5 Ways to Show Love to Women

5 Ways to Show Love to Women
5 Ways to Show Love to Women

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Is there a special woman in your heart? Do you want to strengthen your relationship with your partner? There are many ways to show love to a woman. However, everyone's "love language" is different. There are women who want to hear the words, there are those who need affection and touch, while there are also those who are happy to accept gifts or just your time. No matter how you put it, don't let him doubt that you love him.


Method 1 of 5: Showing Love with Words

Show a Woman That You Care Step 1
Show a Woman That You Care Step 1

Step 1. Give praise

One way to make people feel loved is through verbal expression, namely words. Compliments fall into this category, so try to compliment your partner. Pick a quality of him that you really like and express it in words. Or, you can compliment general things, like "You're amazing."

  • Tell him that you adore him, and do it every day or several times per day.
  • Some compliments you can try are, “I'm so lucky to have you,” or “No one can make me as happy as you!” or "You're smart".
  • Compliments about her physical appearance, and that you think she's beautiful, will also go a long way. Try telling him that you like his eyes, his nose, or him as a whole: "I love watching you linger."
  • Don't compare him to other people, except in a positive way. For example, if you're both watching a movie, don't say, "You know, sometimes you look a bit like Angelina Jolie," but say, "You're way more attractive than Angelina Jolie."
Show a Woman That You Care Step 2
Show a Woman That You Care Step 2

Step 2. Give him a push

Expressing love with words also includes support, so encourage him as a way to show that he is loved and appreciated, and that you want him to thrive. All of that will show your love.

  • Gently encourage his interest. Let's say your partner loves photography and has submitted his or her work for a competition, but was not selected. Show your support, for example, “Now is not the time, but you have to try again. I believe in your abilities.”
  • Another way to express sentiment is, “You inspire me,” or “I've always been amazed by your creativity (or ambition/insight/thinking)".
  • Be careful that your urges don't turn into nagging. Encouragement focuses on something your partner enjoys doing, while nagging focuses on something you want him to do.
  • The tone of voice is also very important. Make sure your tone of voice is gentle and kind, otherwise he will misinterpret your sentiments.
Show a Woman That You Care Step 3
Show a Woman That You Care Step 3

Step 3. Tell him that you love him

Many people think this is obvious, why not just say that you love him? However, repeating the expression of love in words is important because everyone wants to know that they are loved and appreciated. There are many ways to say love other than "I love you". Find creative ways!

  • Try “I adore you”, “I love you”, or “My love for you is unconditional”. Or, you can use phrases that begin with him, such as “You are my most precious treasure”, “You mean the world to me”, or “You have my heart forever”.
  • Tell him that you miss him when you are away. “I miss you” is fine, but also consider “I always think of you when you are away.”
  • You can also express affection in various terms, depending on your partner of course. Try calling her with nicknames like “darling” or “love”. In addition, there are also unique love calls with other languages if you're interested, such as mon petit chou (in French, meaning "my little cabbage"), terron de azucar (in Spanish, meaning "sugar grain), or habibi (in Spanish). Arabic, meaning my dear).
Show a Woman That You Care Step 4
Show a Woman That You Care Step 4

Step 4. Ask him for opinions and ideas

Asking your partner for advice is proof that you trust and respect their judgment. While not explicit, in matters big or small, it assures him that he is valued.

  • Ask for the idea actively. For example, "Honey, you're good at choosing colors, which do you think looks better here, red or blue?
  • Whenever he talks to you, try to look him in the eye to show that you are paying attention. Also, ask if you have anything to ask. Engage yourself actively in the chat, don't just listen passively.
  • If you don't understand what he's talking about, say the word, don't pretend you understand. This will show that you are listening and really want to understand what he is saying.

Method 2 of 5: Showing Love by “Serving”

Show a Woman That You Care Step 5
Show a Woman That You Care Step 5

Step 1. Help him finish the housework

Another way that people can feel loved is by “serving”, which basically means that they feel helped in their daily lives. You can help with household chores, such as cooking or cleaning. If this is your partner's love language, you can start helping them at home.

  • If household chores are divided equally between you and your partner, do some of the chores, especially if he or she is busy with college or work.
  • If you and your partner tend to have a more “traditional” division of labor, reach out and help!
Show a Woman That You Care Step 6
Show a Woman That You Care Step 6

Step 2. Do something sweet at random

The act of serving does not always mean doing household chores. You can find ways to show love through other actions. For example, call her to say you love her, or give her flowers for no reason.

  • Is your partner under stress? Try to make the atmosphere at home relaxed when he comes home. Do all the homework, prepare dinner, play some relaxing music, and prepare a glass of wine. You may also need to prepare bath water.
  • You can also do small things. For example, buy him his favorite brand of lotion, because you see the lotion is out and because you love him.
Show a Woman That You Care Step 7
Show a Woman That You Care Step 7

Step 3. Treat her special

Even if you're way beyond dating and dating, prepare a surprise or special treat just to show that you love him. This method is equally good to do when he is stressed or on normal days.

  • Take care of the little things. Prepare lunch for him. Does he usually take care of the finances? Get out your calculator.
  • Plan a picnic. Say, "As a way of showing appreciation for what you've done for us, I'm planning a special picnic for the both of us."

Method 3 of 5: Showing Love with Gifts

Show a Woman That You Care Step 8
Show a Woman That You Care Step 8

Step 1. Surprise him with a gift

Gifts are a good and more understandable way to make people feel loved. Who doesn't love a gift, especially when there's a lot of thought and effort behind it? Gifts don't need to be expensive, what matters is the underlying intention.

