If you test the water and find that the pH level is quite high, it means the water is either too alkaline, or too alkaline. Water with a high pH level can cause serious conditions, both for drinking and as water for swimming pools, aquarium tanks, or garden water. For example, water with a high pH level can make fish seriously ill, while in a swimming pool, a high pH level can irritate the eyes and skin. Fortunately, there are several ways to lower pH levels that you can do alone!
Method 1 of 4: Lowering the pH of Drinking Water

Step 1. Add lemon juice to a glass of water for one drink
If you don't want to process the water at the source and don't mind the citrus taste in the water, drop 2-3 drops of lemon juice in a 240 ml glass of water. Lemons will naturally lower the pH of the water by increasing its acidity.
- You can also add lemon wedges to the water if you want a stronger lemon flavor.
- Use pure citric acid for a similar effect.

Step 2. Install a water filter on the tap to lower the pH level from the source
Water filters work by removing minerals from the water that can raise the pH, including sodium, fluoride, and potassium. Depending on the model selected, the filter is usually simply turned on the faucet until it snaps into place. When you turn on the faucet, the filter lowers the pH level of the water.
- You can buy a water filter at a hardware store or major retailer.
- Most home water filters can purify about 40 liters of water per hour.

Step 3. Lower the pH level by a large amount using a food grade acid (safe to consume)
Food-grade ingredients containing phosphorus, sulfuric acid, and lactic acid which are often used in recipes, such as for the fermentation process, will lower the pH level. The proportion of these acids in water will depend on the type selected and the pH level you want to achieve, so read the label on the package carefully.
These products are commonly sold in grocery, fermenter, and brewery stores
Do you know?
While adding acid to lower the pH of water may sound strange, these products leave harmless compounds when neutralized. Just make sure you read the label carefully and use it properly!

Step 4. Install the acid injection system to correct any persistent faults
The acid injection system balances the water by detecting the pH level coming out of the source. This system then injects a safe consumption acid into the water stream so that it is pH neutral when it comes out of the pipe. Installation of this type of system is best done by a professional so discuss it with your local plumbing specialist if interested.
The cost of purchasing a system and installing it can reach more than IDR 22 million, but this solution is effective if the problem of high pH levels of water in the home is persistent and disturbing
Method 2 of 4: Lowering the pH of Garden Water

Step 1. Research the required pH level for a particular plant before planting
Before trying to lower the pH of the water, make sure the plant is able to live in an acidic environment. Some plants, such as azaleas and sweet potatoes, prefer an acidic environment. However, other plants, such as teak and beetroot, thrive in neutral or slightly alkaline environments.
Most plants thrive in an environment with a pH of 5.5 to 7.0

Step 2. Squirt lemon juice on a plant watering bottle for a natural solution
If you add 1/8 tsp (0.5 ml) of lemon juice in 4 liters of water, you can lower the pH by about 1.5 times. Lemon juice can be squeezed straight or from a bottle, but make sure it's 100% pure.
- You can also use citric acid, but first dilute it with a little water.
- If you plan to test the water again, stir in the lemon juice and wait 5 minutes to make sure it spreads evenly over the water.

Step 3. Add vinegar to the water for an affordable solution
Measure out 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of plain white vinegar and pour it into 4 liters of water. The acidity of the vinegar will help neutralize the alkalinity in the water, and lower the pH level from 7.5-7.7 to around 5.8-6.0.
Vinegar has a pH of 2-3 and lemon juice has a pH of 2 so the effect on water will be similar
Method 3 of 4: Lowering the pH of Swimming Pool Water

Step 1. Add muriatic acid to quickly adjust the pH level of the pool
Muriatic acid, or hydrochloric acid, is commonly used to lower the pH of ponds. Depending on the preparation you choose, you will either pour the acid directly into the pond or first dilute it in a bucket, before pouring it into the pond. When you pour muriatic acid, hold the container near the surface of the water so it doesn't splash and hit you. Also, pour it directly into the return jet so that it spreads more quickly throughout the pool, and make sure the return jet line is facing downwards, if you have one.
- You can buy muriatic acid at a pool supply store.
- Read labels carefully to determine how much muriatic acid is being added to the pond.
- Add less muriatic acid than desired, wait 4 hours, then test again. Add back if needed.
Muriatic acid and sodium bisulfate are corrosive chemicals. Read and follow the instruction label carefully. Work in a well-ventilated area, and wear protective eyewear and gloves. After the muriatic acid is added, wait at least 4 hours before the pool can be used for swimming.

