Maybe you've read one of the wikiHow articles and thought, "I can write better than this!". Or you are interested in writing articles for other types of publications, for example for blogs, campus newspapers, or print media. Many writers start their careers by submitting their work to local print media to gain experience, build portfolios, and increase the number of articles that are successfully published. Meanwhile, other aspiring writers choose to study journalism, language, or literature majors.
Method 1 of 3: Submitting Paperwork to Local Media

Step 1. Make a list of story ideas
One way to become an effective journalist or writer is to be curious about other people's stories and find ways to make stories out of everyday events. Make a list of things that can be story ideas to send to local media or media on the internet that you know. Generate story ideas using some of the tactics below:
- Use writing ideas like, “When I…” or “A day in my life” someone you find interesting. You can also use everyday events as a starting point for article ideas.
- Think of several points of view on the topic or subject at hand. Write the topic or subject in the center of the paper. Then write down all the words or terms that relate to the main idea. Write them all down until you have enough. Reread all the terms and then circle the potential or can be discussed with a certain point of view related to the main topic.

Step 2. List the sites you like and read frequently
Maybe you like to read certain media every morning or tend to visit the same sites to read pop culture or national news. Consider whether your writing fits into the widely read internet medium, or whether you want your work to be published there.
- Find out if the site has vacancies. Some Internet sites, especially magazines, limit writing to certain themes or ideas.
- One of the things that annoys editors the most is accepting manuscripts from writers who have never read their media publications, writers who simply submit works regardless of the theme promoted by the media in question. Avoid this and read some of the articles on the site. Feel the impression and style of their articles.

Step 3. Submit articles to local newspapers
For print publications, the best place to start is the local media in your city. Some cities have daily newspapers that cover local events. Read some news stories to get an idea of the types of works published.
- Check each section, such as Art and Lifestyle, Music, or Local News to see what kind of writing you might want to send to that medium. If you're interested in discussing music, take a look at who the music editor is.
- Contact the editor with a short email expressing your interest in writing a music review for the medium. Don't contact the Chief Editor directly, but contact the editor specific to the particular section of the subject you are interested in.

Step 4. Create a professional blog
One of the best ways to get into the habit of daily writing and brush up on your article writing skills is to create a professional blog. Choose a topic that you enjoy or are good at. Focus on writing 500 words on the topic once a day or several times a week.
Use blogs as a way to share opinions on topics or to do research and delve deeper into topics. Maybe later you can use one of these blog publications to come up with story ideas that can be published in the media

Step 5. Include articles with your portfolio
Most media will ask for two to three sample articles. Choose the most recent and published articles. It's a good idea to submit a sample article that's up-to-date to demonstrate your current writing skills and style.
Many authors have online portfolios. Usually they will provide a link to the portfolio in the cover letter or in an email to the editor. There are many tools you can use to create an online portfolio with just basic computer skills. Platforms like WordPress and Pressfolio are quite popular and easy to use. You can create a basic site with sample writing to make it look more professional to other editors and writers
Method 2 of 3: Establishing Contact with Other Authors

Step 1. Get to know other writers and journalists
If you read an article and you enjoy and admire the writing style, take a look at who the author is. Journalists must have an email address or other contact information. Send him a short, professional email explaining your desire to write an article for publication, and ask for suggestions on your work.
- If you want your work to be published in the newspaper the reporter works for, ask if he or she would be willing to entrust the manuscript to the editor, or if he or she could put you in touch with someone who could help publish the work.
- Do not send emails in informal or casual language to writers or journalists. Be professional and don't take up too much of their time by writing emails or letters that are too long.

Step 2. Engage with the local writing community
Some cities have writers' communities of writers or reporters. Find writers' meetings in your city, join forums or groups on the Internet that organize writers' get-togethers, and meet reporters and writers at writing events. Introduce yourself to them to gain knowledge of writing and so that you are known by them too.

Step 3. Gather feedback from editors
It can be difficult to receive feedback from readers and editors, especially if you're just starting your writing career. But feedback will help you become a better writer and make you stronger in accepting criticism. Good editors will provide constructive feedback, along with notes about problems they might see with your work and how to fix them.
Don't be afraid to ask for feedback if your manuscript or article design is rejected. Use the editor's suggestions to improve the writing. These suggestions will help advance your career, as each article you create will get better with edits or improvements to your writing style
Method 3 of 3: Journalism Lecture

Step 1. Find out which majors and universities are possible
Journalism majors, especially undergraduate programs, have a different emphasis from one university to another. Some majors are more basic with a focus on providing journalistic knowledge from the ground up. Other majors have a more specific focus, such as data journalism or business reporting.
- Check the curriculum for each class and department, as well as course descriptions and length of time. Some college majors describe the appropriate professions for students to take, such as beginner journalists, intermediate professionals, or full-time journalists.
- Focus on majors that offer opportunities for professional development and resume building. For example: internships, speaker sessions, Field Work Practices (PKL) that can help you build a portfolio and network in the media industry.
- You should also consider where the major is located. You must be comfortable with the city where you will study, live and work in the future. Think about whether you can afford to live in the city while studying.

Step 2. Consult with the admissions committee
Before you go to college, find out the requirements needed to get into that major. Call or email the admissions committee for the major you are interested in and make sure you meet all of their requirements.
The admissions committee can also give you more complete details about what is needed, such as certain forms, diplomas, etc

Step 3. Register early
Enter all the requirements early, so if anything is missing, you still have time to complete it.