Attraction is an important component of any marriage or long-term relationship. Marriage will last longer and happier when husband and wife are attracted to each other. But after years of being married, attraction is no longer a priority, especially when other activities increase. To make sure your husband remains interested in you, pay attention to your physical appearance, develop your personality, and increase the passion in your marriage.
Method 1 of 3: Paying Attention to Appearance

Step 1. Dress up nicely
There are many aspects of your appearance that you have no control over. But fortunately, attraction is based more on the parts of appearance that can be controlled. Paying attention to appearance, maintaining cleanliness, and looking presentable will be more effective in attracting husbands than undergoing a drastic physical overhaul. Make sure you:
- Brushing teeth twice a day
- Shower regularly
- Shave or trim body hair properly
- Combing hair neatly

Step 2. Buy nice clothes that fit
You don't have to change your dress style to please your husband. However, clothes that fit your body shape are the key to looking good. You might want to opt for a slightly more formal outfit, so avoid sweatpants or ripped jeans. Look for natural, comfortable materials that are easy to care for, such as cotton, wool, and silk. These materials will help keep the clothes in shape.
If you're having trouble finding clothes that fit, consider a store that specializes in clothing that fits your body shape. The sales assistant should be able to help you choose clothes that suit your body shape and suit your taste

Step 3. Wear red clothes
Men tend to be more attracted to women who wear red than women who wear other colors. The color red triggers desire and excitement, so buy red special clothes, including underwear and lingerie if you want to create a deeper impression.

Step 4. Keep in shape
Increasing age affects the human body. However, you don't have to be skinny like a supermodel or have a flat stomach to look good in your husband's eyes. You just need to maintain your weight with a nutritious diet and moderate impact exercise to stay healthy and fit.
- Maintaining a healthy and fit physical appearance will also help you feel more confident. Self-confidence is widely regarded as a very attractive quality.
- Moderate impact exercise is sufficient to provide the benefits you desire. For example, brisk walking 20 minutes every day. Reduce portions of food and high-calorie foods.

Step 5. Have good posture
Good posture keeps your body looking in its best shape and triggers feelings of attraction in others. Stand up straight, sit up straight, and resist the urge to bend over or sit down. Keep your head up and pull your shoulders back to keep your posture perfect.

Step 6. Remember him when shopping
Every now and then, buy sexy lingerie or other sensual clothes. Show it to your husband and let him know that you bought it all for him. You might also consider buying something eye-catching in her favorite color.
The way a message is conveyed has as much influence as the message itself. For example, casually tuck your latest lingerie into his hands, then while remaining still, walk away with a slight hip swing. Your body language can convey a deeper meaning than just words

Step 7. Do a minor makeover
You don't need to completely revamp your appearance, changing one attribute subtly is enough to bring your husband's attention back. Consider trying out a new hairstyle, adding highlights to your hair, or pampering yourself at the spa to give your skin a glow. If you're thinking about the cost or don't want the permanent effect of a major makeover, try a simpler change like buying a new lipstick color or eye makeup.

Step 8. Carve a smile on your face
Smiling is one of the most significant ways to attract a man when he's single, so it's no wonder that smiling at your husband after marriage can still touch him in the same way. A friendly, fun, and happy demeanor is the key to attracting a husband.
Method 2 of 3: Developing an Attractive Personality

Step 1. Show confidence
If you don't love yourself, your lack of trust and self-esteem will show in your interactions with your husband. Confidence is an attractive quality, and a lack of confidence can make you seem unattractive. Tell yourself that you are sexy, attractive, and charming. Focus on the qualities you love most, and remember that your husband fell in love with you for a good reason.
- Speaking confidently and having an upright, confident posture will help show your self-esteem.
- If you can't get rid of negative thoughts about yourself, consider applying exercises like meditation or therapy to get a little extra help.

Step 2. Be yourself
The ability to take care of yourself emotionally can help you to be positive. If you're completely dependent on your husband, you're more likely to be critical when he can't make you feel better. Criticism can keep him away. To be yourself, you can:
- Spending time with close friends and family
- Pursue a hobby
- Take courses in your area of interest

Step 3. Keep in touch with your husband
Be grateful for having your husband by your side. Appreciate the time you spend together, and look for opportunities to spend quality time with him. Arrange a date or other way to stay in touch throughout the day. At least once a day, look for opportunities to chat over the phone, Skype or text to show that you're thinking of him.

Step 4. Get help with homework when you're exhausted
Focusing on your marriage can be difficult if you have children, a career, a home, and other responsibilities. Make sure your energy is not drained to take care of many things if you want to concentrate on attracting the attention of your husband. If you start to feel stressed, find someone who can help lighten your load. Help will reduce the tendency to nag that will spoil the mood. You can:
- Asking husband to help with household chores
- Ask a friend to help you at home
- Hire babysitters to give you free time
- Employing housemaids or cleaning services

Step 5. Ask your husband everything about him
Curiosity about your husband is the key to reviving your marriage. Don't act like he's predictable or boring, trust that there's always a side you don't know about him. Ask about her life, her emotions, and her experiences in cultivating relationships and attraction to one another.

