3 Ways to Think Logically

3 Ways to Think Logically
3 Ways to Think Logically

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The ability to solve problems quickly and precisely requires logical thinking that you can develop by improving your mindset. In order to be able to think logically, there are several ways that you need to do, for example by doing mental exercises, recognizing irrational thoughts, and changing your lifestyle.


Method 1 of 3: Practicing Thinking Skills

Think Logically Step 1
Think Logically Step 1

Step 1. Test your memory skills

As with other parts of the body, the brain will develop if trained. You can train your brain by testing your memory skills. Notice how much detail you can remember from everyday events, lists, or tasks.

  • Start remembering little things every day. Make a list of the ingredients you are going to buy and try to remember them. Memorize short stanzas from poetry or short paragraphs from books. After an hour, test your memory skills by finding out how much you can remember.
  • Draw a map using your memory skills, such as a map of your journey from home to work, a shop, a friend's house, or other places you visit frequently.
  • Pay attention to the little things. To be able to think more logically, try to pay attention to things that seem irrelevant. Did you see the new paper cut drawing that your friend was working on? Are you used to counting steps while at school or on campus? Do you often find the wrong letters in the text? If not, start now. The more you practice, the healthier your mind will be. Over time, you will become a critical thinker.
Think Logically Step 2
Think Logically Step 2

Step 2. Complete the crossword puzzle

The benefits of completing crossword puzzles have been proven because to do this activity, you have to use your brain more than its ability. This triggers the growth of new neurons in the brain so that the brain's ability to think more logically increases. Buy a crossword book at the bookstore or fill it out in the newspaper every day.

Think Logically Step 3
Think Logically Step 3

Step 3. Learn a new skill

You need logical thinking to learn new abilities. When faced with challenging tasks, you need logic and strategy in order to develop new skills. Do the following activities to improve your logical thinking skills:

  • Learn to play a musical instrument.
  • Learn to draw or paint.
  • Learn to speak a foreign language.
  • Learn to cook.
Think Logically Step 4
Think Logically Step 4

Step 4. Start socializing

One form of mental exercise is to learn from others. Social connections and friendships increase brain power and force people to better understand the life around them. Spend time with friends and family regularly. Attend social events and use this opportunity to get to know new people. This may be difficult for people who are shy or introverted, but you can improve your logical thinking skills by taking the courage to socialize.

Think Logically Step 5
Think Logically Step 5

Step 5. Change your daily routine

New things will help maintain brain sharpness while improving memory. Try taking a different route to work, or try a new, different recipe for dinner. Trying new things will keep your brain active so it can think more logically.

Method 2 of 3: Recognizing Irrational Thoughts

Think Logically Step 6
Think Logically Step 6

Step 1. Find out if you often think there will be trouble

Many people tend to think negative things, especially those who are experiencing severe stress. They always assume that they will suffer the worst consequences of certain events. Try to find out if you have this irrational mindset.

  • Negative thoughts that say there will be trouble can arise in a variety of ways. For example, you may receive an email from your boss asking you to contribute more to a meeting. If you think negatively, you might interpret the message as a poor performance appraisal from your boss, that you're considered incapable of working, that you'll be fired and unemployed, or that you're worried that your friends and family will belittle you. If you notice that these thoughts are overwhelming, take a deep breath and try to think logically. To overcome this, say to yourself, “As a supervisor, it is my responsibility to provide me with constructive feedback so that I can achieve my best performance. Every employee will be criticized from time to time and this is perfectly normal.”
  • Another form that includes an irrational mindset is minimize. You tend to overlook your own success and goodness, but are unable to see the negative aspects of other people's lives. To you, other people always seem great, kind, and successful, but when you realize that they are lacking in a certain way, you turn your back on them. Maybe you treat yourself the same way. You've been feeling great all this time, but because you're having a little trouble, you feel like you've failed. Realize that this mindset doesn't make sense by trying to accept the fact that everyone has a good side and a bad side.
Think Logically Step 7
Think Logically Step 7

Step 2. Avoid the mindset that makes you feel most important

Feeling self-important is one of those irrational thinking patterns that is just as bad as thinking problems are going to happen. If you feel that you are the most important in the office or the most talented in the classroom, you may not be able to think logically.

  • Everyone plays an important role in certain companies, schools, organizations and fields. Arrogance not only hinders, but can lead to failure in work and daily life. The ability to understand yourself is needed so that you can control yourself when interacting with others. Work on getting over your arrogance by reminding yourself that you should also value the hard work and kindness of others, rather than just being selfish.
  • Nature easily offended is a form of arrogance because you think your presence causes certain things to happen that have nothing to do with you. For example, if a (female) coworker is seen chatting with a handsome guy, you assume he wants to make you jealous. Another example, if your friend doesn't come to your birthday party, you accuse him of being upset with you, even though he's busy. If you're easily offended, remember that other people are just as busy as you are. Often times, they make decisions that have nothing to do with you.
Think Logically Step 8
Think Logically Step 8

Step 3. Beware of magical thoughts

Apart from children, adults sometimes think about things that they perceive to have magical powers, especially if they have recently experienced a traumatic event. They believe that certain rituals, such as asking for or thinking positive thoughts, will change things. Even though it's hard to accept, remember that there are certain situations that we have no control over.

