If you want to show your boyfriend that you miss him and want him to feel loved, without needing words, you need to learn how to touch him affectionately. Touching your partner affectionately can deepen your bond with them and make them feel special.
Method 1 of 3: Prepare Yourself

Step 1. You must relax and be confident
Your touch can not only convey a variety of messages for him, including your state of mind. If you're feeling nervous, tense, or scared, your boyfriend will definitely be able to feel it through your touch. If you're nervous about touching him, remember that there's a reason why he wants to be your girlfriend (he loves you!). Your boyfriend may be hoping that you will hold his hand or wrap your arm around him.
- Show confidence, but don't act arrogant. Even if your boyfriend wants to be touched, don't think you have free access to his body. Respect his personal space.
- Calm yourself by breathing for four seconds, then exhaling for another 4 seconds. Repeat this method at least four times until you feel more relaxed.
- If you're still nervous, pinch yourself in the thick skin between your thumb and forefinger. Pressing on this area can quickly relieve nervousness.

Step 2. Make sure it wants to be touched
The easiest way to be sure is to ask. Saying "May I touch you?" not only does it sound cute, but it can also ensure that it is 100% ready to be touched. You can also touch them on non-intimate areas of your body, such as your upper back or between your elbows and your hands, and watch how they react.
- Pay close attention to his body language. A person can accurately read other people's emotions through touch--if he is willing to pay attention. If your boyfriend seems uncomfortable – his muscles tense up, avoids eye contact with you, or seems displeased, stop what you're doing.
- Don't be angry or offended if your boyfriend isn't in the mood to be touched. You probably didn't do it–some people just don't like being touched. However, that doesn't mean he doesn't like you.
- Think about how long you've been in a relationship, or remember what she said in the past about her boundaries. It's best not to squeeze his ass right away if you've only been dating for a week, especially if he says he doesn't want to rush into a serious relationship.

Step 3. Pay attention to the conditions around you
If you're in the middle of the dining room or at a family gathering, you shouldn't touch it in the same way you would when you two are alone on the couch. This can make your boyfriend and those around you feel awkward. If your boyfriend's parents are there, you can get scolded!
When out in public, limit your touch–just grab his hand, put your arm around his shoulder, or cling to his shirt. Save your intimacy when you're alone
Method 2 of 3: Touching Girlfriend While Walking or Standing

Step 1. Hold her hand
Holding hands not only makes you feel connected to your partner, it can also be taken as a declaration to the whole world: “We're both dating!” Get closer to him until your shoulders are close together. You'll notice how he reacts to the first touch, and it's easier for your hand to reach his.
- If you're so nervous that your hands are sweaty (this is normal, but it can be uncomfortable), quickly wipe it down your pants before reaching for his hand.
- Try to hook your little finger with it. This is a great move if you haven't held her hand yet or are feeling nervous–this method is quite tempting and easy to undo if your boyfriend is showing signs of being displeased.
- Tuck your hands from underneath so you can easily hold hands.
- Tie your fingers between his so that your hands are tightly clasped together, or try to let him grab your thumb and grasp it from the back of your hand – the way you hold your hand when you're about to "beg" your partner.
- You may need to change positions every few minutes to keep your hands from sweating.

Step 2. Wrap your arms around her waist
It's a way to touch your partner intimately if you're walking side by side or standing watching something. This is much better if you are of different heights, because you can wrap your arms around your hips or near your ribs.
- As they walk hand in hand, touch your hand to their back near the waist.
- Pull your boyfriend's body slightly toward you until he looks like he's pressed against you, just under your arm.
- You have to understand if the boyfriend does not want to be touched near the stomach area. Some women are very sensitive to the area around the waist and don't want to be touched there–especially if you squeeze it.
- If he doesn't seem comfortable with your hands on his waist, try tucked your hands up to his ribs, or just put your arm around his shoulders.

Step 3. Hug her romantically
This can be done if you are facing your boyfriend. Hugs should be done in private, because this touch looks very intimate and can tempt you to kiss him because of the position you are facing each other.
- Tuck your hands under your boyfriend's arms and wrap them around his back. Gently pull it towards you so that your bodies stick together, but not too tightly!
- Gently rest your chin against the top of his head, look him in the eye, or rest your head against his neck.
- If he's comfortable with this, tuck your arms from underneath so you can hug him around the waist.

Step 4. Approach him from behind and wrap your arms around him
This is a cute way to surprise him, but you have to be sure that he is willing to do it and is willing to be touched.
- Walk up to your boyfriend from behind and tuck your hand under his arm.
- Wrap your arms around his waist to hug him from behind. Kiss the top of your boyfriend's head, cheeks, or neck for a more intimate kiss.
Method 3 of 3: Touching Girlfriend while Sitting or Lying

Step 1. Place your arm on his shoulder
This classic move is popular for one reason–you can hug him and invite him to rest his head on your shoulder.
- When sitting side by side, place your hands on the upper back. You can hold her hand or shoulder in yours or stroke her arm.
- After a few minutes, try to run your fingers through her hair.
- If you feel comfortable with each other, put your other hand on his knee, so he will lift his leg and place it on your lap.
- If he rests his head on your shoulder, try to lean your head on top of his.

Step 2. Try spooning with your boyfriend if you're lying on the couch together
Lie on your side behind your boyfriend. He also had to sleep on his side. Wrap your arms around his body and pull him toward you until his back is against your chest.
- You may have to move around a bit to find the right arm position. Your arm can feel uncomfortable in an instant if your boyfriend's body is pressed against him.
- Make your touch more intimate by linking your feet together while spooning.

Step 3. Place your arms on his shoulders as you lie down
If the two of you are making out in the park, and you want to change positions so you can look up at the sky, you can pull her body closer to yours. If you're not already in a side-by-side position, slide your body to approach him.
- Tuck your arm under his neck or ask him to lift his head so you can put your arm around him.
- Place your hand on his shoulder and gently pull his body toward you.
- This position allows him to rest his head on your chest or arms. He may stay lying down or roll over to turn his face to yours.
- Use your other hand to gently stroke his hair or face.