Being friends with a guy you like can be a very complicated affair. You will find it difficult to hide your emotions and may be impatient to express them. In fact, relationships that start from friendship are very useful. Once you become friends with him, make sure you get along with all of his other friends. When the time is right, express your true feelings. Continuing to hide feelings will be self-defeating. If he is your true friend, he will listen and be proud to have you in his life, no matter what happens.
Part 1 of 3: Befriend a Guy You Don't Know

Step 1. Chat with his friends
Guys can feel lonely or easily alienated especially if their friends start making fun of them. Befriending his friends will show that you are part of his network and can be trusted. Learn about their friendship dynamics and find out how to enter their circle.

Step 2. Create a club
Whether it's a book club, coffee club or film club, develop common interests. Invite others to join your club or make it just the two of you. Be careful not to look like a date if you're new to friends.
Your club can meet weekly or once a month. Basically you want to share activities together to strengthen the bond of friendship, but don't let him feel too attached

Step 3. Take up a new hobby
Keep yourself busy. You certainly don't want your life to revolve around your friendship alone. Plus, whether he shares your interests or not, a new hobby will give you something to chat about.
Take a class or course. Learn something that always interests you so you don't get bored

Step 4. Volunteer when you can
Donating to society will make you feel good. Knowing that there is someone who is selfless and wants to do something good is great. She may also be moved to participate or inspired to find her own volunteering opportunities.

Step 5. Enjoy the sport
Guys obviously love watching and playing sports. You don't need to be in the same team or sport as him. Having a passion for a team or sport of your choice will also appeal to him.
Guys like to talk about their favorite players or watch games together. Find something about a sport you enjoy and focus on it. You don't need to know every detail, but you should really enjoy the sport

Step 6. Burp to your heart's content
According to the boy, the sound that comes out of the limbs is ridiculous. Knowing how far you can push the limits of your own impudence may feel good. Don't be self-conscious by just following the standards set by other guys.
- Challenge her to a burp competition and crack the same kinds of jokes as her male friends do.
- The myth that girls have no bodily functions, can't be funny, rude, or smart is outdated and even dangerous when it comes to the relationship between a boy and a girl. Show him that you're not a stranger and a freak-you're human, just like him, and you can feel comfortable being around each other and being yourself.

Step 7. Go to a happy hour event
If you're old, this is a great opportunity to get to know her in a social setting. Invite your friends and ask him to invite his friends. It's a cheap and fun social gathering that's far from dating.

Step 8. Review your views on guys again
Don't think boys and girls can't just be friends. Thinking about gender stereotypes is easy, but think of him as an individual with his own ideals of friendship. You should have different perspectives on things while still enjoying each other's company.

Step 9. Understand that men do see potential for romance
Research has shown that guys do think about romantic relationships with their female friends when given the chance. It may seem disappointing at first if you don't get romantic attention, but over time, satisfaction will be on your side.
Guys may not realize at first that a girl is attractive, but as time goes on and he finds out how smart, funny, and sociable she is, the girl becomes more and more attractive

Step 10. Avoid using pressure
Research shows that both girls and boys will get ridicule from their peers to turn a platonic friendship into a romantic relationship. Don't feel obligated to do something you're not comfortable doing. Be open with your friends and let them know that their taunts and pressures hurt.
Guys may get teased by their friends for having a girl friend who isn't a potential boyfriend. Friendship is not seen as a masculine thing because it means that a guy has to make himself vulnerable and pour out his heart to you
Part 2 of 3: Retaining Feelings

Step 1. Hide your true emotions
If he tells you about his latest crush or what's going on in his relationship, be supportive. First and foremost, you are a friend. Focus on your hopes for a romantic relationship. The worst thing that can happen is that you have a very close friend and you can only be happy for him.

Step 2. Don't lose control of yourself
It's okay if you harbor desires, but if you act on emotions, you can cause problems. Make sure you fully understand how he feels before going any further or you could lose a good friend.

Step 3. Prepare for the awkwardness
Many TV shows and movies depict romantic relationships between friends as embarrassing mistakes or awkward situations. If you don't transition properly, that's probably what will happen. Remain confident that your friendship will last. If there are romantic feelings, awkwardness is inevitable unless one of you expresses feelings about the other person.

