Usually, you will lose weight if the calories expended by the body are greater than the calories in. This means that you have to burn calories that come in or consume fewer calories that come from food and snacks. Many people who want to lose weight reduce their calorie intake in their diet and burn calories by exercising. While regular exercise is beneficial for weight loss, it can be an impractical option for some people who have health problems, don't have much time, or simply don't like exercising. However, research shows that if you want to lose weight, diet has a far more important effect than exercise. Reducing your calorie intake by changing your diet is easier than burning large amounts of calories by exercising. By making some changes to your diet and lifestyle, you can lose weight effectively and safely without having to exercise.
Method 1 of 3: Changing Diet to Lose Weight

Step 1. Calculate your calorie intake
You have to change your total calorie intake if you want to lose weight. Counting calorie intake and paying attention to the number of calories consumed can help you lose weight. In general, if you want to lose 0.45 kg to 0.9 kg per week, you should reduce approximately 500-750 calories each day.
- Find out the number of calories you can reduce from your daily diet by calculating in advance the number of calories you should consume each day. Search the internet for a calorie calculator and enter your weight, height, age and daily activity level to calculate your recommended calorie intake. Not everyone is the same, so it's a good idea to know the recommended amount for you.
- Do not consume less than 1200 calories in a day. A diet that is too low in calories puts you at risk for nutritional deficiencies because you are not eating enough food to meet your daily vitamin, mineral, and protein needs.
- You have to stay realistic. You may not be able to lose weight quickly because you don't include exercise. It really doesn't make sense if you have to reduce your intake of 1,000 or 1,500 calories a day in order to lose 0.9 kg in a week. Your body will go into starvation mode and have to survive on very few calories, which will eventually interfere with the weight loss process.

Step 2. Write down your meal plan
If you have to burn calories without exercising, cut back on calories from food to help you lose weight. By writing a meal plan, you can plan all the meals and snacks that you have to eat and determine whether or not they exceed the calorie range you have set.
- Take the time to jot down all the foods, snacks, and drinks you consume over a period of several days or a week.
- Allocate a certain number of calories to each meal. For example: breakfast of 300 calories, two large meals of 500 calories, and one to two snacks of 100 calories. This division will help you to choose the type of food you want to enjoy for the big meals and snacks of the day.
- Each day, include foods that come from the five food groups. Review your meal plan to make sure you're eating adequate amounts of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean protein, and dairy.
- By planning meals and snacks well in advance, you will avoid eating a nutrient-poor meal when you are in a hurry.
- Keep treats easily accessible and ready to go in the fridge, car, bag, or backpack.

Step 3. Eat a balanced diet
Foods that are calorie controlled and include the five food groups are a good foundation for healthy weight loss. Some types of foods that you should include almost every day include:
- Vegetables and fruits. This type of food is solid, makes the stomach full, low in fat, and low in calories. Besides being great for slimming your waist, vegetables and fruits also contain lots of minerals, vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants that you need for long-term health. Try to keep 1/2 of your diet from vegetables and/or fruits.
- Lean protein. Foodstuffs such as eggs, poultry, pork, beef, beans, tofu, and dairy products are good sources of lean protein. Protein can keep you full for a longer time and reduce the desire to eat food. Aim to eat 85 to 114 grams of protein at each meal. This is roughly the size of a deck of cards.
- Whole grains (whole grains). Whole grain foods are high in fiber as well as a number of vitamins and minerals. Some examples of whole grains that should be included in your diet include quinoa, oats, brown rice, millet, and 100% whole wheat pasta and bread. Limit consumption of whole grains to approximately 1/2 cup or 28 grams at each meal.

Step 4. Eat healthy snacks
Eating one to two low-calorie snacks is the right thing to do if you're trying to lose weight. Snacks can often help support your weight loss program.
- The best time to snack is five or six hours between meals. Sometimes, not eating for too long can make it difficult for you to stick to your meal plan or meal plan because you may be too hungry.
- Most snacks included in a weight loss plan should be calorie restricted. Try to keep your snacks only 100 to 200 calories.
- Examples of healthy snacks include: 1/4 cup nuts, one serving of Greek yogurt, one hard-boiled egg or celery and peanut butter.

Step 5. Practice healthy cooking techniques
Do not spoil the nutritional content of food with poor cooking methods. Cooking with a lot of oil, butter, or sauces and seasonings that are high in fat can frustrate or slow down your weight loss efforts.
- Try cooking methods that use little or no added fat. Good cooking methods include: steaming, broiling, braising (slow cooking), grilling and boiling.
- Switch to extra virgin olive oil or canola oil. When used to replace saturated fats (such as butter), these healthy monounsaturated fats can help improve blood cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease and obesity.
- Avoid cooking techniques such as: frying with a lot of oil (deep fat frying) or with a little oil (pan frying). Also avoid cooking using a lot of butter, oil, or margarine.

