Getting your parents to stop treating you like a child isn't as easy as turning the palm of your hand. They are your parents; It is natural that in their eyes, you will always be a child. However, there are some things you can do to show that you are mature enough and deserve more trust from them. Show your maturity by helping them complete household chores. Also show that you are capable of being a good listener and rely on yourself in anything.
Method 1 of 3: Communicate like an Adult

Step 1. Be a good listener
Being willing to be a good listener is a sign of one's maturity; show that you can do it too. When the other person is talking, look them in the eye, nod your head occasionally to show that you're listening to what they're saying, then give neutral responses like "Oh," "So?", and "Okay."

Step 2. Keep your tone polite and positive
Constantly complaining about something and behaving in a negative way will only show your immaturity. To prove that you're an adult, try to keep your tone of voice positive. When telling your dad about your daily life, for example, focus on the positive things that happen and avoid discussing the bad things that bother you. After telling the story, also ask how your father's daily life. If it turns out to be a bad day, show your sympathy.
Do not complain too often, sulk, or make critical comments. These behaviors show that you are still immature

Step 3. As much as possible, avoid arguing with your parents
Even if there are things you don't agree on, don't do or say anything that sparks an argument. Instead, try to get your parents to compromise as much as possible if their decisions bother you.
If your parents ask you to come home before 9pm, don't protest or accuse them of being unfair. Instead, try saying, “I don't mind getting home before 9 o'clock. But especially today, I wish I could be home late. Can I come home at 10 tonight?"

Step 4. Ask questions
If you don't understand the reasons behind your parents' decision, ask them for clarification. Asking questions is a great way to improve the quality of communication and avoid unnecessary conflicts. Make sure your questions are straightforward and show what you want from them.
If your curfew has been around 9 o'clock and you find that decision a bit restrictive, say to your parents, “I know you're worried about my safety, but I'm a little confused as to why I have to be home before 9 tonight. Can you explain the reason to me?”

Step 5. Tell your parents how they treat you
They may not even be aware that they are treating you like a child. If this happens, it's your job to let them know. After telling them, ask if they would be willing to stop doing some things from now on.
For example, you might say, “I appreciate Mom and Dad's help, but I feel like I'm old enough to handle it myself. Will you give me a little freedom to deal with my own problems?”
Method 2 of 3: Showing Maturity

Step 1. Help your parents with household chores
One way to show maturity is to help with household chores without being asked. By doing so, you show that you are selfless and willing to help others who are in trouble.
- For example, if your parents often tell you to wash the dishes after eating, next time wash your dishes before being told to do so. Your initiative shows that you are mature enough to know what other people expect of you.
- Doing things that should really be your responsibility can also make you look mature by your parents. For example, if your mother always washes your clothes, from now on, wash your own clothes.

Step 2. Get to work
Saving and shopping with your own money shows that you are mature and capable of being financially responsible. By working part-time or full-time, you will get a salary that can be used to buy your various needs. Working in a field for a long period of time is also a powerful way to show that you are capable of being responsible for your work. Therefore, try to choose one field that you are passionate about and stick to your job as long as possible.
- The ingenuity of managing finances also shows a person's maturity. No matter how much money you get, try to always save some of your income. Avoid buying things impulsively or spending your money on things your parents find useless.
- However, if there's something you really want and can afford (without having to drain your entire savings account), don't hesitate to buy it. Your parents will be impressed if they see you being able to buy something with your hard-earned money.

Step 3. Get up early
Waking up early is a powerful way to show your responsibility and maturity. People who are diligent in getting up early also tend to be more productive. Try to get up before or when your parents wake up and do something productive after, like a morning jog, work on a school project, or help your parents with household chores.
Get in the habit of setting an alarm and getting up right when the alarm goes off. If you don't, your parents will have to wake you up. If this happens, you will be seen as irresponsible by them

Step 4. Take good care of yourself
Eat a healthy diet, exercise, and get enough sleep; Show that you are able to take good care of yourself. Your parents will also see that you are old enough to take care of yourself. Some actions that show that you care about your body are:
- do not use illegal drugs
- take a shower
- wear neat and fragrant clothes
- diligently cutting hair
- brush your teeth at least twice a day
Method 3 of 3: Using Other Strategies

Step 1. Find your own place to live
If you're old enough to find a place to live on your own, consider doing so. Even if the decision is difficult for your parents to accept, at least it can open their eyes and minds that you are old enough to live apart from them.
- Before making drastic changes, make sure you are responsible and financially ready to live apart from them. Remember, these decisions can be really difficult for you, especially when it comes to finances.
- If you're still not ready to live alone, try asking your parents if you can help pay for some things, like your car insurance bill or other important bills. Also ask if you can pay rent while staying at their house. Most likely they won't let you do it. But it helps show that you're an adult; besides that, you can also use it as a place to practice before actually living alone.

Step 2. Maintain a healthy distance from your parents
Even if you still live with your parents, try to maintain a healthy distance from them. Make sure you stay active socializing with your friends, perform well at work/school, and do your hobbies without involving your parents.

Step 3. Rely on yourself
The more you show that you don't need your parents' help, the easier it will be for them to view you as an adult. Try not to always ask your parents for advice, money, or certain items. If you run into a problem, try to solve it yourself first. If you have tried your best but are still having trouble dealing with it, then you can ask them for help.
Of course, sometimes you do need to ask your parents for help. If they give you something or help you solve a problem, there's no need to feel prestige and express your gratitude to them

Step 4. Try not to worry too much about what your parents think
Remember, even if you act like an adult (even if you're already an adult), your parents will probably always see you as a child; Of course, because you are their child. Try your best to focus on yourself and not worry too much about what your parents think. Remember, it's how you see yourself that matters.