This way of thinking often makes people irresponsible for their actions. If you have a problem, be sure to acknowledge and accept it, then find a way to fix it or learn from it

Think Logically Step 9
Think Logically Step 9

Step 4. Notice if you jump to conclusions too quickly

Many people jump to conclusions just by making assumptions, not based on reality. This thought pattern appears unconsciously.

  • For example, if a customer is being rude to you, it might lead you to immediately conclude, "I'm sure this person doesn't respect me for my appearance, my weight, my clothes, etc.", even if you don't know what he's thinking.
  • It's also easy for people to assume that other people already know what they're thinking, but that's not necessarily the case. For example, you might assume that your sister already knows that she has to feed your cat because you're going to be home late, but she won't know if you don't tell her. Try to be aware of these thoughts and get rid of the habit of making assumptions.
Think Logically Step 10
Think Logically Step 10

Step 5. Know what is called an “all or nothing” mindset

The habit of thinking “all or nothing” is one of the irrational thinking patterns that makes many people unable to view certain situations objectively. As a result, they are only able to see one aspect of certain situations, people, and events, only the positive aspects or the negative aspects.

For example, a one-letter typo in an email makes you feel like a complete failure without realizing that your message was delivered properly and that no one has commented on the error. Learn to accept the fact that many things in everyday life are not entirely right and not entirely wrong

Method 3 of 3: Changing Your Lifestyle

Think Logically Step 11
Think Logically Step 11

Step 1. Eat brain-healthy foods

The food you consume will have a big effect on the ability of the brain. Apply a healthy diet that is beneficial for the brain. Follow the Mediterranean diet to boost brain power by eating fruits, vegetables, legumes, healthy fats, and fish. Healthy fats are monounsaturated fats found in fish, avocados, olive oil, and canola oil. Apply a diet according to the Mediterranean diet program to increase brain power.

  • Spinach is a good food for the brain. Eating spinach or green vegetables (kailan or caisim) will slow down mental decline and improve brain function.
  • Avoid foods that inhibit brain function and thinking ability. Granulated sugar, brown sugar, various liquid sweeteners such as corn syrup containing fructose can cause brain damage. Saturated fats and trans fats found in red meat and dairy products have a negative impact on mental and physical health. Wheat flour is processed using bleach and preservatives, the flour content in white bread, white rice, and pasta from wheat flour is also bad for the brain.
Think Logically Step 12
Think Logically Step 12

Step 2. Improve your sleep pattern

Quality sleep 7-8 hours every night will increase the ability of the brain and improve logical thinking processes. Improve your sleep pattern by determining a schedule for sleeping at night and getting up early that you must adhere to, including on weekends. Do not look at electronic device screens before going to bed. Don't eat too much dinner and do a relaxing activity an hour before bed, such as reading a book.

Think Logically Step 13
Think Logically Step 13

Step 3. Get in the habit of taking deep breaths

Breathing long is one way to increase the ability of the brain because the intake of oxygen to the brain is more. Do deep breathing exercises every morning and before going to bed at night. Get in the habit of practicing yoga, meditation, pilates, and other activities that focus on healthy breathing patterns.

Think Logically Step 14
Think Logically Step 14

Step 4. Exercise regularly

Physical exercise is very beneficial for the ability to think. In addition to nourishing the body, regular exercise is also able to improve the ability to think logically.

  • Prioritize exercise. Many people overlook the importance of exercise because they don't make time to train at the gym or run. By making a schedule and doing it, exercise will become an important part of your daily routine like brushing your teeth or taking a shower in the morning.
  • Aerobic exercise is also very useful for improving thinking skills. Boost your brain's ability by practicing running, jogging, cycling, and doing regular exercise 4-5 times/week that speeds up the rhythm of your heart rate.
Think Logically Step 15
Think Logically Step 15

Step 5. Set aside time to enjoy the outdoors

It's a good idea to take the time to enjoy the outdoors on a regular basis. Spending time outdoors will help clear your head and make you feel more humble. Try to devote at least a few hours each week to this activity. You can go for a walk, hike a mountain, fish, hunt, explore a mountain or forest, swim in a lake or sea, or even just sit under a tree.

Think Logically Step 16
Think Logically Step 16

Step 6. Take time to rest

Many people think that resting means being lazy, but this is not true. Resting at a certain time is necessary so that the brain is able to process information, so the brain also needs to rest. Make a schedule to relax each day. Designate one day of the week as a day off to do fun activities.