Step 4. Go in groups
You don't want to misunderstand others. People might ask if you two are dating if they see you two together. Limit the time you spend alone together in public. Try to include other people if you can.
It's fine if you watch it together, but eating together might invite questions and make people gossip

Step 5. Be prepared to accept honesty
Guys can be very honest, so be prepared to listen to frank opinions and harsh comments. For example, if you ask a guy how you look, you might not appreciate his real opinion.
Don't make this a one-way street. If he is very honest with you, you should be very honest with him too. Make him comfortable and let him know he can trust you like all his guy friends

Step 6. Avoid expressions of affection
Don't give in to temptation and hug or rest your head on his shoulder. If it's too sentimental, you might give yourself up. Don't blur the line between boyfriend and friend. Wait until you are ready and confident in yourself or you can make him get defensive.

Step 7. Don't ask or give dating advice
Guys don't talk about the details of their romantic life the way girls do. So don't expect him to open up. Don't talk about your own romantic relationship because if he has feelings for you, he will be confused. Keep the conversation platonic.
If you tell him about your romantic life, he may think that you only see him as an ordinary friend. If he has a crush on another girl, you might automatically judge that girl and badmouth her. Don't get in the way of his chance to be in love. Don't make him choose between you or another girl

Step 8. Don't act like his girlfriend if you're not her boyfriend
Don't pamper or seduce her. Let him know when he's being a jerk or acting inappropriately. Praise him when he is a friend and scold him when he is not.

Step 9. Don't take advantage of his weaknesses
If she is experiencing a crisis in her life such as a breakup or a family member has died, don't try to turn her emotions into a romantic relationship. He will feel used and angry.
Unlike girls, guys might be flattered to know a girl friend likes them. Girls may be angry and sad because their trust has been lost

Step 10. Don't compare
Don't compare yourself to other girls he likes or his current girlfriend. This will cause anxiety and frustration. Don't act like a jealous boyfriend if you're just friends.
Don't change yourself just because you think it will win you over. You can't make him fall in love with you. Keep your dignity and be yourself

Step 11. Never assume
Don't try to convince yourself that something isn't real. He may say that he loves you but only as a friend. He might as well say that he can imagine himself with you but that's just a slim possibility and not at this moment. Save yourself from embarrassment.
If he already has an ambiguous relationship, he may just be "greedy". Make sure he's not into someone else or has a serious girlfriend
Part 3 of 3: Get Started

Step 1. Read the signs
Has he introduced you to all his friends and stopped talking about the other girls around you? Does he want to spend more time alone and plan activities that resemble dating? There are a number of signs he might give. So pay attention.
Does he constantly explain that he is single and often imagine scenarios where the two of you are dating? His body language may change and he may be more sentimental than usual. It's also possible that he starts acting like your boyfriend or asks questions to investigate how you feel about him

Step 2. Make sure you both know what you want
What seems obvious to you may seem unclear and confusing to him. You should have a clear idea of your friendship and whether romance is the next logical step.
It's okay if you find that this is not a good idea. You don't want to lose friends by forcing yourself to be a boyfriend

Step 3. Tell him how you feel
If you don't want him to think of you as one of his guy friends or just a temporary escape, let him know how you feel. Be honest and forthright. The key is open communication.
Be honest because any type of relationship you want to maintain will not last if the truth is revealed. Being honest with yourself can also help you manage expectations

Step 4. Tell him that you are going after another guy
You can't take care of his feelings or your own feelings. Telling him that you have a love life will probably make him show his feelings for you. Don't be vague and don't allow him to be vague about any intimate encounters.
Be honest about your current sexual activity because if you are transitioning from friendship to something physical, you want to make sure you are safe from any sexually transmitted disease

Step 5. Be honest
Laugh if he doesn't reciprocate your feelings. The longer you hold on to your feelings, the harder it will be to continue to be true friends. You don't want to start a friendship or romance with a lie.

Step 6. Prepare for the future
If you're planning to cross from friendship to something more than that, anticipate the possibilities. Depending on the dynamics of your friendship, you may receive a variety of possible reactions. He may be flattered, embarrassed, angry, or amused.

Step 7. Be patient
If you do and are initially rejected, let time speak. If he is a true friend, he will support you, listen to what you have to say, and will think of your best interests. He's not going to hurt you and even if he did, you've avoided a dangerous situation because he doesn't deserve to be your girlfriend or your friend.
- Be yourself around him.
- Don't overdo your feelings because in the end you might end up embarrassing yourself.
- Dare to speak up and be yourself.
- Talk to his friends as you would talk to your own friends. Be friendly and open to anything.
- Find a common interest and talk to him about it. Guys especially like to talk about sports.
- Don't change yourself for anyone's sake, if they don't like you because of your personality then they won't like you when you are yourself.
- Don't talk about topics like sex if she's shy about it.