4 Ways to Spend Free Time

4 Ways to Spend Free Time
4 Ways to Spend Free Time

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Whether you're waiting in the waiting room, in line, or simply have twenty minutes to spare before your lecture/meeting starts, it's best not to waste that free time. With a little creativity, it's not hard to get rid of your boredom. Follow these few steps to spend your free time well.


Method 1 of 4: Spending Time Entertaining Yourself

Kill Time Step 1
Kill Time Step 1

Step 1. Close your eyes and daydream

This relaxation technique is very popular with teenagers when math or history lessons are in progress. However, it seems that many adults today have forgotten how to daydream. They are too busy, tense, and their minds are filled with the problems of life. Listen to the whispers of your youth and daydream.

Worrying about something is not daydreaming. If you sit and worry about the future, you're not daydreaming. Of course, not everyone can daydream – if you're one of them, don't force it. There are still many ways to pass your time

Kill Time Step 2
Kill Time Step 2

Step 2. Go to the open air

Visit the park. See the view. Play. Sometimes, simple activities have the most satisfying and enjoyable results. Just a walk is enough to be healthy and entertain yourself

If you don't have much free time, just take a walk in your neighborhood. Observe your surroundings – are there things you weren't aware of before? Engage all your senses – what do you hear, see, smell, touch and taste? You may find interesting new things.

Kill Time Step 3
Kill Time Step 3

Step 3. Challenge yourself by not looking at your phone

When you're with friends or relatives who are both unemployed, count how many people don't pick up their cell phones. In fact, people who know each other are glaring at their phones playing games or exchanging instant messages. Don't copy them and invite the person next to you for a chat. Who knows, he may be your new close friend.

If there's absolutely no one to talk to, just take a picture of them. If you're completely out of style, at least you can quip at people who ignore you

Kill Time Step 4
Kill Time Step 4

Step 4. Annoy someone

Anyone. When someone asks something, answer it with "Um… Do you know?" He will be annoyed, but you will be comforted.

  • Remember, you have to be careful. Take care of your nosy so as not to offend the other person. Too much annoyance will cause problems. Choose your nosy target wisely.
  • Nasty does not have to be done directly. Be an annoying person in forums or comments via the internet. If your jokes are good, other people may also be entertained.
Kill Time Step 5
Kill Time Step 5

Step 5. Find new music

If the latest song on your music player was released five years ago, it might be time to find some new songs. Now, new songs are very easy to find. You can search for the most popular songs on YouTube.com. Who knows, you might find a new song to share with your friends.

Download music apps on your phone. The LangitMusik application has a fairly complete collection of Indonesian and western songs. Look for songs whose genres are completely new to you. Expand your musical taste. Ask for good artist recommendations from your friends or relatives

Kill Time Step 6
Kill Time Step 6

Step 6. Rubik's Cube always works

Even if you're not very good at playing this cube, time will pass as you try to solve these puzzles. If you're lucky, the person next to you will be curious to try. The conversation will start.

  • Don't slide the sticker on the Rubik's Cube or look for the answer because after that you'll be done playing even though there's still plenty of time. If you need to find the answer, read the article on solving the rubik's cube on the wikiHow.
  • If you're with someone, there's a game called "Rubik's Race you can try playing together.
Wink Step 2
Wink Step 2

Step 7. Try testing your right and left eyes

Place your fingers 10 cm from your nose and place a stationary object 1 meter away. Keep your eyes on the object and blink once when changing eyes. The strongest eye will see that your finger doesn't slide sideways when you blink.

You can also surf the internet and look for eye tests or other surprising optical illusions

Method 2 of 4: Spending Time Gaining Knowledge

Kill Time Step 7
Kill Time Step 7

Step 1. Read the book

Get in the habit of reading if you have free time. The hobby of reading will add to your insight that will be useful in everyday life. Always have a magazine or newspaper ready to read in case you suddenly have some free time to fill.

Reading electronic books is also okay, but your eyes will get tired quickly if you are constantly staring at the monitor screen. In addition, there is a special sensation when reading a physical book that smells of paper

Kill Time Step 8
Kill Time Step 8

Step 2. Read someone's blog

Not everyone likes to read books. There are also those who don't bring their readings when they suddenly have free time. So, open up your phone or tablet and read someone's blog. Look for bloggers who have good writing and varied content. You may laugh, cry, or curse the author out loud while reading the blog. Most importantly, you are entertained.

If you have trouble finding interesting blogs, this site makes a list of good blogs in Indonesia. The site even hosts a sort of award ceremony for the best blogs every year

Kill Time Step 9
Kill Time Step 9

Step 3. Invite people near you to chat

Most likely, the person beside you is also tired of waiting and needs someone to talk to. Reject the habit of people today who are apathetic and too busy with themselves and their own cell phones. Start with a light greeting, get acquainted, then chat about anything. There's nothing wrong with making new friends.

You may find it awkward, especially if you find that the person you are talking to is not a pleasant person. However, no problem. His name is also human, everyone is different. Keep trying until you find someone who suits you. A plus if the person is of the opposite sex is attractive

Kill Time Step 10
Kill Time Step 10

Step 4. Learn

Adding knowledge that there are only benefits. Everyone likes people who know a lot. It's interesting to learn all kinds of knowledge that can be obtained from internet sites, but if you prefer to study school or college subject matter, we certainly can't ban you.

