A book synopsis is a summary of the storyline or content of a book. Library agencies or publishers often require authors to submit synopsis of the work they have written. Condensing the contents of an entire book into a few paragraphs or pages is certainly a challenge that is quite difficult. What's more, there is no one particular way to write a good synopsis. However, you can still take certain steps to create a great synopsis that will grab the reader's attention and keep them looking forward to reading the reviewed book.
Method 1 of 4: Making a Novel Synopsis

Step 1. Make the premise of the novel you want to review
Even though the synopsis is a very short snippet of the entire novel, you still need to take the time to develop the overall premise of the novel and include important information that the reader needs in order to understand the story.
- Imagine someone reading the synopsis of a book before reading the book. What information is important to include? Are there certain details about the setting of your novel or your 'world' that the reader needs in order for him to understand the novel?
- Remember that you are trying to get the reader into the story so make sure you include some interesting details so the reader can visualize the setting of the place and time in the story.

Step 2. Emphasize the conflict in the novel
You may feel confused when trying to determine what you want to include in your synopsis, but as a guide, try to identify and highlight the main conflicts in the story.
- What kind of struggle does the protagonist or main character have to face in the story?
- Are there certain obstacles faced by the characters that need to be mentioned in the synopsis?
- What happens if the protagonist fails?

Step 3. Show character development
While it can be frustrating to try to summarize a novel with great character development into a synopsis, most library agents expect a synopsis that can show the changes in the main characters along the storyline.
Try not to show the main characters from just one dimension by showing their reactions to different situations. Even if there isn't much room in the synopsis (in this case, character or page boundaries), you can still show the reader what the characters in the story are like and their changes throughout the storyline

Step 4. Outline the groove
Since a synopsis is designed to be a summary or conclusion to a book, you need to outline the plot and describe the direction of the novel's narrative.
- Often times we are overwhelmed by the sheer amount of detail in a story, but for convenience try to include a brief summary (1 to 2 sentences) of each chapter. After that, try to relate and connect each of these conclusions.
- You can't mention all the details in a storyline so try to identify some of the details that are important for the reader to understand the story. Consider whether the ending still sounds or seems plausible in the absence of certain details. If it still seems plausible, remove those details from the synopsis.

Step 5. Write clearly the end of the book or novel
You may be reluctant to reveal the ending of the story, but the synopsis made needs to contain the ending of the novel clearly.
- The library agent wants to know how you can resolve the conflict in the novel and bring the story together.
- Do not worry. If your story or novel is published, the synopsis will not be printed on the back of the book so the story in the novel will not be leaked to readers.

Step 6. Review the synopsis made
It's important that you review your synopsis and have someone else review it. The more feedback you receive from others, the clearer your synopsis will be.
- It's a good idea to read the synopsis aloud as you can spot grammatical errors more thoroughly and get an opportunity to improve your use of the language. Your brain will process information in a different way when you read it aloud and, often times, you can spot errors or problems that you didn't see before.
- Ask friends, family members, or coworkers who have not read your book or are unfamiliar with your work to read the synopsis that has been created. They can provide a more objective view and let you know whether the synopsis made sense, as well as being able to bring them into the story.

Step 7. Make sure the synopsis is made to answer important questions
Before submitting a synopsis, make sure it can answer the following important questions:
- Who are the main characters in the book/novel?
- What is he looking for or trying to achieve?
- Who or what made his quest, journey, or adventure difficult?
- What happened in the end?

Step 8. Keep practicing
Many writers say that the synopsis is one of the most difficult works or writings to write because in the synopsis, the entire book material is compressed into just a few paragraphs. Fortunately, the more often you practice writing a synopsis, the better you will become at writing it.
To practice, try writing a synopsis of a famous book (or classic work) or writing a synopsis of a book you just read. Sometimes it's easier to practice using a book that doesn't require hours, days, or even years of preparation
Method 2 of 4: Writing a Synopsis for a Non-Fiction Book

Step 1. Follow the specific guidelines provided
If you work for a particular library agency or publisher, you will need to ask or identify any specific synopsis writing guidelines that the agency or publisher has. Be sure to follow the format provided and submit it the way the agent or publisher wants your synopsis to be well received.
- If you're not sure, ask a library agent or publisher about the length, format, and style of synopsis they use.
- In writing a synopsis, even as a class assignment, make sure you follow the instructions or guidelines given by the teacher.

