Have you recently felt that your partner is drifting apart or is busy on your own? If so, maybe you need to remind him that you are an amazing woman. One way to get his attention is to make him jealous, but be careful not to misunderstand him. The best way to make your partner jealous is not to be mean, but to have fun without him. You need to focus on building healthy relationships with him as well as other people.
Part 1 of 2: Making Him Jealous

Step 1. Enjoy more time with your friends
The best way to generate healthy jealousy is to show that you don't need him to have fun. Go out with friends and if she asks after you get home, tell them that you haven't seen them in a while and really miss "girl time." Create the impression that you are having a great time and are happy without him.
- Call your friends, go to a club, or do something that everyone will enjoy. Enjoy the nightlife with them. If you feel neglected by your partner, having fun without them is a great way to make them miss you, as well as distract you from the pain of being ignored.
- Don't just "use" your friends to make your partner jealous. No one wants to be friends with people who only use them to make other people jealous. Make time for your friends and enjoy the company, you will need them if the relationship with your partner is to end.

Step 2. Calm down
If you want to make your partner jealous because he made you jealous by chatting or texting with other women, the first thing you should do is calm down. If he's trying to make you emotional, don't get mad and nag because that's exactly what he wants. Instead, calm down and show that you are not affected.
- It's possible that your partner is flirting with other women, but he's actually not aware of it. So, don't be prejudiced and try to say that you are very annoyed. Make sure you speak softly and understandingly, not accusingly or with emotion.
- If you see him talking to another woman with the intention of making you emotional, the best response is to act as if nothing happened. Find someone else to chat with, or if she's chatting with this woman right in front of you, join the conversation and be friendly with her. This may confuse him because you don't care if he's chatting with other women. Also, if he's used to acting that way, you may need to question why you want to be in a relationship with him.

Step 3. Wait a while before responding
To keep your partner wondering what you're doing, try waiting a bit before you text or call back. Don't overdo it (like waiting a few days), but if you miss the call, don't call back until after an hour or two.
If your partner asks what you do, create the impression that you are doing something really fun and interesting. It may be tempting to be rude, but that will only frustrate him and make him feel like you're not interested in chatting. Make him feel like he's missed something really fun

Step 4. Go out with some guy friends
Flirting with other men is a bit risky and can make your partner feel angry or possessive, but hanging out with male friends is both harmless and effective. Enjoy time with some guy friends and do whatever you like and chat with them. Then, if your partner asks, share the details. This will make him question the level of your relationship even more.
- Your partner may not mind if you go out with male friends so you need to show that they are very close to you and know how to make you laugh. If your partner is not aware, spend more time with them until he feels that your time for him has been reduced.
- Another idea is to invite male friends to hang out with you and your partner. If your friends are more compatible with your partner than you are, this method may not be as effective. However, if you are close to them, feel free to joke and be cheerful in front of your partner. Don't tease them too much, but give them a quick hug when they come over and compliment them on how they look. You can try telling your partner, "You should try such a haircut like this" or "I love such and such clothes, you should try."

Step 5. Do your partner's favorite activity with someone else
Maybe your partner likes your chocolate chip cookies or really likes baseball. This time, don't bake cakes or buy tickets for him, but make cakes for other people or watch baseball with other friends. This other person doesn't really need to be of the opposite sex, but it will help!
- If you're baking someone else's cake, send your partner a photo of the cake with the text "freshly baked cake," and if they ask, say that you made the cake for such and such. Then, even if there's still cake left, say it's all gone.
- If your partner really likes sports, buy a ticket and go out with someone else, then send your partner a photo or make a Snapchat video. Try to go with someone who also loves the match so much that it's not obvious that you just want to make your partner jealous.

Step 6. Revamp your look
One effective way to attract the attention of men is to look special. Change your hairstyle, dress, or start exercising to keep your body in shape. The most important thing is to look and feel confident because confidence in a woman is one of the most attractive things to men.
- Change the hairstyle. Choose a more modern and sexy hairstyle, cut it, or add hair extensions. Dye your hair a drastic color, or give it a little highlight. Curl straight hair, or straighten curly hair.
- Buy sexy clothes like shorts, tight dresses, hanging tops, tight jeans, and high heels. There are also some men who find sportswear very sexy. Or, do the opposite and wear something very classy and elegant, showing how confident you are in your body shape and who you are.
- Make up with different styles. If your makeup is usually simple, try a smoky eye with a black line and gray eyeshadow. Or, if you usually prefer heavy makeup, try natural shades that accentuate your facial features.
Part 2 of 2: Maintaining Healthy Relationships

Step 1. Remember, the key to a relationship is communication
If your partner makes you jealous and doesn't pay attention to you, talk about it. Don't accuse him, but try to talk about your feelings maturely. Approach him when he seems calm or relaxed, don't bring up difficult topics on a tough day.
Relationships are partnerships, and require compromise and sometimes sacrifice. If you feel like you're always giving and your partner isn't treating you well, you may want to consider whether you should end the relationship

Step 2. Explain that you feel neglected
If you feel that your partner is a bit indifferent and distant, say that you feel ignored. Encourage him to be more affectionate and affectionate when he's with you, or try to rekindle his feelings with a little manipulation.
If you suspect he's bored, do things more creatively. Do whatever he likes and keep the rhythm of the relationship. Maybe you should ask if he's bored with you or just bored with the relationship. That way, you'll know what to do to give it a new color

Step 3. Stop manipulating each other
If you feel like you have to behave in a certain way to make your partner jealous, that's a bad sign. This means you are not communicating openly and the relationship is already unhealthy. Even if you manage to make your partner jealous, there's a risk that he'll end the relationship instead of being more affectionate. If you want him to notice you, tell him that you want him to be more committed and that you can't keep the relationship alone.

Step 4. End the relationship if it is already unhealthy
If your partner isn't paying attention to you, it's possible that he or she is no longer interested in you or is no longer happy with the relationship. Re-evaluate the relationship and what type of guy he is to see if your relationship with him is still worth the effort or is it better to end it.