Do you want to be one of those people who is popular, always happy, and seems to be loved by everyone? While there's no guarantee that other people's feelings can be changed, you can try to become a more lovable person.

Step 1. Realize early on that we can't really make other people love
This must be realized before you commit to persuading people that you are worthy of love. Second, understand that you have nothing to gain from pursuing love. Instead, it's an attempt to be the best version of yourself, and you pay attention to people you know and meet because they really want to. However, that will be discussed later.

Step 2. Understand that being lovable is not the same as being popular
Do not equate the two concepts. The two have nothing to do with it.
Part 1 of 3: Be Approachable

Step 1. Have an open and agreeable attitude
If you want to be loved, love everyone. You have to be kind, gentle, and kind to everyone. No one will find fault with a good person. Speak kindly. Respect others.

Step 2. Keep the appearance as it should be
Take care of yourself and wear clothes that are appropriate for your age and environment. If you respect yourself and appear confident, people will appreciate your efforts.

Step 3. Smile and display an open attitude
Spread love. Even if someone says or does something you don't agree with, be nice and try to put yourself in their shoes to understand their motivations. Practice this until it becomes a habit.
Part 2 of 3: Interact Friendly

Step 1. Speak up and state your principles clearly
Apply your ideal morals and principles. Do what you say. Besides, always learning.

Step 2. Make time for other people
The best gifts you can give others are time and energy.

Step 3. Be yourself
Of course, you want to be liked for who you are, not because of wrong assumptions or what other people like.

Step 4. Don't forget to have fun and relax
When you are with other people, don't be stiff or nervous. Make sure they see that you are relaxed and happy, not stressed or irritated. If people think you're cheerful, they'll want to be around you more than if they see you're always nervous.

Step 5. Be honest without being rude
Praise others sincerely from the heart. If there's nothing good to say, don't say anything. However, it's a good idea to challenge yourself to find at least one nice thing to say about someone without making it up. Give it a try, it will help you see the good side of everyone.

Step 6. Give space to others
The tendency to cling makes others feel responsible. This is not a favored attitude, but a form of restraint. If you like clinging to others, remember the value of freedom and present yourself at your best, don't hide under the protection of others.

Step 7. Be ready to give a second chance
Don't judge others by their mistakes, but by their circumstances. Remember that circumstances, luck, and chance may make that person's position yours in the future. Understand their situation, investigate further if necessary, and be prepared to forgive.
Remember, if you expect your friends and loved ones to love you when you are hard to love, the same is expected of you. It's called fair

Step 8. Have faith
Spread love. Rest assured that love will come back to you from the right people.
Part 3 of 3: Taking Care of Yourself

Step 1. Take care of yourself first so you can pay attention to others
If you have a lot of emotional baggage and personal problems, you won't be able to inspire, help, or support others because your situation isn't right. On the other hand, if you take care of yourself first, there will be room for caring for others too.
Sacrifice may seem noble, but if it is self-defeating, it creates hatred, bitterness, and discontent. Find a balance between helping others and taking care of yourself

Step 2. Be close to people who make you happy
Think of your body as a sponge that absorbs everything nearby. You can only feel perfect happiness by giving it to the people around you. The same is true with anger, sadness, and jealousy because you will emit negative emotions that are felt.
This does not mean staying away from loved ones who are sad and experiencing problems. At times like that everyone needs support, and their negativity is only temporary. Be the one to help in this moment and let them know that you are always there for them

Step 3. Realize that you set the boundaries
Humans have limits that other people see and respect. If your boundaries are low, people will break them and disrespect you. If you want to be loved by others, love yourself first.
Other people can't love you if you don't love yourself

Step 4. Show confidence
When your self-esteem is low, people usually don't want to love you. If they notice you're confident but not selfish, they'll want to be around you.

Step 5. Don't try to be loved
This may be the last odd suggestion. However, you can try to be lovable, but what matters is the reason. If you're lovable because it's your nature, deepest desire, and one you want to share with the world, then that reason is authentic, kind, and genuine. On the other hand, if you're doing it to be liked and loved in return, you're after recognition, not expressing yourself sincerely. Be careful, lest you can't tell the difference and just seek acknowledgment. Remember to incorporate all of these attitudes into a person, not just to be reciprocated with love. Love will come, but that's not the point of practicing being lovable.
- Be lovable as a sincere expression, not for recognition and friends.
- Realize that even if your intentions are good and sincere, there are still people who misunderstand and may still dislike you because they can't or don't want to.
- Treat others the way you would want to be treated.
- Stay calm at all times, try not to get into a fight.
- Have an Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, or Facebook account to bring out the best in you.
- There are some people who simply can't love. Don't be disappointed if they don't like you. There are many other better friends.
- There are people who are very protective of their personal space. Don't bother them if they pull away when you approach.
- Always try to be there for the people who are always there for you.
- Don't be selfish, mean, or self-absorbed. People don't like it and may not like you for it.
- Be honest with yourself before being honest with others.
- Do not lie. Be honest.
- Don't want to be used. Even though you are kind, friendly, and gentle, don't let others underestimate you.
- Don't bully others. Treat everyone the way you want to be treated.
- Don't be a licker. If you accept, love, and respect yourself unconditionally, the right people, not everyone, will love you. In turn, this thoughtful approach will help you become a happier person.
- Don't insist on approaching people who are signaling you to stay away. There are many others who will gladly accept you.
- Don't change yourself to be liked by others. It's of no use. If they don't like you for who you are, then they don't deserve to be friends.
- Don't always put yourself first, consider other people too and see how you can be useful in their situation.
- Don't yell at people, or belittle them and say they're stupid if they don't understand something right away. Be patient with everyone.