When obstacles come your way, persistence or persistence is needed so that you are able to overcome challenges or difficulties. Persistence while doing the task makes successful people seem different. Setting aside time to achieve your goals is one way to increase your chances of success. Also, apply some tips to ignore distractions and keep fighting when you face difficulties or failures. Persistence means moving on and on, but not being stubborn.
Method 1 of 3: Fulfilling Desire by Relying on Persistence

Step 1. Determine the goals to be achieved
Take time to think about the things you want to make happen and then define them specifically. Set measurable and realistic targets that you can achieve. Then, make a work schedule to achieve the target so that the final goal can be realized.
- When setting goals, think about why you want to achieve them, not just define what you want. By figuring out the underlying motive for the desire, there is something that spurs you to action and you stay motivated as you strive to achieve your goals.
- For example, maybe you want to increase your self-confidence, maintain your health, and look more attractive and so want to lose weight.
- Write down the things you want to make happen in a visible place, such as on a wall calendar.

Step 2. Determine the steps you need to take to make your wish come true
Develop a plan to achieve goals by specifying specific steps that must be taken within a certain time span. For example, if you want to exercise for 1 hour, divide it into several 15-minute sessions per session. Another example, do the daily task of sorting hundreds of documents several times a day with a target number of sheets of documents per session.
Make your wishes come true by setting easy targets to keep you motivated and focused on your ultimate goal

Step 3. Set aside a certain amount of time each day to do activities that support the achievement of goals
The first week, set aside 5 minutes a day. The second week, extend the duration to 10 days a day and so on. If your schedule is very tight, this step is very effective and can be done as part of your daily routine.

Step 4. Put down an attention-grabbing reminder
If you want to save money to buy a house, stick a photo of your dream home on the refrigerator door. If you want to pay off a credit card bill, stick the bill on the mirror above the sink. If you want to be rewarded as an exemplary employee, stick a photocopy of last year's award announcement on your desk.

Step 5. Arrange the activities in the work plan with existing habits
For example, if you brush your teeth every day before bed at night, take time to wash your face after brushing your teeth. Water the plants in your yard every time you take out the trash or pick up the newspaper. At work, make time to drink more water by filling a glass every time you leave your desk.

Step 6. Try to keep activities to achieve goals still fun and enjoyable
Something you want, such as paying off a credit card bill, doesn't have to be overwhelming. Instead, do it like playing a game and reward yourself when you hit your target. In fact, you can bet on the number of bills that can be paid and the payment date.
Alternatively, do repetitive tasks while listening to an inspiring song or recorded message

Step 7. Hold on to the value of virtue when achieving goals
When faced with obstacles, you may want to give up and find excuses for negative behavior. Instead, show persistence. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Follow the rules while pursuing success.
If you stay positive and fun, other people will want to help you achieve your goals
Method 2 of 3: Be Persistent During Difficulties and Failures

Step 1. Listen to criticism from others, but don't be offended
Accept the fact that there are people who are not willing to help or support your dream. Don't let their words influence you. Use this as a source of motivation to prove them wrong or break up if their attitude is really bad.
- For example, when talking to a friend who doesn't support your dream of becoming a doctor, avoid work-related topics.
- Occasionally, someone will counsel or criticize you sincerely for wanting to help. He can see things you can't. Use this information to make decisions. Consider carefully the inputs given and then determine which ones are useful and which are not.

Step 2. Form a support group
Look for a community whose mission is to help people overcome obstacles like yours. Share your concerns with a trusted family member or friend and then ask for advice or advice. See a professional counselor or someone who is ready to listen.
For example, join a small business owner's group so you can discuss the problems you are facing, such as the increase in the cost of renting a building

Step 3. Accept the fact that failure is normal
Successful people have also experienced failure. Unlike people who are afraid of failure, successful people learn from failure and take advantage of this experience to try again. They keep fighting because for them, failure is part of success.

Step 4. Find out why you failed
If you often experience obstacles or problems when trying to make your wishes come true, think about why. Take time to consider whether or not your actions and talents are sufficient to achieve your goals. In addition, consider the things that need to be improved or whether you need to ask someone else for help.
- For example, if you haven't been hired even though you've been interviewed several times, try to prepare yourself as best you can before going for a job interview.
- Consider possible self-sabotaging behavior. Negative self-perceptions or emotions can hinder the achievement of goals. If you're having a hard time making your wish come true and you can't solve the problem, do some reflection to find out if it's really caused by your beliefs or personality.

Step 5. Imagine the success you dream of to motivate yourself
When faced with obstacles that make you want to give up, lift your spirits by remembering the final goal you want to achieve. Imagine that you are successful in realizing your goals and feelings when you receive congratulations from friends and family members while feeling their joy.

Step 6. Avoid distractions
If you are discouraged or give up easily, you may want to watch TV or eat a snack to escape reality for a moment. You can relax your mind while relaxing by taking care of yourself or doing relaxation. However, you don't focus on the end goal if you always fill your free time with fun.
- Consuming alcohol and drugs is a very dangerous way of distracting. Instead, engage in useful activities, such as exercise, to keep you energized.
- Don't feel guilty if you take the time to calm your mind and motivate yourself. Take time to take care of yourself, such as hanging out with friends, taking a walk in the park, reading a motivational book, watching a favorite movie, or taking a nap. However, do not prioritize these activities to the point that you neglect to realize your goals.

Step 7. Change the work plan if the stated goals are not achievable
This step shows that you are persistent by making effective use of your time and skills, not giving up or giving up. Set goals that are in line with the original goals or consider new goals that are completely different if needed.
For example, if you decide that your dream of becoming a lecturer is not right, consider another, more prospective profession
Method 3 of 3: Be Persistent When Making Requests or Facing Rejections

Step 1. Give the same statement
When making a request, convey it in a friendly and welcoming manner. Your chances of success are reduced if you feel resentful when you are rejected or ignored. If you are the one refusing someone else's request, convey it in clear words and assertiveness.
For example, if you're still invited to attend an activity you don't like, convey your refusal with the same sentence and attitude so that he understands what you're saying

Step 2. Apply the "damaged tape" technique
This technique is commonly used in training to form an assertive attitude. You are simply repeating the same statement to convey your feelings, desires, and decisions clearly while remaining calm. Don't be angry, upset, or defensive when you talk.
- For example, you can say, "No way" without having to give a reason or explanation. Express your refusal by repeating the same sentence.
- When applying this technique, ignore the things that distract you and make your wish persistently.

Step 3. Compromise as an effective solution
After submitting a request or submitting a refusal, the conversation usually isn't over because you need to find a solution that works for both parties. If you need to compromise, don't take it as a failure. This solution is another way to make a wish come true.