Step 2. Provide a summary of the book
As in writing a synopsis for a work of fiction, you will need to provide a summary of the content for a non-fiction work.
Focus on explaining your argument clearly, and explaining why the book in question that the reviewer needs to be published. Make arguments about some of the things that make your book important

Step 3. Outline the layout of the book
Even if you haven't finished reading (or writing) the book, you should still be able to outline the structure of the book in your synopsis. Break the book into chapters (with tentative chapter titles) so that the library agent or publisher can understand where the book is headed.
You can also provide a short description for each chapter (in a sentence or two)

Step 4. Explain how your book differs from other books (within the same theme or genre)
In your synopsis, explain what makes your book different from other books on a similar theme or topic. Also, explain how you presented your theme or topic differently.
- For example, does the book you write offer a unique perspective or new mindset on the topic being discussed?
- List the names of the authors and publications of the book, and explain the authenticity of your project/work.
- Also, explain why you are a particularly good or worthy writer for the work.

Step 5. Talk about the market for written books
The publisher will review your book and try to determine its market and target audience. Therefore, provide space in the synopsis to discuss your expected target market for the book you are writing.
- Include information in that section regarding bookstores that have the potential to sell your book. This helps the publisher to assess whether the book will gain readers or an audience when sold in the store, as well as the right way to sell your book.
- Think about whether you think there are some groups who are interested in reading the book. For example, think about whether the book will be used in a particular course, or whether there is a specific event (eg a historic anniversary) associated with the book and allowing sales to be made at that event.

Step 6. Create and review your schedule
Many non-fiction books are accepted by publishers (even if the writing isn't finished), but you still need to have a clear timeline of writing progress in the synopsis.
Explain what has been completed and estimate when your manuscript will be ready

Step 7. Provide additional details
You will need to include other details in the synopsis (eg word count estimates) and explain whether or not you need illustrations for the book. The more information about the structure and format included, the easier it will be for the publisher to determine whether they can accept your project/work.

Step 8. Promote your qualifications
To make the synopsis more 'strong', share your interesting and unique qualifications, and help in the process of writing the book.
While education and training are important things to mention, also think about whether there are things from your background that publishers or readers might find interesting

Step 9. Ask for feedback
As with any writing activity, sharing a draft synopsis with others can help you improve your word usage and make your synopsis clearer and more engaging. Ask friends, family members, or coworkers for feedback on your synopsis.
You don't have to be a specialist in the field or topic behind a book to determine whether a synopsis is interesting or worth reading. So don't worry if you don't find someone who is an expert in the field or topic raised in your synopsis or book
Method 3 of 4: Avoiding Common Mistakes

Step 1. Don't write a synopsis from the main character's point of view
Synopsis should be written from a third person point of view, not from the point of view of the main characters. In addition, for writing synopsis in several other languages with a special time system (eg English tenses or past particles for Japanese or Korean), usually the synopsis is written in the present tense.
For example, instead of writing “I go to the beachfront villa every summer,” you might write, “Susan goes on a beach vacation every summer.”

Step 2. Reduce the number of words in the synopsis
Keep in mind that the synopsis must be short so that sentences that are too long and convoluted are one of the common mistakes in writing a synopsis. Even if you feel reluctant to cut dialogue and reduce the number of words, cutting or cutting sections can help you create a synopsis that is neater and more readable.
- Consider whether the details are highly relevant to the synopsis or whether they can, in fact, be removed. If the reader can still understand what the book's content would be like without those details, remove those details from the synopsis.
- Usually, dialogue doesn't have to be included in the synopsis, but if you do, limit the length of the dialogue and make sure the dialogue that is included can show important turning points or character developments.
- Don't be overly overwhelmed by lyrical or complex writing. Such writing will take up a lot of space. In addition, you also need to focus your energy use on using the right words and drawing clear conclusions for your book. When you reread your synopsis, ask yourself if there is a clearer or more appropriate word to replace the word used in the synopsis.

