When summer break arrives, you may be thinking of starting a short, no-strings-attached relationship. With a “temporary date”, you can enjoy a variety of interesting activities without the need for a serious commitment. However, keep in mind that your date must agree to end the relationship at the end of the summer. If you want to have a short date in the summer, choose the right person so that your short time together is memorable.
Method 1 of 3: Choosing a Spouse

Step 1. Find the right partner
Choose someone who doesn't have special feelings for you. Do not choose neighbors or friends because you will have a hard time breaking up later. If you can, also avoid friends of your friends. Pick someone from outside your everyday circle of friends. The best places to find an instant date are bars, beaches, party locations, or online dating sites (but beware of scammers). People who are suitable to be in a relationship for a while are those who are confident, energetic, and independent. That way, you can have fun without fear of hurting her at the end.
- If you're traveling in the summer, you're in the best position to find a momentary date. You will be surrounded by people who have never met anyone you know. You also have a good escape plan: you will be hundreds or even thousands of kilometers away from the person who will become your future lover.
- If you're not going anywhere, there are still plenty of options to try. Go to date locations in nearby towns, areas near the beach, or any location that's close to, but too close to home. Observe closely the people who come to your city to spend the summer holidays.
- If you're in a less crowded place, the internet is the best place to find a date. Visit dating websites to find people interested in casual relationships. However, be careful with the people you approach. It's a good idea to arrange your first "date" in a public place with a friend.

Step 2. Get to know your potential date
Find out his personality and hobbies. Usually, if he likes the same things as you, you guys are good to go. Also, look for signs that he wants to have a casual relationship. If he likes trying new things, you may have found the perfect momentary date.
You can also take advantage of a momentary date to explore a romantic relationship outside of your comfort zone. Don't worry about the future of love, date someone whose hobbies and lifestyle are not the same as yours. Look for someone who isn't usually your “type.”

Step 3. Watch your date's body language to see if he's interested in you
Most of the communication is done nonverbally. Look for the following signs to make sure someone is attracted to you:
- He makes more frequent eye contact with you than with anyone else.
- His pupils dilated as you chatted.
- He repeatedly touches you intimately.
- He often plays with objects around him, especially when you are talking.

Step 4. Don't beat around the bush
While body language can indicate interest, it's important to get your point across as soon as possible. Remember, short-lived couples have a much shorter relationship duration than a typical romantic relationship. Don't expect other people to make the first move. However, be more aggressive than usual. Explain that you are interested in him and ask him out on a date. Some examples of sentences that you can say when you find the right partner are:
- "Hey, you look cool! I'm looking for someone to spend the summer with me having fun. Are you interested?"
- “I've only been in town for a few months, and I don't want to miss the opportunity to spend time with you” is the perfect phrase to use when you're traveling.
- If your potential date asks if the "fun" offer is just for fun, answer honestly. If he says if you're serious about asking him out, don't act and say, “Yeah, I want to go on a serious date. I think you are very beautiful and I want to spend time with you.”

Step 5. State your intentions openly
Your partner should know that you want a short date, not a serious relationship. Ideally, one of you should make a big change at the end of the summer to make the break up easier. This can be done by returning to school or to their respective homes. If you continue the relationship after the breakup, your relationship will feel awkward and stiff.
The best way to convey this is early in your approach, before you two spend a lot of time together. Say something like “I just want to spend this summer vacation having fun. I don't want anything too serious."
Method 2 of 3: Enjoying Your Intimacy

Step 1. Enjoy your summer vacation
Do a variety of summer activities with your partner. Visit the playground. Walk the paths in the beautiful and romantic hills. Go sailing with him. Enjoy the bright air by doing outdoor activities as often as possible.

Step 2. Keep yourself safe
Any type of sexual activity has a risk of transmitting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). When you have a brief relationship with a stranger, this risk increases even more. At least, use a condom when having sex. The use of special sex lubricants can also prevent condom leakage and reduce the risk of transmission. Ask your partner's past sexual activity, as well as the results of his STD test. Keep your partner safe and be honest if you have STDs. Finally, it's important to remember that you shouldn't feel compelled to do something you really don't want to do.
Remember that there is no 100% effective way to prevent STDs. Just like many other aspects of life, sex has its own risks

Step 3. Don't fall in love
Remember that the best momentary dates are the ones you are not in a relationship with. Don't get caught up in loving someone you really don't want to date in a long time. Is there a certain type of woman/man that you can easily fall in love with? Or cities and date locations that are too romantic? Avoid these things as far as possible.

Step 4. Take your momentary date along for fun group activities
One of the best things about having a partner on short dates is being able to take them on activities that are too weird to go alone. A date can make you feel even more special, whether you're asking him out for a barbecue or going to a concert.
- Don't take your partner to serious events or bring them together with your family. Remember that your date should take place without pressure and commitment. Are you ready to explain your status to your parents?
- Relationships that you think of as temporary relationships have different names in each culture. In a location that makes the relationship normal, you can claim to be a couple. Calling him "girlfriend" is fine. However, in locations where the culture is more conservative, it's a good idea to address your partner as a “friend.”

Step 5. Try to travel
Go to locations you've never been to to make sweet memories together. When you step away from the boring routine of life, you will feel happier.
If you don't have a partner or friend traveling with you, head out late in the summer. You have to make sure that your date is someone you can trust
Method 3 of 3: Moving On

Step 1. Plan a strategy for ending the relationship
When you want to end your relationship with your date for a while, you usually have to choose one of the following two options:
Ideally, you and your partner should know that you will eventually have to separate. This will eliminate any awkward feelings that arise before breaking up. You should have made an agreement to end the relationship from the start. Just say that you will be leaving town soon or that you want to cut your ties between the two of you. After that, pack your bags (even if it's just an expression) and move on with your life.
Lying to part:
If you're afraid to tell the truth, start planning an escape route at least a week before ending the relationship. Look for a reasonable reason to break up with you, either by saying that you are going to study abroad or want to return home to take care of the family. You can also say that the relationship "didn't work out" for you, even if your temporary date is a nice person. The termination process should be simple and fast. Be sure to cut off your relationship in an adult way, that is, by meeting in person, not via text or cell phone apps. If you're having a hard time mustering up the courage, remember that he's only a temporary date. Hopefully you find a date who can understand this.

Step 2. End your short relationship on good terms
Reassure your partner that ending the relationship is the best way. You may need to use clichés to break the relationship. Disconnect quickly so that both of you don't fall asleep with the existing status. Make sure to make it clear that your short summer relationship is over.

Step 3. Continue the relationship if you and your partner have special feelings
Sometimes, you may fall in love with your date for a moment in the summer. If you two aren't going to separate after summer vacation ends, then move on. Even if your partner agrees to end the relationship at first, he or she may have the same feelings.
- Choose a partner who is looking for something similar to yours.
- You won't live forever with your date. So, make sure to make the most of the moment. At the same time, don't feel pressured to do something you don't want to do just because you have limited time.
- Don't pick people you already know. This decision Certain haunt you in the future. You shouldn't ruin a friendship just for a moment's love. Date people who are as far away from your circle as possible.