How to Draw Toothless (with Pictures)

How to Draw Toothless (with Pictures)
How to Draw Toothless (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Learn two ways to draw Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon! You can do this by following these simple steps.


Method 1 of 2: Toothless (Regular)

Draw Toothless Step 1
Draw Toothless Step 1

Step 1. Draw a medium-sized circle in the center of the top of the paper

Draw Toothless Step 2
Draw Toothless Step 2

Step 2. Create a long egg-shaped oval (with a vertical orientation) that intersects with the circle image

Draw Toothless Step 3
Draw Toothless Step 3

Step 3. Draw a pair of small egg-shaped ovals below the large one

Both should intersect with a large oval on each side.

Draw Toothless Step 4
Draw Toothless Step 4

Step 4. Outline the forelegs and wings of Toothless

Draw Toothless Step 5
Draw Toothless Step 5

Step 5. Draw a guide line for the face (a vertical line with two horizontal lines running across it, forming a kind of double-striped plus sign)

These lines will serve as guides for drawing Toothless's eyes.

Draw Toothless Step 6
Draw Toothless Step 6

Step 6. Using the outline guides of the face, draw Toothless's eyes and nose (in this image, he is looking down)

Draw Toothless Step 7
Draw Toothless Step 7

Step 7. Form Toothless's big ears and two small horns on the top of his head

Draw a dotted line from the forehead to the back of the head, to imitate the scales of a lizard.

Draw Toothless Step 8
Draw Toothless Step 8

Step 8. Create the Toothless forelegs with the nails on the bottom

Draw Toothless Step 9
Draw Toothless Step 9

Step 9. Draw Toothless's hind legs and claws

Draw Toothless Step 10
Draw Toothless Step 10

Step 10. Form the folded Toothless wings to resemble the wings of a bat

Draw Toothless Step 11
Draw Toothless Step 11

Step 11. Erase the auxiliary lines that are no longer needed

Draw Toothless Step 12
Draw Toothless Step 12

Step 12. Color the image according to your taste

Note: Toothless's entire body is blackish gray.

Method 2 of 2: Toothless (Cartoon)

Draw Toothless Step 13
Draw Toothless Step 13

Step 1. Near the bottom and left side of the paper, draw a large horizontal oval for Toothless's head

Draw Toothless Step 14
Draw Toothless Step 14

Step 2. Create a larger diagonal oval (orientation from southwest to northeast)

It intersects with the first oval shape.

Draw Toothless Step 15
Draw Toothless Step 15

Step 3. For the legs, draw a pine nut-shaped oval between the heads and stick to the larger ovals

Draw Toothless Step 16
Draw Toothless Step 16

Step 4. Make an oval shape for one of the hind legs

Draw guide lines for the Toothless wings.

Draw Toothless Step 17
Draw Toothless Step 17

Step 5. Draw the Toothless tail protruding from behind the body

At the end, draw a shape resembling a fish tail.

Draw Toothless Step 18
Draw Toothless Step 18

Step 6. On the head, provide a guide line for drawing the face (that is, one vertical line with two horizontal lines intersecting it, forming a double-lined plus sign)

These two lines will serve as guides for drawing Toothless's eyes.

Draw Toothless Step 19
Draw Toothless Step 19

Step 7. Outline Toothless's head as well as its scaly forehead, long ears, and horns

Draw the front legs. Don't forget the claws.

Draw Toothless Step 20
Draw Toothless Step 20

Step 8. Using the face guide lines, create the big Toothless cartoon eyes and small nostrils

In the southwest corner of the head, form a small smile.

Draw Toothless Step 21
Draw Toothless Step 21

Step 9. Finish drawing the rest of the Toothless legs

Draw Toothless Step 22
Draw Toothless Step 22

Step 10. Begin to complete the entire sketch of Toothless's body, wings, and tail details

Draw Toothless Step 23
Draw Toothless Step 23

Step 11. Delete the auxiliary lines that are no longer needed

Draw Toothless Step 24
Draw Toothless Step 24

Step 12. Color the image as desired

Note: Toothless's entire body is blackish gray.