Step 6. Drink adequate amounts of fluids
It is also important to lose weight is to keep the body is not dehydrated. Thirst often feels the same as hunger, triggering your desire to eat. Drink adequate amounts of fluids to avoid this mistake and facilitate a weight loss program.
- Aim to drink about 2 liters or about eight glasses of clear, sugar-free liquids each day. This is a general recommendation, but a good starting point.
- Some types of fluids that you can consume every day include: plain water, flavored plain water without sugar, unsweetened tea, and coffee without sugar or cream.

Step 7. Avoid sugary drinks and alcoholic beverages
Sugary drinks and alcoholic beverages are high in calories, which can ruin your weight loss program. If you still want to continue to lose weight, you should completely avoid it.
- Sugary drinks to avoid include: plain soda, sweetened tea, sweetened coffee, and sports drink juices.
- Women may only drink a maximum of one drink or less of alcoholic beverages a day and men may only drink a maximum of two or less drinks a day. Again, if you still want to continue to lose weight, avoid alcohol completely.
Method 2 of 3: Maintaining the Weight You Have Achieved

Step 1. Weigh yourself once or twice a week
When you're trying to lose weight, it's important to monitor your progress. Weighing regularly can help you to see how effective your diet program is and whether you need to make changes or not.
- Remember that a safe weight loss is approximately 0.4 kg to 0.9 kg in a week. You have to be patient with the progress you make. In the long run, your weight loss will tend to be slow and steady.
- To get the most accurate weight loss figures, we recommend weighing yourself at the same time, on the same day and in the same clothes (or weigh yourself naked).
- If you can't lose any more weight or start to gain weight, review your meal plan and food journal and see if you can cut calories even more to keep the weight off.

Step 2. Find a group that can support your program
Ask family members, friends, or coworkers to support your weight loss efforts so you can continue your weight loss program and keep it off in the long term. Create a support group so you don't deviate from the plan you have set.
- Find out if other people you know are also looking to lose weight. Many people find it easier to lose weight when done with other people in a group.
- Also try to find online support groups or support groups where you can see each other in person on a weekly or monthly basis.
- You can work with a licensed dietitian, as he or she can tailor your meal plans and provide ongoing support.

Step 3. Give yourself a gift
Getting motivation and attractive rewards if you reach the end goal you set can help you to work hard until the end. Set an attractive reward for yourself if you can achieve the desired goal. Some examples of gifts that you can apply include:
- Buy yourself new shoes or clothes.
- Buy yourself tickets to a football match or other favorite sport.
- Get a massage or other spa treatment.
- Don't give food-related gifts, as they can trigger old habits that may not be good for your weight loss efforts.
Method 3 of 3: Changing Your Lifestyle to Lose Weight

Step 1. Start a food journal
Keeping track of the foods, snacks and drinks you consume can help motivate you to stay on track. In addition, people who keep a journal are usually able to lose a greater amount of weight and keep it off longer than people who don't log their food.
- You can also purchase a journal or download a food journal app. Try to keep track of your meals for as long as possible. Again, the more often you keep track of the foods you eat, the less likely you are to get off track and stick to the meal plans you've made.
- Keep track of your food journal. This can be a good resource for evaluating whether the diet is working well and whether it is effective for your weight loss.

Step 2. Get enough rest
It is recommended that you sleep for seven to nine hours each night for overall health. Adequate sleep is also important for weight loss. Research shows that those who sleep less than six or seven hours each night or have poor quality sleep, have a heavier body than people who get adequate rest.
- Go to bed early. If you have to get up early, try going to bed earlier to help increase your total sleep time.
- For a restful, undisturbed sleep, remove all electronic devices (such as computers or cell phones) from your bedroom.
- Practice clean sleep so you can get the most out of your sleep activities.

Step 3. Increase your basic physical activity
Basic activities are routine activities that you do every day, such as climbing stairs, walking to and from a parked vehicle, and doing daily tasks. This type of activity doesn't burn too many calories, but it can help support your weight loss efforts.
- While you can lose weight without going to the gym or exercising regularly, it's definitely better if you're fairly active. You can lose more weight, improve your mood, or increase your energy by simply increasing your basic activity.
- Increase basic daily activities. Some things you can try include: parking a vehicle further away, using the stairs instead of the elevator, standing during commercial breaks, or sending messages to coworkers in person instead of e-mail.
- Encourage social gatherings that can make you a little more active. Frisbee golf, swimming, or a picnic with friends in the park are activities that can keep you active (and a breath of fresh air). If the weather is constrained, do indoor activities such as dancing.
- Although the calories out must be greater than the calories in when you want to lose weight, you should also consume calories from a balanced diet. Eat the right amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fat so that your body gets everything it needs.
- Carry a bottle of water with you at all times. With this, you will think that drinking water is a must and will gradually become a very good habit.
- Don't skip breakfast! Breakfast will speed up your body's engines in the morning, boost your metabolism, and get you ready for the day's activities.
- Whenever you feel hungry, try drinking water until your hunger is gone. Often times, the hunger we feel is actually thirst. Water has no calories so it doesn't interfere with your diet plan. Water also helps you to lose weight.
- Drink water before eating, so you don't feel too hungry.