will always say yes to people simply because it's easier than disappointing them. You'll say yes to caring for pets when you don't have time, say yes to driving your friend home even if you need a break, and yes to taking on more work because you don't want to disappoint your boss. If you want to respect yourself, then you have to learn to say no without feeling bad about it.
- Don't make excuses why you can't do it or apologize profusely unless the situation really requires it. Be comfortable with your choice.
- If you feel bad about a situation and still want to help, you can offer the person asking for help to do something else.

Step 3. Define your boundaries clearly
You have to let people know where your limit is. If you always give up and do whatever they want, they will push you even further. For example, if you look after your sibling's children for 5 hours a week but say that you can no longer help more than that, then he will not take advantage of you; but if you give in and help out on the weekends too, then he'll see that he can ask you to do anything. If your group thinks they can ask you to do more work, then they will push you further than you would like.
Tell your expectations from the start and stick to them, no matter what. This way, people will see you respect your values and your own time

Step 4. Hang out with people who respect you
If you want to have true self-worth, then you have to hang out with people who make you feel good, not people who don't value you and make you feel small. If people around you are always mocking you or making you feel ugly, poor, stupid, or unworthy in general, then how can you expect others in your circle to respect you? If you allow yourself to be treated so disrespectfully by your closest friends, then others will think it's okay to treat you that way too.
It's time to reevaluate your relationship. Do the people you spend most of your time with make you feel like someone of value or like someone who isn't worth anything at all? If they don't respect you, then they really are your opponents, and it's time to find people who treat you the way you should be treated

Step 5. Don't beg
People who don't value themselves will beg for help, attention, and many other things that lose their appeal after they ask for help. If you value yourself, then you can ask for help on a difficult job without degrading yourself by asking for help from people who won't give it to you. If your boyfriend doesn't pay enough attention to you, don't make him lose respect because you begged him; however, show him how much you have to mean to him, and if that's not enough, it's time to break up.
Not only does asking for help show a lack of self-respect in the person you're talking to, but those around you will also look at you as depressed if you look like you can't do anything on your own

Step 6. Take care of yourself
If you want to get people to respect you, then you have to take care of yourself. This means that you shouldn't let people see you're too drunk and you should be present at work or school in good appearance and adequate rest. Don't come up with a look that says you just got out of bed after 3 hours of sleep, with your hair still messy. You have to make sure you eat 3 times a day and have time to do what you like; all of this has to do with taking good care of yourself, both physically and emotionally.