Hibiscus or hibiscus is a tropical shrub known for having large, colorful flowers. Hibiscus loves warm temperatures and usually can't survive freezing weather. If you live in a cold climate, just grow the hibiscus in a pot and place it indoors. When planted outside, the showy hibiscus flowers will attract hummingbirds and butterflies. Make sure the hibiscus gets a few hours of direct sunlight each day to keep the plant blooming throughout the season.
Method 1 of 2: Caring for Hibiscus Indoors

Step 1. Plant the hibiscus in a pot filled with light loamy soil
Hibiscus does not require a special soil mixture, but prefers light growing media such as loam and peat moss. A standard ready-to-plant soil mix is usually sufficient. You can create ideal soil conditions for hibiscus by mixing 1 part garden clay, 1 part peat moss, and 1 part fine sand or bark.
A mixture of 1 part coarse peat, 1 part composted bark, and 1 part rotted manure, plus a little Leca (lightweight expanded clay aggregate) and vermiculite, is also a good growing medium composition for hibiscus

Step 2. Make sure the pot or planting container has drain holes
Loamy soil has good water absorption capacity, but the pot or planting container must also have plenty of drainage holes. After watering, the planting medium must dry out completely to prevent root rot. Water the hibiscus, then monitor the water coming out of the drainage holes. Let the water drip onto the plastic tray under the pot.
Give the roots time to absorb any remaining water, but if water is still pooling in the tray after 12 hours, throw it away

Step 3. Keep the soil moist, but not soggy
Hibiscus needs a lot of water, especially during the hot months when the plant is flowering. Check the soil for moisture daily by touching the surface. If it feels dry, it means the plant must be watered. If it feels damp and a little soft, it means the soil is wet enough.
Excessive watering can cause the roots to rot. So always touch the soil before watering it again

Step 4. Flush with warm water
Never douse hibiscus with cold water. This one plant prefers water with temperatures around 35°C. Use a thermometer or touch the water with your hands before pouring it to check the temperature. Do not use water hotter than 35°C as hibiscus also does not like water that is too hot.

Step 5. Place it in a place that gets direct sunlight for several hours a day
Hibiscus flowers can grow without direct sunlight, but will not flower without being exposed to 1-2 hours of direct sunlight each day. Place the hibiscus in a bright window. Keep plants 2.5 to 5 cm from window panes as hot glass can damage foliage and flowers.
With sufficient sun exposure, hibiscus flowers will bloom all season long

Step 6. Fertilize weekly during the growing season
Hibiscus flowers can flower throughout the season and weekly fertilization will produce more flowers. Use a slow-release fertilizer such as 20-20-20 or 10-10-10, or a fertilizer specifically for hibiscus and apply it around the plant's roots. Look for fertilizers that contain trace elements such as iron and magnesium that can support plant and flower growth.
- You can also mix in a diluted solution of water-soluble fertilizer (half a dose or less) and add a small amount of fertilizer each time you water the plant.
- Do not over-fertilize because too much phosphorus can kill the hibiscus.
Method 2 of 2: Growing Hibiscus Outdoors

Step 1. Plant hibiscus flowers outdoors once the weather is favorable
The ideal temperature for hibiscus flowers to flower is 24 °C, although the plant can survive both warmer and colder weather. Hibiscus can not grow in places that are too cold. If the temperature drops below 7 °C, the plant is unlikely to survive.
Hibiscus can not survive in freezing temperatures

Step 2. Plant the hibiscus in a place that gets full sun
In tropical climates, you can grow hibiscus flowers outdoors in any season. Hibiscus is a tropical plant. So, this shrub loves humidity, warm temperatures, and 8-10 hours of direct sunlight each day. Hibiscus flowers can still grow in partially shaded environments, but will appear less healthy and flower less often.

Step 3. Make sure the soil absorbs water well before planting the hibiscus
This plant needs well-drained soil to thrive, and poorly drained soil will cause its roots to rot. To test soil drainage, dig a hole 30 cm wide and 30 cm deep. Fill the hole with water. If the water dries up in 10 minutes or less, the soil is draining well. If it takes an hour or more, it means the drainage is bad.
- To improve drainage, mix in organic matter such as weathered manure, compost, or peat moss.
- If the soil has good drainage, you don't need to add anything to the soil.

Step 4. Dig a hole to the same depth as the length of the root tissue
Measure the root tissue, then dig a hole to approximately the same depth. Make a hole at least 2 to 3 times wider than the root tissue. Carefully remove the hibiscus from the container and place it in the hole. Add soil around the plant until the hole is half filled. Flush the hole with plenty of water, let stand until the water is absorbed. After that, fill it with soil until it is full.
- Water the hibiscus thoroughly after planting in the soil.
- Plant hibiscus flowers 1 to 2 meters away from each other.

Step 5. Water the hibiscus 3 to 4 times a week with warm water
Hibiscus needs lots of water and prefers soil that is always moist, but not muddy. You can check the soil moisture by touching it. If it feels dry and hard, it means the plant needs watering. If the soil feels soft and moist to the touch, the hibiscus doesn't need to be watered that day.
- Touch the water before pouring it on the plants. Hibiscus does not like cold water. So, use water that feels warm, but not hot to the touch.
- Hibiscus needs a minimum of 2.5 cm of water every week.
- This plant prefers rainwater, but you can use tap water.

Step 6. Fertilize the hibiscus once every two weeks during the flowering season
Use a water-soluble or liquid fertilizer for best results. You can use a balanced fertilizer in a ratio of 10-10-10. Choose a type of organic fertilizer that contains elements such as potassium, iron, and magnesium. Apply fertilizer at the base of the plant every 2 weeks.
- Do not use chemical fertilizers for hibiscus.
- If you can find a fertilizer with a very low phosphorus content, such as a 10-4-12 or 9-3-13 ratio, use it.
- Do not fertilize too much because too much phosphorus can kill the plant.

Step 7. Check the plant weekly for aphids, whiteflies, or spider mites
These pests can be a problem for hibiscus grown outside. Observe the plant weekly for signs of pest attack. If you find one, apply horticultural oil or insecticidal soap to the affected area to get rid of it.
Do not use insecticides that contain imidacloprid as this can make spider mite infestations worse

Step 8. Prune the hibiscus
Pruning will keep the plant healthy and stimulate flower growth. Prune once a year. Leave 3 to 4 sturdy main stems on each plant. Discard about of the remaining sticks. Cut off all weak growth and branches that are growing to the side.