Aries is the zodiac sign for those born between March 22 and April 21. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, which is quite fitting for this domineering nature. However, if you get used to her competitive nature and love for new things, you have a pretty good chance of getting it, including successfully beating an Aries woman.
Method 1 of 3: Making the Right First Impression

Step 1. Don't resist his masculine tendencies
Regardless of the gender of the person, Aries is usually considered a masculine symbol. So, the woman you like may have masculine tendencies, which are straightforward, full of energy, and may also be easily tempered, even if she is quite feminine. The first step to getting an Aries woman to fall in love with you is to understand, accept, and ultimately appreciate this tendency.
- Accept his way of doing things, especially in the beginning. Aries are known to be very domineering, which can be a problem if you are too. If he can't decide what he wants to do, because your desires are different from his, there may be problems in your relationship. Don't try to control it.
- Let him be rude. Do you remember the sweet and wise woman that Audrey Hepburn always played in the old movies? Such a woman, obviously, is not your typical Aries woman. He may speak loudly, swear, or act passionately, but you have to be there, by his side, trying not to appear weak under pressure. It's hard to do, but very useful.

Step 2. Awaken its competitive nature
Like Aries, the Greek god, Aries women are also very competitive. This competitive nature plays a big role in his workplace (where he usually tries to get a promotion, or at least has the support and admiration of his peers) as well as in his daily life. So, how can you catch the attention of an Aries woman? Awaken its competitive nature! Try the following methods:
Play cards, dice and sports with it. Take a set of cards with you when you go to the bar, and challenge him to a game of Rummy; or bring the dice and challenge him to Liar's Dice. Whatever happens, don't let him win; he wants the satisfaction of beating you for trying your best

Step 3. Physical activity
Must do! Aries is a very active sign of the zodiac. He prefers hard and rough physical adventures over easy and safe home activities. In order to get along with an Aries, you have to enjoy that side of yourself. Gone are the days when you enjoyed weekends in front of the TV; be prepared to enjoy nature and sweat.
- Women usually like to go for walks by the beach, but an Aries may prefer windsurfing. Or maybe suddenly challenged to swim through the crashing waves and get back to shore?
- Jog and run with him. Yoga and Pilates may be considered boring. So, try to choose a sport that is more vigorous, one that really gets his heart racing. Many Aries also like rock climbing.
- Play and watch sports with him. Women are often thought to be disinterested in sports, but usually not Aries. He may not like to sit still while watching a sporting event, but he definitely likes the chance to play it. Take him out when you play basketball with friends, or take him out on a football match.

Step 4. Satisfy his impulsive side
Aries often acts before they think. This can be problematic at times, but Aries also enjoys adventure when it comes to trouble. Don't be afraid to show your impulsive side, or accept his impulsive side, when you're around him. Many Aries are bored with a partner who doesn't know how to act on instinct from time to time.
Ask her out on an unplanned date. Try to come without telling him and take him out to a sculpting class, then proceed to the bar. If, perhaps, he has other events, or isn't up to par, leave it alone and try another time. Don't complain or find it insulting to you. He would be upset about it

Step 5. Don't show your shy side too much, even if that's your nature
Aries has a hard time understanding why other people are shy. They are extroverted, and are able to express their feelings easily and decisively. If you're shy, don't show your shy side clearly in your presence on your first few dates. Not that she couldn't like him; it's just that he doesn't understand it. If you can show him early on that your shyness doesn't define who you are, chances are he'll learn to accept and like you.
Method 2 of 3: Make Him Fall in Love

Step 1. Give him freedom and independence
Aries needs to feel free to do whatever he wants, even if that's not really the case. Do not stick to it like a lizard with a wall. Keep him close to you and keep him interested, but never restrain him. As soon as you complain about your lack of time together, or that she spends too much time with other guys, the Aries woman will think you're intruding on her freedom. Be careful.
Don't rush into a relationship. If you do an activity together, but haven't made it up yet, don't force it. Most likely, he just needed some time to get close. Even if he still doesn't mention you as his girlfriend, you still benefit from this relationship. Don't forget that

Step 2. Be prepared for hot, but honest sexuality
The Aries woman tends to know what she wants. They don't fuss over the details of their sex life like other zodiac signs, even if they really like it. The Aries woman will be honest with you. They'll say what they want, and hope to get it, unless you can give a good reason why it's a bad idea.
- Aries may have an emotionally selfish side, which can sometimes interfere with sexual relationships. If you expect sex to be a tantric union between two people, think again. An Aries might think of sex as a completely different thing.
- On the other hand, many Aries have a romantic side, the only one that is unique from the other tendencies. If you learn to cultivate this romantic side, over time you can expect your sex to be a lot different than it was in the beginning.