Step 2. Use sodium bisulfate for a lighter solution
Sodium bisulfate is usually available in granular form, and depending on the product's instructions for use, you may need to pour it directly into the water, or dilute it in a bucket before adding it to the pool. Sodium bisulfate helps stabilize the pH level of the water after it has been lowered, making it a better option for long-term maintenance.
- Although this material is still dangerous, sodium bisulfate is not as strong as muriatic acid. However, these materials do not act quickly, and often lower the total alkalinity (TA) of the pond more than expected.
- Use the pH measurement on the package to determine the amount of sodium bisulfate that needs to be added to the pool.
- Sodium bisulfate is also commonly available where you buy swimming pool equipment.

Step 3. Install the CO. system2 in the pond for long-term adjustment.
Partial CO. system2 fully automatic, which means the system will monitor the pH level in the pond and add CO2 to lower the pH level as needed. However, there are also systems that operate manually so you need to check the daily pool level and adjust the CO. flow2 according to the needs. To determine the best option for you, consult with a swimming pool specialist in your city.
The price of this system can start from IDR 4.5 million to IDR 150 million, depending on the features you want, but you can save money if you choose to use chemicals to balance the pH

Step 4. Test the pH at least twice a week with a test kit
The chemicals used for the pool will be out of balance if left alone. So, it is important to test the pH level of the pond every 2-3 weeks, even after it has been rebalanced. You can use a litmus strip, but a DPD test kit will give more accurate results. The test kit measures the pH and total alkalinity of the water, along with pool chlorine, making it easier for you to balance all pool levels at once.
- Oil from the skin, sunscreen, lotion, and pool dirt will change the pH balance of the pool water. If the pool is used every day, you need to check it every day.
- You can buy this test kit at any place that sells swimming pool equipment.
Method 4 of 4: Lowering the pH of Aquarium Water

Step 1. Install the CO. bubbler2 for temporarily lowers the pH of the aquarium.
Added CO. bubbler2 to the tank can lower the pH level slightly, and this material works quickly so it is suitable if the pH level of the aquarium suddenly spikes. However, the price of the CO. bubble2 quite expensive, and pH levels will rise again after CO2 exhausted so it is not suitable as a long-term solution.
You can buy CO2 for tanks in stores that specialize in aquarium supplies.
Adjusting the pH level of the aquarium tank too quickly can surprise the fish in it. To prevent this, remove the fish from the tank before lowering the pH level.

Step 2. Try a reverse osmosis filter for a large fish tank
A reverse osmosis filter is a highly efficient filter that removes 99% of contaminants from the water while leaving the ions that make fish healthy. Since contaminants are the cause of increasing pH levels, the filter will lower them when cleaning the water.
These filters can cost upwards of IDR 700,000, and take up a lot of space so we recommend using them for large tanks

Step 3. Add driftwood to the aquarium as a natural filter and decoration
In addition to beautifying the tank, driftwood will filter the aquarium water naturally. Even a small piece of driftwood will lower the pH level of the tank and help stabilize it. In addition, the wood will provide a new place to explore for fish.
- Driftwood sometimes changes the color of the aquarium water. To prevent this, soak the wood in a bucket for a few days before putting it in the tank.
- Do not use driftwood designed for reptile tanks for fish aquariums. This wood can be coated with chemicals that can seep into the water and hurt the fish.
- Even a small driftwood will help filter the water in the tank so choose the one that best matches your décor.

Step 4. Add peat to the filter as a natural reinforcement
Since they can clump together and may be wasted when cleaning the tank, it is best to place the peat in a gauze bag before placing it in the filter. The peat will naturally help the filter, which helps lower the pH level in the tank. Use the right filter size to help determine how much moss to use.
- Peat is also easy to change the color of the tank. To prevent this, soak it for a few days in a bucket before putting it in the tank.
- The amount of peat that needs to be used will depend on the size of the tank and the pH level you want to achieve. Experiment with different amounts of peat to find the best dose for your aquarium.
- You can buy peat online or at an aquarium supply store.

Step 5. Add 2-3 Catappa leaves for a pretty and simple solution
The leaves of the Catappa tree, or Indian almond tree, contain certain chemicals that help filter out contaminants in the water. Not only does this help lower the pH level of the water to a more stable level, but the chemicals can prevent or even cure some fish diseases and make them healthier!
The tannins in Catappa leaves can also slightly change the color of the water, but are not as obvious when compared to peat or driftwood

Step 6. Remove crushed coral from the tank, if any
If the high pH level in your tank is causing problems, the cause may be the substrate. While they look beautiful in a tank, crushed coral actually raises the pH level of the water so use it only if the fish in the tank prefer an alkaline environment.