The Aries man is energetic, impulsive and ambitious. Relationship with him will feel passionate and fun. By understanding his personality, embracing his adventurous side, and learning how to communicate with him, you already hold the key to building a healthy relationship.
Part 1 of 3: Getting to know her

Step 1. Plan spontaneous things to enjoy together
The Aries man is an impulsive person who likes to do things spontaneously. This impulsivity makes him feel youthful and “alive”. When you're with him, you might be surprised when a planned dinner together turns into a long night of dancing and exploring the city. Don't be surprised if he suggests something crazy or unexpected.

Step 2. Be prepared to be blunt and honest
The Aries man can't put into words. He doesn't hesitate to tell how he feels, even if the truth is bitter. Be prepared for situations like this so that you are not surprised or hurt by what he says. Remember not to take his bluntness to heart because that's his personality. If he says something that offends or hurts your feelings, don't be afraid to be honest and openly about your opinion.

Step 3. Be prepared to stand up for yourself when he starts to love organizing
By nature, the Aries figure is a leader and sometimes likes to rule. In certain situations, he may try to control the situation and tell you to do whatever it takes. However, that doesn't mean you can just let him go his way. Aries men actually like strong and independent figures who are able to stand up for themselves. Just remember not to try to control him so he doesn't feel uncomfortable.
For example, if you're planning to do something, but he tries to get you to do something else, don't hesitate to say no. You could say, for example, "If you don't want to join, that's fine. I'll still do it."

Step 4. Understand that he is a sensitive person behind his manhood
Despite his striking appearance and self-centered personality, the Aries man is actually a sensitive and caring person. After gaining her trust, she will open up to you and give you the emotional support you need.
When spending time with him, share your feelings and doubts or fears, and ask questions about feelings or things that often discourage him. If you are willing to open up, he will feel comfortable opening himself up to you
Part 2 of 3: Maintaining a Happy Relationship

Step 1. Encourage him to travel and pursue his interests
The Aries man loves freedom and independence, and can be uncomfortable with people who try to control or restrain him. Make sure you give him the opportunity to do the things he enjoys, and don't rely on him too much. He will pour out more love if you can give him freedom.
- If he keeps talking about wanting to travel somewhere, show support and tell him to visit the place. Don't try to stop him or take his actions if he doesn't ask you to go out with him.
- Balance your needs with theirs. It's okay if you occasionally ask him not to go out with his friends so he can spend time alone at home. However, don't demand too much so that he doesn't feel uncomfortable or upset.

Step 2. Eliminate expectations of the same or predictable in your relationship
Aries men get bored easily and really don't like routine. Keep the relationship exciting by planning a surprise activity or enjoying something you've never tried before. He will certainly feel at home if the relationship remains fun and exciting.
- Surprise him with a weekend getaway or a trip.
- Take her out to dinner or just have a weekday date so she doesn't have to spend time at home.

Step 3. Start the argument in a friendly and fun way
Aries men love to argue; for him, debate is like a sport in itself. When spending time with him, start an argument about a topic of mutual interest, such as sports, movies, or music. However, don't let the argument turn into a fight. Keep the argument positive and fun.
- For example, if he says that the best film ever produced is Avatar, but you feel that Titanic is the best, express your opinion and let him speak his mind. He would love a positive debate like this.
- It doesn't matter who is right at the end of the debate. The thing to remember is that this debate is done for fun.

Step 4. Show confidence in bed
The Aries man is confident in his own sexuality, and likes people who are also confident in their own sexuality. When you're enjoying an intimate moment, don't hesitate to let your hair down and feel sexy. If you're feeling discouraged or ashamed of your own body, try learning to love yourself for who you are. Stop comparing yourself to others, and praise your own beauty every day. Regular exercise also helps you increase your confidence and makes you feel more comfortable in bed.
Experiment with different sex positions and outfits in bed to keep him interested and excited
Part 3 of 3: Dealing with Conflict

Step 1. Stand up for yourself when you fight with him
The Aries man can dominate the situation making it difficult for you to fight him. However, it's important that you don't let him trample your self-esteem. Otherwise, you will only feel annoyed and angry during the relationship. In a heated argument, don't be afraid to say what you think.
For example, if the two of you are arguing and he ignores whatever you say, you might say, “You're not listening to anything I'm saying. I don't want to talk to you until you listen to me."

Step 2. Don't blame him for the little mistakes he makes
The Aries man doesn't like to be blamed or told he made a mistake. When something really hurts or upsets you, you really need to let him know what went wrong. However, if you're feeling irritated over trivial things (e.g. he forgot to put milk in the fridge so it went stale, forgot to lock the door, or didn't call even though he promised), simply remind him in a friendly tone.
For example, instead of being upset that he didn't wash the dishes, you could say, “Hey! I did the dishes yesterday. It's fine actually, but would you mind doing the dishes later?"

Step 3. Feel free to say what you want and need from him
The Aries man sometimes cares too much about himself and puts a lot of energy into achieving his goals and personal interests. If you feel that your dreams and personal needs are not being cared for in the relationship, talk to him about them. Aries men like passionate and passionate people. By telling him what you want, he can understand the situation from your point of view and begin to provide the support you need. However, do not immediately expect that he will change his way of life or make a lot of sacrifices to help you achieve success.