Step 6. Talk about your feelings
Don't keep your feelings a secret from your husband. Tell me what you think and feel. Don't be shy if you need extra support. Be honest and tell yourself that sharing your feelings is the key to planting and nurturing the roots of a marriage in mutual attraction.

Step 7. Laugh together
As you age, you may begin to take life more seriously than when you were a newlywed. Be serious when you have to, but make sure you still know how to laugh, and make sure your husband knows that you can still laugh. To keep humor in your wedding, you can:
- Creating a special joke for the two of you
- Watch comedy stage
- Rent funny movies
- Letting go of restraints and acting funny or silly every now and then

Step 8. Show your interest in your husband
Show that you still find him attractive. In return, he will become more attracted to you. There is nothing more attractive than being seen as attractive by others. In an effort to show your husband that he is attractive, you can:
- Saying that you really love him
- tease her
- Looking into his eyes
- Complimenting his appearance and personality
- Starting sex

Step 9. Support your husband
Pay attention to your husband's needs and desires. Provide physical and emotional support when she's feeling vulnerable or uninspired, even if she's not being honest about how she needs support. Make sure your husband feels your love through the attention you give.
- Show interest in his interests. You don't have to force yourself to like everything he's interested in, but encourage him to talk to you about those interests by being an active listener.
- Do something special for him once in a while. Plan a surprise party for her birthday or cook her favorite dish. Offer if she'd like to bring lunch or give her a shoulder massage after a very long and tiring day at work.
- Show sympathy if he is having a problem.

Step 10. Don't play with fire
You may have thought that fueling your husband's jealousy would make him cling to you. However, this kind of thinking is usually the master's weapon. Attract your husband with honesty and care, not with dangerous games.

Step 11. Resolve conflicts as soon as possible
Don't let problems in your marriage get worse. Talk about conflicts and problems in the household to get rid of obstacles. If your husband seems distant or distant, have him sit down to talk about what the problem is. Once everything is revealed, both of you can figure out how to make things right.
Understand that problems in your marriage may have nothing to do with you. If your husband doesn't find you attractive anymore, there may be a medical problem behind it, or he's having issues that you have no control over, whether psychological, spiritual, or emotional
Method 3 of 3: Increase Passion in Marriage

Step 1. Intend to share interesting experiences with your husband
Studies show that marriages will be happier if husband and wife both do interesting and fun activities. Experiences of new activities, ideas, food, and places can help strengthen marital bonds. Here are some ideas for increasing the excitement in a marital relationship:
- Watching scary or exciting movies
- Join a sports team or athletic club
- Go to new places
- Hiking or hiking

Step 2. Get used to touch in everyday life
Positive touch is important for maintaining a relationship with your partner. Make sure that affectionate and positive touch becomes a routine throughout the day, not just during sex. Look for ways to start a sensual touch in your daily life, for example:
- Rubbing husband's neck when he cooks
- Stroking her hair when you watch movies together
- Holding hands while walking
- Kiss her cheek often
- Offers to massage his back when his body is sore
Step 3. Indulge in each other's sexual fantasies
Make sure your sex life is not routine or automatic. Ask what your partner's sexual desires are, and tell them yours too. Give support to each other to realize sexual fantasies. Even if you don't have an outlandish desire, you can still spice up your sex life by making variations on the bed:
- Trying new sex positions
- Stay at the hotel and order room service
- Hire a nanny to keep an eye on the kids all night so you don't have to worry about being disturbed
- Massage each other
- Wearing new lingerie
Step 4. Focus sex on quality, not quantity
As the age of marriage increases, it is only natural that the frequency of sex decreases, especially if there are children. However, you can still focus on your sex life to strengthen your attraction to each other. Convince yourself that satisfying and equally pleasurable sex is better than frequent but low-quality sex.

Step 5. Try to kiss for at least 10 seconds per day
Kissing will release endorphins and strengthen the bond of attraction between husband and wife. Make sure you take the time to kiss your husband at least 10 seconds per day. The two of you will feel closer, more fulfilled, and happier.
- Trying to maintain an interest in marriage is important. But don't let those priorities outweigh your feelings and emotional well-being. Don't sacrifice your own needs to please your partner.
- Understand that marriage will have its ups and downs over time. Increased responsibilities-especially children and careers-can affect a marriage. Tell yourself that change is normal and over time the situation will improve.
- Focus on the physical and emotional components of attraction. Remember, you have to make sure that your marriage is based on care and respect, as well as physical attraction