How to Stop Bleeding on Warts: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Stop Bleeding on Warts: 7 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Stop Bleeding on Warts: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

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Have warts that suddenly bleed? Do not worry! In fact, bleeding can be stopped within a few minutes by pressing the wart with a clean, absorbent cloth and lifting the wart area above the heart. After all, warts do bleed easily if they are accidentally scratched or constantly rubbed against a hard surface. Therefore, there is no need to be too anxious if you feel that the volume of blood that comes out is quite a lot. However, if your warts are very easy or bleed too often, try to see a doctor to get the right treatment recommendations.


Method 1 of 2: Treat Bleeding in Warts

Stop Warts from Bleeding Step 1
Stop Warts from Bleeding Step 1

Step 1. Apply pressure to the surface of the wart

Treat bleeding from warts like any other skin bleed. In other words, press the surface of the wart with a clean, dry, well-absorbed material, such as a towel or handkerchief, for a few minutes, or until the bleeding stops.

While this procedure is being performed, resist the temptation to check the condition of the wound. Be careful, loosening the pressure can prolong the bleeding

Stop Warts from Bleeding Step 2
Stop Warts from Bleeding Step 2

Step 2. Lift the warty area above the heart to reduce blood flow to the area

If the wart is on your hand, simply raise your hand above your head. If the wart is on the leg, lie down and raise your leg as high as possible. Meanwhile, if the wart is on the surface of the face, stay seated or standing instead of lying down.

If the wart is located in another area of the body, make every effort to position the area above the heart

Stop Warts from Bleeding Step 3
Stop Warts from Bleeding Step 3

Step 3. Clean the wound with water and dry it with a clean towel

After the bleeding stops, start cleaning the wound with clean water that has the same quality as drinking water. After the wound is cleaned properly, with gentle, gentle movements, pat a dry towel over the wound surface to dry it.

  • Do not clean the wound with antiseptic liquid so that the skin layer is not damaged.
  • Be careful not to re-open the wound when it is drained.
Stop Warts from Bleeding Step 4
Stop Warts from Bleeding Step 4

Step 4. Plaster the wound after it is completely dry

Position the tape so that the pad is directly over the injured area, and don't forget to change the tape when it's dirty, wet, or covered in blood.

  • Continue to cover the wound with medical tape for a few days, or until the wound turns into a scab.
  • To speed up wound healing, try applying a thin layer of petroleum gel to the area of skin around the wart.
  • If swelling, redness, or pain occurs in the area of the skin surrounding the wound, or if there are signs of infection, such as an increase in body temperature above 38 degrees Celsius, see a doctor immediately.

Method 2 of 2: Prevent Bleeding Warts

Stop Warts from Bleeding Step 5
Stop Warts from Bleeding Step 5

Step 1. See a doctor if the wart bleeds very easily

Although most warts are nothing to worry about, most medical professionals advise you to see a doctor if the warts bleed very easily. Because your doctor can help you make an accurate diagnosis and recommend treatment, it's best to do this if the wart:

  • Bleeding or bleeding constantly
  • changes in color, size, or shape
  • spread to other parts of the body
  • cause pain or discomfort, either physically or emotionally
Stop Warts from Bleeding Step 6
Stop Warts from Bleeding Step 6

Step 2. Do not rub, peel, or scratch the wart

No matter how tempting it is, try to resist it so the wart doesn't bleed! Be careful, rubbing, peeling, or scratching the warts are also at risk of making the warts infected.

In addition, this action can also make the virus that causes warts spread to other parts of your body

Stop Warts from Bleeding Step 7
Stop Warts from Bleeding Step 7

Step 3. Do not trim the wart

Be careful, this action can cause heavy bleeding, and leave scars that you certainly don't want. Therefore, if the appearance of warts causes intense pain or makes you feel embarrassed, and/or if over-the-counter medications don't work, try recommending a more appropriate treatment method to your doctor, such as cryotherapy, to remove the wart.

  • Generally, over-the-counter wart removal medications contain an active ingredient such as salicylic acid, and are sold in the form of gels, creams, and medical plasters.
  • Meanwhile, in the cryotherapy procedure, the doctor will inject liquid nitrogen into the wart to freeze it and kill the tissue behind it. This procedure is very short and simple; one cryotherapy session generally only takes about 5-15 minutes. However, understand that this procedure will be painful, and after that, most warts will blister, turn into a scab, and fall off on their own within 7-10 days of the procedure.


  • Do not rub, scratch, or peel the wart to minimize the risk of bleeding.
  • If you want to get rid of the skin, try applying an over-the-counter topical medication that contains salicylic acid, or talk to your doctor for a more effective method.
