Feeling able to handle life on your own is very empowering. As a woman, you may feel like you have to work a little harder to be truly independent. True independence means being able to take care of yourself, both emotionally and physically. There are several steps you can take to become an independent woman. And remember-being independent doesn't mean you can't rely on others when you need to. This means it is your choice.
Method 1 of 3: Becoming Emotionally Independent

Step 1. Get to know yourself
Being independent means taking responsibility for your own life and making your own decisions. To do this successfully, you need to understand who you really are. Knowing and loving yourself is the first step to being independent.
- Pay attention to the mood. Your emotions are an important factor in making decisions, so pay attention to those moods. Pay attention to what makes you happy and what doesn't.
- Recognize how your environment affects you. Pay attention to how you react in different settings or situations.

Step 2. Make your own choice
Making important decisions for yourself is an important component of being an independent woman. To feel confident doing it, use careful judgment when making major decisions. Remember, the best way to make big decisions is to balance what your heart wants with what your mind thinks is best.
- Make a list of risks and rewards. Make a list of risks and rewards. As you go through the list of all the rewards and risks, find out if the odds are good or bad.
- Don't be afraid to ask for advice. You are still the only person making the decisions, even if you listen to input from someone you trust.
- Consider how it would feel if your decision was broadcast on the evening news broadcast on television. Is this a decision that makes you proud?
- Did the decision compromise your values, character or integrity? You may have to make unpopular decisions, but do what you feel is right and in line with these things.

Step 3. Learn how to calm down
Being an independent woman means being able to take care of yourself emotionally. Learn how to recognize emotions. Take care of yourself when you're stressed or unhappy. You deserve your own patience.
- This is different for everyone, so find something small you can do to calm yourself down if necessary. If you're at work, try to step back and take some time for yourself. Go to the restroom and wash your face with water. Or take a break from emailing and text a friend.
- Pets are great for helping to calm down. If you have a cat, pet it. This will help you deal with stress.

Step 4. Be comfortable with yourself
Learning to enjoy yourself is a big part of being independent. You don't always have to depend on others to enjoy an activity. To get used to being yourself, practice spending time alone-intentionally.
- Go to the movies alone. You don't have to worry about anyone talking during the first half of the movie or eating popcorn alone.
- Dinner alone. Going to a restaurant alone can be scary. But you will find it very enjoyable. You will choose the time and place, without having to worry about the appetite of others. If you are afraid of being bored, bring a book or magazine.

Step 5. Create positive relationships
Being in an interdependent relationship can decrease your ability to be independent. Evaluate your relationships (personal, romantic, professional) and make sure there is an element of give and take in each relationship. Make sure your needs are met in every relationship.
Try to be more assertive in the relationship. Speak up if you feel unappreciated
Method 2 of 3: Managing Finances

Step 1. Track expenses
Financial independence is an important part of being an independent woman. The first step to successfully managing money is figuring out how much money you spend each month. Track expenses for at least two months to clearly see the expenses.
- Record small expenses as well as large expenses. Plan how much money you will spend on car rental, credit card payments, food, and transportation. You also need to keep track of the amount of money spent on entertainment and socializing.
- Try using an online banking app or system to make tracking your finances easy and accurate.

Step 2. Find motivation
Find out why motivation is important for you to be independent. Do you want to own your own house? Guaranteed when entering retirement? Write down whatever your financial priorities are. Describing your motivations will help you find the enthusiasm to start a stable financial routine.

Step 3. Create a budget
Allocate a certain amount of money to use in each area of life. For example, put in some money if you know you like going to the movies once a week. Find out a safe amount of money to spend and save each week or month.
Make slack in the budget. This way you won't be bothered if gas prices go up or your cat needs to be seen by the vet

Step 4. Learn how to invest
To be truly financially independent, you need to do some research and planning. Learn about investing and saving opportunities. If you find this helpful, seek help from a professional financial planner or advisor.

Step 5. Increase revenue
Women usually make less money than men doing the same work. Evaluate your professional values and see if this is a good time to ask for a raise. There's a good chance you deserve it.
- Make a plan. Schedule a meeting with your boss to discuss career goals and compensation. Be clear about what you are asking for.
- Be open to negotiation.
- Remain calm and confident during the meeting.
Method 3 of 3: Boost Confidence

Step 1. Be yourself
An important component of being an independent woman is believing in yourself. Part of that requires being honest with yourself. Don't try to imitate the appearance of other women. Find out your strengths and interests and focus on them.
- Don't fall victim to bad fashion trends. Looking your best will help you feel like you are the best. Dress in a style that appeals to you and makes you feel comfortable and confident.
- Avoid pressure to conform to your gender. Many women feel a certain pressure to look and act in certain ways just because they are women, but you don't have to be if you don't do or be something that is considered "feminine" if you don't want to. You don't have to wear makeup or clothes in a certain way. That way you don't have to like women's activities in general like shopping or watching romantic movies.

Step 2. Face your fears
There may be certain fears that are keeping you from becoming independent. Maybe you are anxious about living alone or have a generalized anxiety problem. You are not alone, and there are a number of steps you can take to overcome those fears.
- Try exposure therapy. Exposing yourself to fear in small doses has been shown to be very effective. For example, if you feel anxious when meeting new people, ask a friend to go with you to a new community event. Gradually increase your courage.
- Seek professional help. If anxiety is keeping you from becoming independent or achieving other goals, consider consulting a mental health professional. Counseling can help reduce anxiety.

Step 3. Accept help
Being independent means controlling your choices, but that doesn't mean you can't rely on other people. Women form strong bonds with friends and family members. Don't be afraid to ask for and accept help when you need it.
Be specific when asking for help. Be honest with what you need and let others help you

Step 4. Think positively
Positive behavior will help you meet other people as a confident woman. It will also help you feel good about yourself and give you the strength you need to be independent. Avoid negative thoughts. Instead, take time to compliment yourself every day.

Step 5. Take responsibility for yourself
You are the only person who can change your own life. Know that you are responsible for your own choices. When you realize that you are in control, you will feel more confident. This will increase independence.
- Expand your social circle – different parts of you will attract the attention of different people.
- Ask for help when you need it – from friends, family, or a therapist.
- Do new things – learn a new sport, start cooking.