Crying is a completely natural way to release tension, release emotions, and get through challenging situations. However, there are times when we really don't want to cry. Whatever the reason, generally we find it difficult to hold back tears. Fortunately, there are a few tricks you can use to distract yourself from crying.
Method 1 of 3: Using Physical Methods

Step 1. Pinch yourself
Using a little physical pain to distract yourself from your inner suffering can help prevent crying. Pinch yourself in sensitive areas of your body, such as the bridge of your nose or the flesh between your fingers. This method is very effective at preventing crying for many people.

Step 2. Focus on the breath
Note that the body's natural breathing pattern can also be used to prevent crying. Focus on how to inhale and exhale. You can also practice deep breathing by inhaling through your nose and out through your mouth, drawing air into your stomach. This can be soothing and relaxing, making you feel better about whatever the source of the crying is.

Step 3. Use the cold sensation as a distraction
Changing sensations can also help avoid crying. Place a bottle of cold water or ice on your wrist. Sprinkle some ice water on your face. Anything that can be done quietly to build a physical sensation will distract you from the urge to cry.
Step 4. Look up
For some people, looking up can prevent crying. This will prevent the tears from falling. However, the disadvantage of this method is that it can make redirects visible and the success rate is not as great as other methods. Tears will usually fall after the head returns to its normal position.
Method 2 of 3: Finding Long-Term Solutions

Step 1. Learn the benefits of crying at any given time
Crying is healthy and it's okay to do it. You don't have to hold back tears all the time. If possible, give yourself a chance to cry once a week. Watch a sad movie or television show alone at home. Allow yourself to feel sadness.
- Crying provides a powerful and necessary inner liberation. In addition, crying also removes certain toxins from the body, which in turn supports the immune system. Allowing yourself to cry on a regular basis will have a good impact on physical and spiritual health.
- Crying every now and then can actually make you stronger. Crying promotes feelings of joy and increases empathy levels. This could be because crying is a form of tension control. People generally feel better after a cry of relief and health.

Step 2. Seek behavior change therapy
Behavior change therapy is a form of therapy that allows you to identify negative behavior patterns and then work to change them consciously. If you cry a lot, this therapy can help you find better ways to deal with stress. Ask your GP for a referral to a therapist who practices behavior change therapy. If you are a student, you may be entitled to free counseling from a college or university.

Step 3. Be open about inner needs
Too much crying is often caused by the inability to express inner needs to those around them. Talk to loved ones about when and why you need mental support. There's no shame in asking someone to take the time to listen to your heart, hold hands, and provide inner comfort.
Method 3 of 3: Preventing Deep Crying

Step 1. Step back from the situation that caused you to cry
If you feel like tears are about to fall due to emotional stress, stepping back from the situation can sometimes help prevent them. Putting some distance between yourself and the cause of the stress can help suppress the crying.
- If you cry during an argument with a friend, family member, or significant other, tell them that you need to calm down. Say something like, “I need a few minutes” and leave the room. Go for a walk. Read a book. Do whatever it takes to distract yourself from the escalating emotions.
- If you're at work or school, leave the meeting room or classroom and go to the toilet. Take short breaks of five minutes if possible. Go back to the workspace or cubicle and just breathe for a few moments.

Step 2. Look for redirects
You can't always walk away from certain situations when you're about to cry. If you can't go outside the meeting room or class, try to take your mind off the stress.
- Make notes. Records don't have to relate to what's going on. Write down song lyrics, poetry, simple doodles, and anything else that can take your mind off the present moment.
- Use the phone. If at all possible, try using the phone to take your mind off the situation that makes you want to cry. Visit funny websites. Check the Facebook profile. Send messages to friends.

Step 3. Allow yourself to feel the anger
Often times, people use crying to express frustration and stress. This is not a conscious decision that needs to be made. The chemicals released in tears generally calm anger, so crying is sometimes a form of self-defense development. However, feeling and expressing anger when humiliated is generally more effective than crying.
- For example, you have an appointment with a doctor but he doesn't come to work. Your schedule is very busy and today is the only chance you have for an annual health check. When they arrived at the clinic, the doctor didn't come in and the receptionist innocently said that he forgot to cancel the appointment. In those situations, you may feel like crying in frustration. Instead, express anger instead.
- Express anger in a firm but appropriate style. Don't curse the receptionist or start yelling and creating drama in the clinic. Instead, say something like, “That's very, very rude and I really don't like it. Please make me another appointment.” It expresses your displeasure over the situation openly. Also, you're less likely to cry unconsciously as a result of the situation.