Visit sites like Memrise, Academic Earth, Coursera and Khan Academy for great study material. Choose a topic, and start studying. The pictures and videos will make the topics discussed easier to understand, even for people with ADD

Kill Time Step 11
Kill Time Step 11

Step 5. Search the internet for how-to guides or watch funny videos

While you're on WIkiHow, look for how-to guides for things you find interesting. Who knows you might find something you'd like to try, like how to make flowers out of foam, cheat on a homework assignment, or grow bananas. Think about what you want to do, and do it!

It's okay to watch YouTube, but your attention will be distracted by One Direction's clips or cat videos. Better to watch VideoJug or HowCast to be safe from distractions

Method 3 of 4: Spending Time with Creative Activities

Kill Time Step 12
Kill Time Step 12

Step 1. Write

Write something in your diary or a letter to a friend or relative. Always have a small book or notepad handy that fits easily in your bag or pocket. Email and instant messaging are now all too common, so a handwritten letter will have its own value for the recipient.

If you're lazy, don't worry too much about diction. Write freely according to your mood. Compliment your friends as much as you can, and add cute doodles. Not only are your friends entertained, but you can also show off your not-so-good drawing techniques

Kill Time Step 13
Kill Time Step 13

Step 2. Write a song

You are free to write any song. Whether it's about something you love, hate, or whatever else you're thinking about. Even the waiting room can be an endless source of inspiration.

  • Not a songwriter? So what? Now is a great opportunity to learn to write songs! Who knows, the hidden talent within you may rise.
  • If you don't like writing songs, try making a music video! It could be a parody, or a song you composed yourself. Many singers are popular on Youtube because of this kind of prank.
Kill Time Step 14
Kill Time Step 14

Step 3. Create a scrapbook

Easy and fun. Scrapbooking is a much more fun way of storing memories than Facebook's slideshow. Just head to the nearest craft shop and pick up a selection that's too exciting to pass up!

Also suitable as a gift. Scrapbooks are perfect for commemorating intimate moments, memories and relationships with your loved ones

Kill Time Step 15
Kill Time Step 15

Step 4. Choose a hobby or craft that is easy to carry and flexible to work with

If creating a scrapbook requires too much commitment, do something much simpler. Keep your hands busy to pass the free time in an instant! For example:

  • Knit or crochet. Small projects like cup mats or knitting gloves are easy enough to carry around in a small bag or purse.
  • Draw doodles or sketches. Didn't bring a book or notepad? If there are tissues or napkins, there must be! Draw anything to pass your free time. Once again, the waiting room can be an endless source of inspiration!
  • Make macrame. If you use beads, be careful not to spill them and scatter them!
Kill Time Step 16
Kill Time Step 16

Step 5. Write a blog

Your blog does not have to have readers, just create it and fill it as you like. Blogs are a great tool for expressing creativity and self-expression. Who knows, there will be people who like your writing and become regular visitors.

Your blog does not have to have a special theme. Your writings don't have to be about recipes, reviews, fiction, or travel experiences. Filling your blog with various kinds of writing also does not hurt. Look for free blogging sites like Blogger.com or Wordpress and start putting words together

Kill Time Step 17
Kill Time Step 17

Step 6. Cooking

Go to recipe sites with the “recipe by ingredients” option. These sites will feature recipes that can be made based on the ingredients available in your kitchen. One example of a site like this is Supercook.com. So, open your fridge and start experimenting! You can fill the time, and stomach! Once rowed two three islands successfully crossed.

Did you know that WikiHow also has a large collection of recipes? Go to the recipes section and find your inspiration

Method 4 of 4: Spending Time with Productive Activities

Kill Time Step 18
Kill Time Step 18

Step 1. Make a list of the activities you need to do

Make a list of tasks that you have never had time to complete or have been putting off for a long time. Prioritize work that does not require much preparation to be done. For example:

  • Check your financial books. If you're going to be waiting for your appointment, bring your finance book to pass the time. Check your expense and income records and calculate the total. Also make sure the latest transactions are recorded in your financial books.
  • Update your daily to-do list. Most people keep this list on their phone or tablet. Enter new activities and delete old or completed activities.
  • Delete old messages and numbers on your phone. If your phone holds a lot of unused contact information, or very old call, text and voice message data, now is the perfect time to clean it up.
  • Tidy up your purse or bag. Be careful if you keep a lot of money in your wallet. Don't make yourself a target for robbery. However, if that's okay with everyone, just tidy up your credit cards so they're easy to find when needed.
Kill Time Step 19
Kill Time Step 19

Step 2. Meditate

Meditation is one of the best ways to spend your free time – you will feel very calm and relaxed during and after meditation. If you've never meditated, give it a try! In principle, you just need to be still for a few minutes.

The more often you do it, the more proficient you will be at meditating. Meditation is not something that will work in one go. To obtain solemn calm, it takes some practice

Kill Time Step 20
Kill Time Step 20

Step 3. Finish the job

Whether it's homework or cooking dinner, there's bound to be some work you need to get done. Reply to a forgotten email? Washing clothes? Drying clothes? Anything!

You can't really have no work to do. There's bound to be something you need to clean, tidy up, build, hand over or tidy up. Think about it – what do you need to get done next week?

Kill Time Step 21
Kill Time Step 21

Step 4. Write articles about how to spend free time

Oops, someone has gone before you. Try finding other activities!


  • Develop effective time management tactics so you are never rushed to get things done. Filling in free time during the day can give you more rest time at night.
  • Sleep! But don't forget to set an alarm so you don't miss your appointment!
  • Are your eyebrows neat?


  • Don't sleep if you're the type of person who struggles to wake up. Maybe someone else will wake you up, but it's going to be embarrassing, right?
  • Don't fill all your free time doing something. It's necessary to relax once in a while.