  • Gifts show that you enjoy giving and understand what your partner likes and doesn't like. Gifts also show generosity. Therefore, some say that a man who loves to give gifts is a better lover.
  • Try classic flowers or chocolate. Occasional cards are good too. For some women, even small and insignificant eye signs are appreciated as a symbol of love.
  • Make sure you give gifts on important days, such as birthdays, Christmas, Valentines, and wedding anniversaries. However, you also need to get used to giving him surprises. A random gift, even if it's just a flower, can show that she is always on your mind.
Show a Woman That You Care Step 9
Show a Woman That You Care Step 9

Step 2. Brainstorm when choosing a gift

The key to a great gift is the thinking behind it. If your partner's love language is a gift, he or she may view your values and intentions more than the gift itself. So, think carefully when giving gifts. Give him something he likes or will appreciate.

  • If you want to give her flowers, choose flowers she likes to show that you really understand what she likes and doesn't like.
  • The same goes for chocolate. Yummy truffles, his favorite, would be so much better than a box of assorted-flavored chocolates.
  • Some women also like it when their wishes are anticipated. Try to listen to the clues he gives. Has he ever complimented the scarf in the shop window the two of you passed by? It could be a sign.
Show a Woman That You Care Step 10
Show a Woman That You Care Step 10

Step 3. Plan a gift that fits her love language

One way to magnify the impact of a gift is to choose something that is specifically tailored to your partner's love language. That is, combining gifts in other ways that make him feel loved.

  • For example, a woman who loves words might appreciate the gift of a mixed CD, a poem or song written for her, or a love letter.
  • Women who value quality time may find that they like vacations, concert tickets, sightseeing, or dining out at restaurants.
  • For a woman who really appreciates being served, prepare breakfast in bed, complete an assignment she's about to do, or do homework while she sleeps.
  • For women whose love language is physical touch, massage her body, ask her to dance, or plan a physical activity together, such as rock climbing.

Method 4 of 5: Showing Love with Quality Time

Show a Woman That You Care Step 11
Show a Woman That You Care Step 11

Step 1. Plan activities together

For people who feel love through quality time, the essence of “quality” is togetherness, not just physical closeness. He wants to share feelings, focused attention, and memories. Sitting in the same room without talking would not be enough for him. Besides being a lover, he also wants to be your friend.

  • Turning off the TV, sitting together, and chatting all show that you love him, without needing to say that you like his company.
  • Try a board game, bowling, or go for a walk. Your options are endless, and you only need activities you can do together.
  • Quality conversation is one form of this language. Eliminate distractions and start chatting, sharing your feelings, thoughts, ideas and desires. Focus your attention on him.
  • Make sure you listen when he's talking and give him undivided attention. Don't interrupt her and maintain eye contact.
Show a Woman That You Care Step 12
Show a Woman That You Care Step 12

Step 2. Eat together

It may seem trivial, but eating together can strengthen relationships. In a day, we can eat with friends and family, without the distractions of work, electronics, or school, and chat. Try to eat together once a day with your partner, such as dinner.

Eating together is a small investment of time, maybe an hour or 45 minutes a day, but the benefits are huge. Studies show that eating together will make us healthier physically and psychologically

Show a Woman That You Care Step 13
Show a Woman That You Care Step 13

Step 3. Do not lose contact for a long time

Don't let her feel neglected and hurt, don't go long without texting or calling if you're busy or away. There are some people who are too busy with work or daily life to escape the social radar. However, people whose love language is quality time need daily contact. So you have to understand your partner's need for your presence.

  • Let's say you are away on business with a very busy schedule. Try calling her at night to say "Hi" or "I miss you."
  • If you haven't seen him for a few days, call him and tell him how much he means to you and that you can't wait to see him again. At the very least, send a message of love.

Method 5 of 5: Showing Love by Touch

Show a Woman That You Care Step 14
Show a Woman That You Care Step 14

Step 1. Show affection with touch

Showing love with physical touch doesn't always mean sexual touch. Any kind of physical affection is welcome, whether it's holding hands, cuddling, embracing each other on the couch, rubbing their backs, or simply putting their arms around their shoulders. If this is your partner's love language, make sure he feels your affection.

  • Incorporate touch into your daily routine. Hug him before he leaves for his daily activities. Kiss him when you pass him in the hallway. Put your arm around his shoulder as you pour him your morning coffee.
  • Wrap your arms around his body when sitting relaxed at home, on the bus, or anywhere else. Hold her hand when walking.
  • Understand how he feels about public intimacy. Some women may enjoy being kissed in public, while there are also women who feel uncomfortable.
Show a Woman That You Care Step 15
Show a Woman That You Care Step 15

Step 2. Hug him often

Hugs are a basic and very human way to show affection. Hugs can reduce stress, release feel-good hormones, strengthen bonds, and at the same time make us feel more secure. If touch is your partner's love language, don't be stingy with hugs.

  • Studies show that cuddling releases the hormone oxytocin, which reduces stress, makes us feel happy, and even strengthens loyalty.
  • Hugs are a powerful form of nonverbal communication. One hug can say many things, from “I love you” and “I miss you” to “I'm proud of you” and “Everything will be fine”.
Have a Healthy Sex Life (Teens) Step 19
Have a Healthy Sex Life (Teens) Step 19

Step 3. Make time for sex

One of the benefits of nonsexual physical affection is that it promotes better sexual intimacy. People who like to touch, cuddle, hold hands, and are more affectionate report that they have a better sex life. So, make sure you create a special time for sexual intimacy with the woman you love.

  • How often you make love is up to you both. There are couples who simply make love once or twice a week, while there are more often or even several times a day.
  • If you and your partner's libidos are different, sex can be a "serving" language. If he's ready while you're not, being willing is one way to show your love and loyalty.
  • Remember, be a generous lover. That is, sex is not only about physical pleasure and enjoyment, but also emotional intimacy. After making love, hug him, chat, and take the opportunity to get closer to your partner.
