It's not easy being a good host for an ignorant guest. do you agree? Have you ever had a guest who unceremoniously extended their stay or visit to your home? Although at first you may not mind, over time this condition will definitely drain your patience. If you experience such a situation, don't hesitate to remind them when their visit is over. For guests who are ignorant and treat your home like a hotel to them, sometimes you need to take things a bit more extreme. Keep reading this article for full tips!
Method 1 of 4: Setting Limits and Keeping Sanity

Step 1. State the end time of the event on your invitation
Better to prevent before cure, right? Therefore, make sure that you specify the start and end times of the event as clearly as possible for any event that allows you to send invitations. At least you have a good reason to ask them to leave when the time comes.
- For a more formal event, try sending a written invitation and listing the time there.
- Tell them that their stay is up or about to end. Implicitly, you can remind them by saying, "Wow, I can't believe it, it's Monday soon" or "Too bad you have to go home tomorrow".

Step 2. Develop a detailed schedule
If they come for a vacation at your house, make sure you make a rough schedule of the activities you will do with them; most importantly, make sure the schedule has a clear ending to remind them that the vacation period is over.
If what you're hosting is a party, chances are you won't have time to put together such a schedule. Therefore, it is enough to convey one short sentence indicating that the event is over, such as, "Our party tonight is over, see you at other events, okay?"

Step 3. Always make time to please yourself
No matter what the guest's visit or stay, make sure you always take the time to relax in your own home. Communicate the plan to your guests ahead of time and emphasize when you need to go to bed and wake up so they don't disturb your sleep.
- Also explain the parts of the house that they are not allowed to enter. Surely you do not want your private bathroom entered by strangers, right?
- If you're really feeling down, try buying movie tickets or similar entertainment tickets for your guests. Tell them honestly that you want to spend some time alone at home, even if it's just for a little while.

Step 4. Don't let the obligation of being a good host make you uncomfortable
Understand that you only have to be a bad host for bad guests! However, being a good host doesn't necessarily require you to always clean their bedrooms or wash their clothes. Therefore, make it clear to your guests that you have absolutely no desire to lower the standard of living just to satisfy their desires.
Method 2 of 4: Politely Remind Them

Step 1. Invite them to do an activity together
For example, you can take them on a trip to the mall or just take an afternoon walk around the complex. Give the impression that it is "their last activity before leaving your house." Remember, the hardest thing you need to do is get them out of the house; once they're out, at least you can just lead them to the car (or to a taxi, if you booked one in advance) instead of getting them back into your house.
- If you are having a party, make sure no guests are left in your house. There's no point in kicking one guest out if you allow two or three other guests to monopolize your kitchen, right?
- Make sure all guests have brought their belongings. If your plan is to prevent them from coming back into the house, make sure they get out of the house with all their belongings.

Step 2. Do boring activities
Believe me, this method – even though it may seem very implicit – is actually quite effective at repelling an insolent guest. For example, change the activity of playing video games to playing conventional games, or changing the activity of chatting while drinking alcohol into bathing the cat. Most guests will choose to leave instead of doing something they don't want to do.
- This tactic is indeed more effective for party guests; however, even long-stay guests will leave if they no longer feel comfortable or entertained in your home.
- Make sure they know they can leave at any time from your home. In other words, don't make them feel obligated to do the things you ask them to do.

Step 3. Use implicit body language
For example, act as if you are very busy or anxious. If it's his last day to visit or stay overnight, act accordingly. Pack your guest's belongings and move the conversation location from the living room to the exit.
- Consider making their bed or returning the room to how it was before they came.
- Make yourself unreachable at the end of his visit. For example, busy yourself with office work or household chores so that you can no longer accompany him to do many things.

Step 4. Act like you have to go
You can give a variety of reasons, such as “I have to go, here” or “My grandma is in the hospital”. Trust me, only very cheeky guests still insist on staying even if the host claims to be busy or is having an emergency. In addition, you can also act as if there are other guests coming and need to stay in their room.
Be careful not to expose your lies. Better make sure you really go elsewhere. However, if you've been telling lies like "My grandma is in the hospital," at least make sure your grandma knows the lie and that your guest doesn't work in the medical field
Method 3 of 4: Remind Them Live

Step 1. Tell a story about a "bad guest"
This method is not a “soft way” to drive your guests away; therefore, consider doing so before the guest actually extends their stay so they know the limits you set in advance. If they insist on staying, say something like, "Wow, you're starting to act like the guest I just told you about, aren't you?" to make them realize that their visit is really over.

