You can help save the environment by taking lots of small steps at home. Although the eco-footprint (a system that measures how much space, whether on land or water, is required by humans to generate resources and absorb the resulting waste) at each step is only small, it can make a huge difference if thousands of people do the same. When you make small changes to what you do at home, you are gradually making a difference, even if it's still on an individual level. You can save money and improve health at the same time. So, helping to save the environment is an exercise so you don't become a selfish person.
Method 1 of 6: Across the House

Step 1. Turn off the equipment when not in use
A TV that is not turned off can absorb up to 30% of the power used. So, buy a power strip (a cable connection that has several electrical sockets and a switch to turn off electricity) and turn off the equipment through this tool. Home appliances will not use energy when the power is cut off.

Step 2. Lower the thermostat a few degrees when it's cold
A thick blanket, in addition to keeping you comfortable, can also reduce electricity bills significantly.

Step 3. Make sure your house is tightly closed
A tightly closed house can help you control the hot and cold temperatures in the house. In addition to the ceiling, also cover the walls and the part under the floor.

Step 4. Take advantage of the window to adjust the temperature
- Keep doors and windows tightly closed to keep the room temperature warm when the weather is cold.
- Open windows when the weather is hot. The wind that enters the house can make the room cool and release stuffy air (air inside the house is usually more polluted than the air outside). Fresh air circulation in the house can save electricity costs because you do not need to turn on the air conditioner.

Step 5. Use a ceiling fan to replace the air conditioner to keep the room comfortable when the weather is hot

Step 6. Close the gap in the house
Cracks can reduce energy efficiency in the home. By closing the gaps around doors and windows, you are increasing your home's ability to retain heat and cold at the right time of year. This can minimize the use of heating or air conditioning.

Step 7. Switch to fluorescent light bulbs
This type of lamp is more durable and consumes only a quarter of the energy. Recently, LED lamps have also begun to improve their quality until they are up to 10 times more effective than fluorescent lamps. This really makes incandescent lamps to be out of the market.

Step 8. Turn off the lights
Always turn off lights when not in use. Turning on the lights in an unused room is a waste.

Step 9. Purchase rechargeable batteries for devices that you use frequently
Method 2 of 6: In the Kitchen

Step 1. Recycle unused items
Several regions have advised their residents to sort their waste into the categories of paper, glass, metal, and organic waste. While these suggestions may not yet be implemented in your area, create this trend by starting with yourself. Prepare 4 different bins, and dispose of the trash in the appropriate recycling containers.

Step 2. Avoid rinsing cutlery and drinking utensils before cleaning in the dishwasher
You can save a lot of water if you don't rinse your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. You can also save time (which is needed to heat the water) and energy used.

Step 3. Use cold water to wash and wash clothes if there are a lot of them
Instead of using hot water all the time, just use cold water. You should always use cold water at all times as this can save a lot of energy.

Step 4. Let the plate dry on its own
Do not use the dishwasher to dry cutlery. Leave the machine door slightly ajar (or wide open if there's room), then let the dishes dry on their own. Using a dryer in the machine will drain a lot of energy.

Step 5. Avoid creating trash
Do not use single-use products, such as plates, napkins, cups, and cutlery. Use reusable dish towels and cloths instead of disposable dish cleaning wipes and sponges.

Step 6. Replace the old refrigerator with a new one
The refrigerator is the home appliance that consumes the most energy. This means that a poorly maintained and energy-intensive refrigerator requires cost the big one. In addition, the refrigerator can also burden the earth's atmosphere. Energy consumption in a new refrigerator can save 40% than a refrigerator made 10 years ago. If you want to buy a new refrigerator, choose an energy-efficient refrigerator that has a good life and durability. Recycle your old refrigerator.
Method 3 of 6: In the Bathroom & Washing Machine

Step 1. Take a shower instead of soaking in the tub
The shower only uses very little water. Install an efficient shower head.

Step 2. Choose soaps and detergents that do not contain phosphates
Clean windows using a mixture of water and vinegar. Wash clothes in cold water so you don't have to waste energy heating them. When the weather is sunny, dry the laundry outside, do not use the dryer. Clothes will be fresher and cleaner from germs due to exposure to sunlight.