Step 3. Never complicate things
Aries is a simple person. An Aries will not play mind games with you. He won't expect you to know something he hasn't told you. He also will not elaborate on the meaning of love if later it is not "useful" for him. Learn to understand this humble side of his personality, and act the same way when you're with him. Keep things simple, without making him feel bored.

Step 4. Take risks with him, but make him feel with you every step of the way
Show him the adventurous side he loves, and don't be afraid to take risks. Consider:
- Travel with him. There's nothing more romantic to an Aries than an adventure on the road. Being in a new place, with different sights, sounds, and customs will ignite the fire of his spirit. Just make sure that he is ready to travel with you.
- Start a new career or path in life. Even if the new career or path is more important to you, he may still feel influenced by his liking for other people's adventures that he didn't experience on his own. Just make sure this direction of change is good for you too.
- Spend money freely on certain things. The keyword here is "certain." Aries is known to be a spendthrift, so you also have to balance his tendency to spend money with a little tact. However, you also don't want to scare him off by being stingy, so try to be a little looser about spending money at any given time. This will help him feel accepted.

Step 5. Cope with sudden setbacks and problems
Because Aries is often assertive, domineering, and harsh, you can't end up escaping arguing with them, or looking at things a different way. Try to remain calm and forgiving throughout the argument. If you hit a dead end, give him a way out. Say something like "We'll talk about it later when we calm down." Do not launch personal attacks that pierce the heart. He is impulsive and wants to win at all costs, including winning an argument with you.
- You need to teach him how to compromise. He will consider a compromise a "defeat" and stay away from it at all costs. Your goal is to make it clear that compromise doesn't mean losing; in fact, compromise is important in a relationship.
- Learn to communicate your need to keep your relationship strong. Aries may not understand your needs if they are not made clear. He is extroverted and communicative. So, he expects you to do the same.
Method 3 of 3: Determining the Best Match

Step 1. Know that the Aries woman is compatible with the Leo man
In general, the Aries woman is compatible with all fire signs, but Leo (July 23 to August 24) is the most likable partner for her. Both are domineering and leading types, but Leo's passionate and generous nature is great fun for an Aries. However, at times, Leo's dramatic nature will clash with Aries' frank tendencies.

Step 2. Know that the Aries woman is a perfect match for the Sagittarius man (sometimes, too much)
It's not a perfect match, but this couple is more suitable than others. Sagittarius (22 November 22–21 December) and Aries are both independent and mutually reinforcing. However, the Sagittarius man can be too independent to surpass the Aries woman, and leave the relationship before it even begins. Still, they both fit in bed and love each other's sense of humor.

Step 3. Understand that the Aries woman is compatible with the Gemini man too
The most beautiful relationships never try to dominate each other. Gemini (May 20–June 21) and Aries are both impatient and adventurous. However, Gemini men can be fickle, and Aries can push him away if he's too direct.

Step 4. Know that Aries is very compatible with the Libra man
Since Libra (September 22–October 23) by nature wants to be dominated, Aries' leading nature works in her favor here. The Libra man will give him the romance he wants, and the Aries woman will give the Libra man the guidance he needs. However, the Aries woman can also be confused by the Libra man's indecisive nature.

Step 5. Know that the Aries woman is quite compatible with the Aquarius man
Aquarius (January 20–February 18) loves the impulsive nature of Aries. They weren't quite compatible when it came to sex, but they turned out to be quite sexually compatible. The Aquarius man may be too cold and cautious for the Aries who tends to be wild and extroverted.
- Aries women often fall in love with: Sagittarius, Libra, Leo, Aquarius, Gemini.
- The most compatible partners with Aries are: Leo, Sagittarius.
- Don't take this astrological explanation too seriously.
- Aries has a 50-50 chance with: Virgo, Scorpio.
- Aries is slightly compatible with: Taurus, Aquarius, Pisces.
- Aries is not compatible with: Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aries.
- The Aries woman wants everything to be passionate from the start. If you don't give them your full attention and treat them with respect, they can get very angry and refuse to give you a second chance.
- Give positive advice when needed, but don't expect him to always follow your advice.
- If you make him angry (hopefully not), don't try to yell at him. Aries are known for their passion and anger for those born under this sign. His anger will subside. So stay away for a while.