Step 2. Ask your friends for help
If possible, enlist the help of your friend to lead the annoying guest to the exit. Invite your best friend to the house when the guest has to leave, and make them leave your house together. Have him constantly give signals that mean “it's time to go”; who knows, your friend could be a good example for the guest.
- If the guest is a guest at your party, try asking a friend to help drive him home. That way, he will have no choice but to go home with your friend when the time comes.
- Realize that your friend has to leave your house too. Don't hire someone to set an example but "stop" them from going out by constantly talking to them or your efforts will not pay off in the long run.

Step 3. Help them find a place to stay
For guests who stay and find it disruptive to your life, offer them to find a hotel. If they come to your party and don't think it's really over, try asking them to go to a more suitable location, such as a nearby bar or cafe.
There's no need to feel responsible. Act like the host who, unfortunately, had to end the show, but don't apologize for it. Don't pay their taxi fare or hotel room fees. Just tell them firmly that they have to leave your house

Step 4. Pack their things
As a good host, of course you need to escort all guests to the fence, right? To confirm to your guests that the time has come, pack all their belongings and place them at the door. After that, ask them questions regarding their return such as “Is there anything left behind?” This should be enough to explain that their visiting time is up.
For the guests at your party, try offering one last drink or piece of cake. After that, wrap the leftover cake or drink and give it to them to take home

Step 5. Give them homework
If your guests have been staying too long, let them know that they have to help you with household chores. For example, ask them to wash clothes, clean dirty dishes, and tidy up their own rooms. At least, you will receive free help from them, right? Most likely, they will feel reluctant to stay longer if they have started to be burdened with homework.
Method 4 of 4: Being a Bad Host

Step 1. Ignore your guests
Stop socializing with him; if necessary, ignore its existence. Replying to rudeness with similar rudeness is the last step you can try. If you manage to make them feel unappreciated or accepted, they shouldn't hesitate to step out of your house. Unfortunately, some people tend to be less sensitive to pick up on these signals.
Make them feel uncomfortable. Many guests do not hesitate to monopolize their host's TV. Don't let them do it! Instead, act like your TV is down and say you can't take care of the dinner. Stop being the host and treat them like someone who is renting a room in your house

Step 2. Do things they don't like
If your guests have been staying too long, feel free to do things that annoy them. For example, play unpleasant music as loud as possible, keep repeating ancient literary poems, don't replace boring television shows, etc. Remember, they will most likely not want to leave because your house is too comfortable to live in. Therefore, make sure you get them to change their mind!

Step 3. Invite the people closest to you to the house
If your relationship with your guests is not very close, try inviting other people to your home. After that, give the person your full attention and ignore your guest. In other words, make your guests feel bad for interrupting your intimate moments with those closest to you. Hopefully, they'll notice the rudeness afterward, apologize, and leave your house immediately.
For guests who have stayed for several days, let your friend know that they need to stay at your house and use their room. Act like you've been doing it for a long time so your guests have no choice but to leave your home

Step 4. Banish them from your home
Remember, this is the last step you should only take if all the methods above don't work! If your guests are really being mean, the only thing you can do is shoo them away by saying, "You have to leave now." At this point, you should tell – instead of asking – them to leave your house. Turn off the bedroom lights. them, pack up the furniture they've been using, and make them lazy to stay longer in your house.
- Treat them as well as you can. Even though their attitude is annoying, you should still leave a positive memory as a host in their minds.
- If possible, evaluate guests who have the potential to cause problems in advance.
- Emphasize what foods/drinks can – and cannot – be consumed by guests.
- Treat your guests well during their stay. If you think they should go home, do the opposite; for example, don't wash their towels or make their bed.
- If you're hosting a party, be aware that the presence of alcohol can make your guests more comfortable and less likely to leave.
- Be prepared to accept their heartache.