Step 3. Use a small flush in the toilet
If you only use 6 liters of water for each flush (instead of 13 liters), this can save more than half of the water.

Step 4. Try using tampons and (reusable) cloth pads when you are on your period
You can also use a menstrual cup (menstrual cup). This can reduce the number of sanitary napkins used and the cost of taking them to landfill.
Method 4 of 6: On Computer

Step 1. Use recycled paper to print the document
Print it on both sides of the paper and give the kids scraps of paper, or use them as notepads on the telephone table.

Step 2. Shut down the computer every day
Although it may seem like no difference, this action can save energy. You will also reduce the risk of overheating (the computer overheats) or a short circuit if the computer is turned off at night.
Method 5 of 6: In the Garage

Step 1. Leave the car at home
If possible, leave the car at home so as not to add pollution to the atmosphere. Go to the store on foot, or use public transportation to get to work. You can also use a bicycle to go to a friend's house. Join a carpool (a gathering of several people to take one car together in turn) and use the ferry to get to work instead of a solo car ride. You can get to know other people and save money.

Step 2. Buy a car that is fuel efficient if you want to change cars
Choose a compact car (a compact car), not an SUV/Sport Utility Vehicle (a car that is able to pass through various terrains, both off-road and on-road). An SUV requires twice as much fuel as a station wagon (a sedan-based car whose rear roof extends above the trunk), but the number of passengers it can carry is the same.

Step 3. Consider living without a car
If you are really serious about living an eco-friendly life, don't use a car. Apart from being eco-friendly, it can also save you a lot of money!

Step 4. Keep your bike in good condition
Don't let the condition of the bike be used as an excuse that makes you not want to use it. Take good care of your bike to keep you in shape.

Step 5. Dispose of workshop items carefully
Do not carelessly dispose of paint, oil, pesticides, and other objects that are no longer in use because the residue can settle in waterways. Follow the rules set by the government in your area to dispose of these items, or take them to a landfill if there is no other option.
Method 6 of 6: In the Garden

Step 1. Plant native species
Plants native to your area don't require much watering, are tougher (so they don't need anything to protect them), and can attract wildlife. In addition, this plant has also become accustomed to the weather conditions in your area.

Step 2. Plant a tree
Trees absorb carbon dioxide and provide shade. In addition, trees can reduce soil and air temperatures, and can be used as a home for wildlife. Trees can also bring you a bountiful harvest. What other advantages could you want?!

Step 3. Reduce the lawn
You can reduce the page area or eliminate it altogether. Lawn maintenance is expensive, and the chemicals used can be harmful to the health of humans and animals in the vicinity. Lawn mowers are also highly polluting. Replace grass with shrubs, garden decorations, paving for entertainment areas, grass and vines native to your area, etc.. Also, going outside to pick strawberries and harvest corn is a lot of fun. Increase endurance by turning a useless lawn into a vegetable garden. Try using a drip irrigation system or making/buying rainfed barrels (this saves money because you don't have to pump water to irrigate your garden).

Step 4. Make compost
Compost kitchen waste and create a fertile planting medium so plants can grow well. Make sure the compost pile is kept warm and keep stirring it regularly. Read books on how to make compost because not many people are experts in this field! Remember that soil is a living thing and should not be left dry. Life comes from the soil so you have to keep it alive. If possible, don't cultivate the soil invasively, but keep the soil loose so that air can enter freely.
- Instead of buying a printed book, try visiting the library or making an exchange with other people. If you want to buy a book, buy an eBook (electronic book). Try visiting for eBooks on environmental education and eco-friendly living.
- Do not burn garbage because it can cause air pollution.
- Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth. This simple action can save a lot of water.
- Reduce waste before you recycle! Buy products that are biodegradable and minimize the use of bags when you buy products in stores. Bring a reusable bag.
- If you or someone you know doesn't understand the "meaning" of the actions described in this article, watch or show them some movies such as An Inconvenient Truth, Who Killed the Electric Car?, and The Day After Tomorrow to show the effect of what will happen if we do not act to save the environment.
- Growing our own food can reduce the number of containers we have to use, and the fumes that come from transporting vehicles. In addition, plants also produce more oxygen which is needed by the environment.
- Calculate your ecological footprint via the internet. Many sites provide this service. Once calculated, see what you can do to reduce the impact your home has on the environment.