"Liar Cards" (also known as "Cheating", "I Doubt It", "Cheats", &"Liars") is a card game that is played with a lot of people and requires courage, cheating, and a lot of effort to get rid of all the cards in your hand. This game is a lot of fun – just don't get caught if you're lying! If you want to know how to master the game called "lie," follow these steps.
Method 1 of 2: Playing Fake Cards

Step 1. Shuffle a deck of 52 cards
And distributed to all players. To prevent this game from getting too complicated or long, you should limit the players from 3 to 6 people, although you can play this game from 2 to 10 people. Some players will get one card more or less than other players, but this will not affect the outcome of the game. Before you start, remember that the goal of this game is to use up all your cards.

Step 2. Decide who walks first
It can be started from the dealer, the person who has the ace of spades, two curls, or whoever has the most cards (if the distribution is uneven). This person will place a card (or more) on the table and tell the other players about the card he just placed. The person who walks first should always start by placing an ace or two.

Step 3. Continue by placing the cards in a clockwise order
For example, if the first player puts one or more aces, the next player must put one or two two cards, the third player must put three or more two cards, and so on. When it's your turn and you put down your cards, you must say, "One ace," "Two two," or "three kings," and so on. You may not really have a card that should be placed – the fun is when you fake it.
- If you don't have any more cards needed, it's better not to pretend to put 3 cards – and definitely don't put 4 cards. If you say you put 3 cards that you don't have, chances are a player who has at least 2 cards will know you are lying and will call out lying!
- You can also play pretend you don't know. Say that it is now your turn to place the queen card, and that you have two of those cards. Say, What's my turn again? and looks confused when looking at your card before placing it. Your goal is to get people to believe you're lying, and to make them doubt you when you're telling the truth.

Step 4. Tell a lie to everyone you think is lying
If you find out someone is lying because you have a card that they claim to be theirs, and their card is low, or simply because you have the feeling that they are not telling the truth. This requires a charge and reveal, to the person who has just put down his cards to open his cards and show all players the real cards that have just been placed.
- If the true card is not what it says and the player who called out "lie" turns out to be true, the player who lied must take all the cards from the pile and take them.
- If the card is correct as said by the player and the accuser turns out to be wrong, all cards in the pile will be taken by the accuser. If two or more people accuse the player and they are all wrong, the deck of cards is divided by as many accusers as there are.

Step 5. Continue playing after someone says "lie"
The next round starts with the last person to play. As the game progresses, it becomes more difficult to lie throughout the round, especially when you have less cards. In the end, it all comes down to luck and how well you hide your lies – don't make moves that are too risky, and don't say "lie" if you're not too sure that the player actually lied about the cards he's drawn.

Step 6. Win the game by spending all the cards in your hand
When one person has exhausted all the cards in his hand, he is the winner. Of course, most people will exclaim "lie" at the end of a game session, but you can get past this by making your endgame by playing really smooth and fast, or by exclaiming "lie" to the person before you and hoping you'll be the one to start a new round. Lying cards all depend on strategy, and the more you play, the more you will master it.
- After one player comes out the winner, you can continue playing until there are two or three people left if you set the rules like that.
- If you only have one card left, do not reveal this or let other players know that you will win.
- You can also take a bold strategy – if you only have one card left, you can pretend to count and say, "Oh, perfect! I only have one card three!" Although this method usually fails, you can have fun trying it. cheat other players.
Method 2 of 2: Other Variations Of This Game

Step 1. Play with two or more cards shuffled together
Ideally this is done when you are playing with five or more people. This will make the game run longer and it will be more difficult to guess who is lying.
You may use a card pack that is incomplete or contains multiple cards. This is a great way to take advantage of packs of cards that are no longer suitable for play in regular games

Step 2. Change the order of the tiers of the cards
Instead of playing with cards that go up in succession, play with levels of cards that go down in order. Start with a two, and then an ace, then a king, then a queen, and so on. You can also play with the next highest card or the next lowest card from the player who walked before you. So, if the person puts a nine, you can put a ten or an eight.
You can also allow the next player to place the same card as the previous player, or the value of the card is below or above. This will make it easier for each player to put the cards he has

Step 3. Allow players to lay down more cards than they say
These rules must be determined before the game starts to prevent cheating. When this rule applies, a player can say he put down 3 cards, for example, while hiding four cards; when he lies; then he must take the entire deck of cards.

Step 4. Allow players to lay cards when it's not their turn, but not the player who just walked before
Same as the previous rule, but anyone can walk at any time if a certain player has not put a card for a long time.

Step 5. Allow the player with four cards of the same suit to discard them, when it's his turn, face up, tell everyone what suit it is
This will help the game to go faster. If you have 3 card nines, tell a lie when someone puts a nine card, pray that the card issued is a nine, then you can discard another nine card. This is a good idea especially if the pile has 3 cards, apart from the nine. Then, the cards you have will decrease. When that type of card is discarded, skip it next time. So when you or someone throws a nine, it will run 7, 8, 9, 10, etc., as long as that type of card is still in the game.
- Once you've lied and gone unnoticed, you can say 'popcorn, peanut butter, dumb ass, or make a moaning cow-like sound if you like to show off when you manage to fool other players. This is something that is not mandatory, of course, will add fun to the game.
- Having a large deck of cards when you get caught isn't really a bad thing – you now probably have almost all of your cards and very few cards that have come out. You can often tell the truth, or lie a lot because you already have a lot of cards.
- You don't have to shake your cards, especially if you're already going to win. Do not tell how many cards you have to other players.
- This may seem obvious, but always lie to the player who put down his last card. Most of them lie on their last card. If you are wrong, they will still win, but if you are right, you can continue playing the game and the player will likely lose.
- One good tactic is to mess with other players when it's your turn. It's perfectly legal to call on other players to spoil their attention, and it really helps.
- Try not to play with 13 people. You will always play with the same suit, 1 or more decks of cards.
- Be prepared for a long game, especially if you are playing with a lot of players.
- Always play sports, if someone catches you lying. The game will get out of hand if the person takes it too seriously or refuses to admit it.