Step 3. Don't 'leave' too many details of the main character or reveal the secondary characters
You may have spent a lot of time developing the characters in the story, including their backgrounds. However, the synopsis is not the place to look at all the details on the characters and get to know each character.
Include just enough character details to make the character look interesting and explain its relationship to other characters. In the synopsis, a few phrases are usually sufficient to describe who the character is and his background

Step 4. Do not analyze and interpret the theme of the book
Synopsis is made to be a summary or brief overview of the book so don't be tempted to include an analysis or literary interpretation of the hidden themes or meanings in the book. Synopsis is not the place to talk about these things.

Step 5. Don't include unanswered or rhetorical questions in the synopsis
While it may be tempting to build suspense and leave some questions unanswered (or, at least, to make rhetorical questions), they can distract readers from your synopsis.
For example, don't write "Did Reza find out the motorcycle gang member who beat his sister?" Instead of listing such questions, include the answers to those questions in your synopsis

Step 6. Don't make a synopsis that only summarizes the basic plot of the story
You need to create a synopsis that can grab the attention of readers and make them want to read the entire work you wrote. The brief summary of the basic plot of the story will only make the reader feel like he is reading a boring technical manual.
- Therefore, try to include more emotion and detail in the synopsis by showing the feelings of the characters in the book/novel.
- If you feel like you're just writing things like “This happened, then it happened, and finally, this happened,” it's time to pause and rewrite the synopsis when you feel fresher or better. Don't let the written synopsis feel boring like the arrangement of a sports competition.
- When writing a synopsis, some writers suggest pretending to explain a book to your friends, just as you would describe a very interesting film. Eliminate things that are too trivial or boring and focus on the things that are the main highlights of the book.
Method 4 of 4: Formatting a Book Synopsis

Step 1. Double the spaces when writing the synopsis
If the synopsis is longer than one page, double the document spacing. This way, the library agent can read your synopsis more easily.

Step 2. Make sure you include the title of the book and, of course, your name as the author of the book
When you are rushing to finish a synopsis, sometimes you forget to include the title of the book and your name. Therefore, make sure both information is listed on each page, in the upper left corner.
If the library agent likes your synopsis, make sure they know your contact person

Step 3. Use a standard typeface
Even if you're tempted to use a fancier typeface, it's a good idea to stick to a standard typeface like Times New Roman. Besides being easy to read, the font can be opened and displayed on various devices.
If you type using a certain typeface, keep using the same typeface for the synopsis made to match the typeface. When submitting a synopsis, you may also include an example chapter so that if you use the same typeface for both the book and the chapter, the two attachments sent will look like one matching package

Step 4. Make paragraphs indent
Even though the synopsis is a short document, don't let the submitted synopsis look like what you just wrote (eg when you write a diary freely, whatever comes to mind). So that the synopsis doesn't look like that, you need to indent paragraphs in so that your synopsis looks neat and organized.

Step 5. Pay attention to the rules regarding the length of the synopsis
Synopsis length rules vary, depending on the library agency or publishing company you are referring to. Make sure you follow the rules given or ask a library agent or publisher about the length rules they use.
- Some authors suggest writing five pages long to start. After that, compress and shorten the document if needed.
- Prepare to follow different length rules by first preparing one-page and three-page synopsis. When the rules for the length of the synopsis to follow are different, you can at least change the one-page or three-page version of the synopsis easily.
- Begin writing the synopsis by summarizing each chapter into one to two pages. After that, link each chapter summary.
- A good way to write a book synopsis is to pretend to be telling your friends about the book, as if you were talking about an interesting movie. Focus on the important parts and skip the details or parts of the plot that you feel are not important.
- Write a synopsis using the third person point of view, not the point of view of the characters in the book/novel in question.
- Pay attention to and follow the rules of writing length or special format given by the library agent or publisher.