Loving a married man. How complicated are those five simple words? People could just read this and say, impossible? Regardless of which side you are on, both sides will agree that this is a highly controversial and morally sensitive topic. How did it start? Touch of hand, casual conversation, eye gaze? This post is for women who love a married man and need positive guidance and support to overcome their problems.
Part 1 of 2: Understanding Married Men's Attractiveness

Step 1. Understand that all relations are based on the following concepts:
- Desire: This occurs when a person sees (visually) the actions and/or appearances of the person he or she is attracted to.
- Attractiveness: This occurs when a person feels (emotional) a bond with someone more than just their appearance.
- Love: It is the combination of desire and attraction that creates a certain level or depth of love.

Step 2. Understand that in relationships, there are different depths of desire, attraction, and love
That's why some relationships have stronger and lasting bonds. Marriage is considered the deepest love, and "real proof" that your partner always and unconditionally admires you and will be with you forever. While this is a valid interpretation of marriage, marriage can only be judged commensurate with the people involved. If the level or depth of the previously mentioned elements is shallow, this kind of commitment will not be a lasting bond.

Step 3. Married man who has another dream woman, whether sexually, emotionally, or in any other way that does not live up to their marriage vows, in fact' not married' (emotionally).
- Marriage is a sacred promise, (emotionally), in which two people declare their commitment and love for each other according to God's law.
- A (physical) wedding ceremony is a ceremony where two people declare their commitment and love for each other in the presence of family and friends.
- If a man breaks his promise (emotionally), it means that he is only a participant in the wedding (physically).

Step 4. Also, understand that it is possible that all of us (both men and women) can love more than one person at the same time
Maybe he is that kind of person, and so are you. This can last if all parties are open and honest in situations like this.

Step 5. Prepare for the "CHALLENGE"
In fact, single men can make small problems big, destructive, and cause unnecessary hurt, if they have bad intentions. Often their intentions are not good. They can hang on to you for months, even years, and leave you bewildered and confused about why they won't commit, just want to have sex, or be "friends but lovey-dovey," that's just what he is; "GREAT CLASS PLAYBOY". As for a married man who has tried to establish commitment and monogamous relationships, and may be a good father, able to earn a living, and a great lover. These are qualities that are considered good and secretly coveted by women.
Part 2 of 2: Making an Affair

Step 1. Most importantly, keep it a secret
It goes without saying that having an affair with a married man is something that is generally avoided. Clear, having an affair with a married man is an easy way to ruin many people's lives, including your own. However, if it's too late to prevent it, you can still do your best to make sure the affair isn't too damaging to you, your boyfriend, and his family members. The best way to do this is to be careful not to let anyone find out about your affair. Here are some examples to keep your affair confidential:
- To contact your loved one, only use secure communication channels (it's best to use a secret cell phone) and only when you've confirmed that he or she is alone.
- Never flaunt your relationship. Don't tell anyone-not even your own friends. Don't even give vague clues or information about the relationship.
- Don't spend time with your loved one in public. You don't know when and where you might accidentally meet someone who knows him or her.

Step 2. Define fair boundaries from the start
Avoid unnecessary heartbreak (which can happen no matter how well you hide your affair), make sure that you and your partner have clear boundaries about your relationship as soon as possible. For example, you might consider things like the following:
- Neither will ask the other to compromise with the "real" partner in any way.
- Neither will try to change the relationship in a "more serious" direction.
- Both parties have the right to end the affair at any time.

Step 3. Keep your feelings of jealousy under control
In fairness, jealousy is a destroyer. If you're a married man's lover, you really should be okay with him spending most of his time with his wife and family. If you can't accept the fact that you're "another woman," the affair could be more damaging to you than it should be. Don't let your jealousy overwhelm you. It can push you to make decisions that end up damaging you, your loved one, and/or their family.
If you're about to make a drastic decision out of anger or jealousy, try waiting a day before acting. Never act without having time to calm down and consider all the consequences of your actions

Step 4. Don't be a home wrecker
If you have an affair with a married man, the following wise suggestions can be followed. Having an affair with a married man is bad, but destroying his family is even worse. Cheating should not be close to home, family, and especially the children of his lover. Never allow yourself to come into contact with your loved one's family or try to position yourself between your lover and his or her family.
This advice is for the good of both you and your loved one, because if you try to interfere in his family, you're forcing him to choose between you and his wife to the detriment of you (not to mention if his family is torn apart)
- Make sure your attention isn't just on him. Hang out, get out, go to a cafe, and point out the fact that you don't need him. Married men are used to women being submissive to him and that's why he is still with his wife. You must be the opposite of his wife because whatever she does, or whatever character she is in at the moment, pushes her to do something outside of her marriage. Treat him like a king, but show that he is just one of your accomplices. He definitely can't get away from you.
- You deserve a relationship that really belongs to you completely. Do not stop looking for a man who is able to establish an honest relationship.
- You have to respect and respect yourself so you don't end up being a doormat and just do what makes him comfortable. You may or may not be at the bottom of his priority list, but he should still try to love you, and if he can't, don't hesitate to shift your love to someone who will.
- Seek professional help if you feel out of control and can't seem to find your way. It's not healthy to stay in a relationship that causes hurt or violence.
- This article no advise you to go after married men; This article is limited to those who are already dating a married man, and requires consideration. Don't make it difficult for yourself, until you've listened to the "why shouldn't I do this or that" advice, trust him and treat him with respect; let go of the barrier, your double standard, and don't regret it. Otherwise, you will be losing yourself. This is not the type of relationship that is suitable for a timid person.
- If you can't take the challenge of being a mistress or another woman, you're not cut out to date a married man. You have to accept it in order to deal with it and understand your position.
- You deserve a man who loves you. Plus, everyone can follow their feelings-this includes married men who want you. Listening to your heart is a natural and healthy thing.
- When he has to solve problems with his wife, children, work, or health, he will sidestep you. This will hurt when you get used to communicating every day, but that's the reason why he likes you. He could return without bearing the consequences.
- Don't create, assume, and make negative initial judgments about him, just because he's married. Follow your "instinct", never "guess" yourself. If this relationship is unhealthy and he likes to play with women, likes to act rude, or likes cheating, get out of this relationship immediately. Do not enter into any sexual relations or immoral acts that could defame you, his wife, or members of her family. This is difficult because we as women have a natural desire to comfort our lover, and to "correct" all the "wrongs" in his world.
- You may want to make him happy because you always feel like you are in competition with his wife. Do not rush! This is not a race. Be confident in your decision and analyze the facts yourself. The key is to think long term. Don't tell anyone about your relationship. You must be alone in making decisions and actions in this relationship. You can't ask anyone for support and be prepared to be ostracized. This will only add to the sense of hopelessness and unnecessary "emotional baggage," and make your relationship float.
- Always remember that we are all vibrational beings and whoever is involved in our lives will eventually know what is going on. The wife will know and may just let it be; otherwise how could this continue. So you don't have to feel too guilty.